Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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yeah man... weed.

but i would have to have a vegetable patch some chickens, some wabbits and a couple goats

man does not live by Lambsbread alone.
How about we use this thread to compile a list of Ganga foods you can live off for say 7 solid days (given the OP, preferably containing GM ingredients ;) )
I watch a couple of episodes of Naked Castaway. A former British Army Capt. dropped off inside the reef, no clothes, no knife, no nothing. (gps emergency armband, and a small case of cameras and batteries.)

I was a little surprised and he was too, it seems. That is not so easy. In fact, I'm not sure he made the test. I haven't seen any more episodes. Here is 40 acre Island off Bora Bora, way off. Has goats, even. He barely found his little water rivlet in time.

38 hrs with no water. And he ate mostly raw snails, though he finally made a friction fire after day 8. He never had enough energy to chase goats, swim for fish, or explore for food was dog sick within 5 days.

He ate taro leaves, instead of digging up and pounding and then cooking the tuber, he was so hungry and lacked water. He knew he said, that was a bad thing, but before he was really aware, of anything past FOOD!!!, he was swallowing green taro leaf. Then he was really sick.

I can live quite well on occasional curry and occasional steak, but, I don't think I could live on Ganga. Damn. :)
I watch a couple of episodes of Naked Castaway. A former British Army Capt. dropped off inside the reef, no clothes, no knife, no nothing. (gps emergency armband, and a small case of cameras and batteries.)

I was a little surprised and he was too, it seems. That is not so easy. In fact, I'm not sure he made the test. I haven't seen any more episodes. Here is 40 acre Island off Bora Bora, way off. Has goats, even. He barely found his little water rivlet in time.

38 hrs with no water. And he ate mostly raw snails, though he finally made a friction fire after day 8. He never had enough energy to chase goats, swim for fish, or explore for food was dog sick within 5 days.

He ate taro leaves, instead of digging up and pounding and then cooking the tuber, he was so hungry and lacked water. He knew he said, that was a bad thing, but before he was really aware, of anything past FOOD!!!, he was swallowing green taro leaf. Then he was really sick.

I can live quite well on occasional curry and occasional steak, but, I don't think I could live on Ganga. Damn. :)

naked castaway was one of the few tv shows worth watching in the past couple years.

despite it's abnormally high dude-ass content

im totally tuned in for the inevitable spinoff Naked America's Next Top Model Castaway imma watch that shit like im writing my doctoral thesis on it.
naked castaway was one of the few tv shows worth watching in the past couple years.

despite it's abnormally high dude-ass content

im totally tuned in for the inevitable spinoff Naked America's Next Top Model Castaway imma watch that shit like im writing my doctoral thesis on it.

I just had a major Xfinity melt down, bad X1 box. (nice box) But, now I need to see if I can get back to it.

I like Suvivorman. Cody?...I'm sure, first thing, I'd trod on his toe, "accidentally." :)

Yeah he is nekid, so what?

I'm sorry it pricked your attention....:)
Much of the cheap meat and dairy produce sold in supermarkets across Europe is arriving as a result of serious human rights abuses and environmental damage in one of Latin America's most impoverished countries.

In this film, produced by the Ecologist Film Unit in conjunction with coalition of pressure groups including Friends of the Earth, Food and Water Watch and Via Campesina, documents the experiences of some of those caught up in Paraguay's growing conflict over soy farming.

It also reveals, for the first time, how intensive animal farming across the EU, including the UK, is fuelling the problem. To read the article that goes with this video go to:

Why Eating NON-GMO Foods is Absolutely Important

We have heard people talking about None GMO products and the hype... but what about the facts... what about the long term impact of GMO foods.
Here are a few things people should know about GMO foods.
Even during studies that were approved male rats feed GMO foods gained 11% in body fat and triglycerides went up 40% and had pathology of the liver and the kidneys.
And studies show that GMO foods contain pesticide residues that can cause problems later in life. It’s a question of chronic toxicity... not short term toxicity that was approved by the FDA. Some of these pesticide residues have been shown to disrupt hormonal balance and create chronic problems at levels 1000 times less than found GMO crops.

