Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

IN your edit you said, "hmmm, that turned out weird, I don't know how to re quote a quote:( "
I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you ;)

Ok not really. Go to the rich text editor (the dialog box you write your text in). In the upper left corner you'll see A/A click that. That will expose the markup language VBulletin uses and there you are.


Well-Known Member
At 6'3" 185, that's literally so.

Precisely, I only made it once ;)

You two are too cute :) It gives me hope for humanity to see two people be so supportive and sweet.

See now here's a man that knows how to appreciate a woman!

Got the nickname when I was a bit over 300#, a regular "jolly fellow" if you will...


Yeah, I've never really been accused of supporting anyone's belief in humanity. I don't think that's normal!


Well-Known Member
toasted wheat bread with butter and peanut butter is not the same as a half a rack of ribs and old friends to smoke my pot with. They think I know some old grower I tell everyone I get my Ganja from.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
also has anyone else noticed that everyone on the internet is 6'3" and over? And has anyone ever meet someone who said they were 6'2"? I've never met nor heard of such a person existing.


Ursus marijanus
also has anyone else noticed that everyone on the internet is 6'3" and over? And has anyone ever meet someone who said they were 6'2"? I've never met nor heard of such a person existing.
The shame of age and gravity. I'm down to 6'1". Poor, poor me. cn


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
also has anyone else noticed that everyone on the internet is 6'3" and over? And has anyone ever meet someone who said they were 6'2"? I've never met nor heard of such a person existing.
Oooh oooh oooh!!! Waving hand in air. I know one and he's RIGHT Here! LOL

(PS I'll rep you if you know who I'm impersonating --first correct answer wins the rep LOL)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
That "taco in a bag", and "pizza in a bag," and a few others are prison staples. There are actually prison cook books now. It's funny how when a couple ex-cons around start talking about 'cooking' in prison, all the people that haven't served time just HAVE to try it. Like peanut butter and bananas on moon pies, heated either on your hot pot, or over your coffee mug during count -- perfect pre-workout breakfast.
I've eaten my share of what passes for institutional nutrition! I'd be happy if I never ate another bite of that for the rest of eternity!


Well-Known Member
And you're down to 185? I was skin and bones at 190, you a string bean? ;-)
Actually pretty buff. Mostly arms, shoulders, back and legs. LoL, I threw up a pic of me (with a nice slipknot face edit) in the pics of yourself thread a few months back. It's funny, cuz when I did time as a youth, I couldn't get over 160, but, after 4 years, I could press almost 400#. I was a size 26 until I hit 28 years old, was told I'd be dead in 3 years when I was 36, and I'm a sexy beast, at 39.

toasted wheat bread with butter and peanut butter is not the same as a half a rack of ribs and old friends to smoke my pot with. They think I know some old grower I tell everyone I get my Ganja from.:bigjoint:
That's my hood story. I know this "old hippie dude, I did time with." Everyone wants to meet him, I tell them he's scared to meet new people, cuz he did years in solitary. That dinner doesn't sound so bad. Especially if ya' smoke first. When fights interfere with life, it sucks. If yer lady smokes, pass it to her... Life's too short to stay pissed.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
also has anyone else noticed that everyone on the internet is 6'3" and over? And has anyone ever meet someone who said they were 6'2"? I've never met nor heard of such a person existing.
I'm just telling you what it says on my drivers license, you want me to say I'm 6'2" and 13/16th of an inch tall? Would that make you feel better? :-P


Well-Known Member
I'm just telling you what it says on my drivers license, you want me to say I'm 6'2" and 13/16th of an inch tall? Would that make you feel better? :-P
Was gonna' say "want me to post my driver's license?" And then I remembered, I'm not retarded. If it makes ya' feel better, Kinetic... I slouch something awful. I come in under 6'2" if I'm not standing straight.


Well-Known Member
My favorite part is at 1:13. There was a tape a friend had in the early 90's that had an extended version of the freak out part.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I'm going to hit the garage sales tomorrow, hopefully it won't be like last weekend. AD in the paper says lots of misc, I show up and it's nothing but clothes:cuss:that's all anyone was selling last weekend, what a waste.

Got a nice 6.5 HP mower last month for $20 though.