Results of multiple studies have shown that long term intake of these foods could result in reproductive, pancreas, kidney, and liver disease. Also DNA from GMO foods don’t always break down in the gut, thus these crops may create antibiotic resistance to every antibiotic that we have on the planet... thus creating super bugs that could rage out of control.
Even in the rats studied with GMO foods more than 1/3rd had necrotic lesions of their gut lining causing bleeding... thus causing a huge health risk to elderly people and the public in general. 1/6th of the animals used in studies with GMO tomatoes died... and these deaths were never studied at all.
Mice feed GMO potatoes had the cells of their gut disrupted, mitochondrial damage (cellular damage) and a significant increase in crypt paneth cells which are cells that try to protect the lining of the gut. In other studies animals given GMO potatoes had increased thickening of the lining of the stomach.
Like DDT and Alar which decades later became powerful health risks... GMO foods too stand as a powerful health risk if not studied deeply over long periods of time.
Rabbits given GMO soy had heart and kidney enzyme problems, and other studies show markers for long term chronic disease problems later in life. Yet there are no requirements for long term studies of GMO products.
Rats feed GMO corn were very slow growing, became fat, and had damage to their kidneys, liver, and blood chemistries were not normal, and they had high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and more... and both young mice and old mice all had immune system dysfunctions.
Also sheep feed GMO foods for 3 generations had cellular damage of their livers and pancreas. Rats feed GMO rice starting drinking lots of water, much more than normal and at the same time had changes in immune response, changes in their blood chemistries, and the bacteria in their gut were different with an over growth of coliform bacteria... plus all these rats had large adrenal glands, uterus, and testicles... and none of this happened with Non-GMO rice.
Also when studies where conducted looking for traces of GMO foods in honey, almost all of the containers contained traces of pollen from GMO crops. And mice feed GMO peas had powerful allergic reactions to egg white protein... and the control groups had no reactions at all.
Many scientists say the genetic engineering foods is not precise... that we cannot predicted what the long term health risks of GMO foods will be.
Also there are powerful effects on the land, soil, and the environment. Plus biodiversity is important, when one genetic strain of a particular food has a problem... biodiversity will sustain our planet.

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at - feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at
Much of the cheap meat and dairy produce sold in supermarkets across Europe is arriving as a result of serious human rights abuses and environmental damage in one of Latin America's most impoverished countries.

In this film, produced by the Ecologist Film Unit in conjunction with coalition of pressure groups including Friends of the Earth, Food and Water Watch and Via Campesina, documents the experiences of some of those caught up in Paraguay's growing conflict over soy farming.

It also reveals, for the first time, how intensive animal farming across the EU, including the UK, is fuelling the problem. To read the article that goes with this video go to:

Why Eating NON-GMO Foods is Absolutely Important

We have heard people talking about None GMO products and the hype... but what about the facts... what about the long term impact of GMO foods.
Here are a few things people should know about GMO foods.
Even during studies that were approved male rats feed GMO foods gained 11% in body fat and triglycerides went up 40% and had pathology of the liver and the kidneys.
And studies show that GMO foods contain pesticide residues that can cause problems later in life. It’s a question of chronic toxicity... not short term toxicity that was approved by the FDA. Some of these pesticide residues have been shown to disrupt hormonal balance and create chronic problems at levels 1000 times less than found GMO crops.

Results of multiple studies have shown that long term intake of these foods could result in reproductive, pancreas, kidney, and liver disease. Also DNA from GMO foods don’t always break down in the gut, thus these crops may create antibiotic resistance to every antibiotic that we have on the planet... thus creating super bugs that could rage out of control.
Even in the rats studied with GMO foods more than 1/3rd had necrotic lesions of their gut lining causing bleeding... thus causing a huge health risk to elderly people and the public in general. 1/6th of the animals used in studies with GMO tomatoes died... and these deaths were never studied at all.
Mice feed GMO potatoes had the cells of their gut disrupted, mitochondrial damage (cellular damage) and a significant increase in crypt paneth cells which are cells that try to protect the lining of the gut. In other studies animals given GMO potatoes had increased thickening of the lining of the stomach.
Like DDT and Alar which decades later became powerful health risks... GMO foods too stand as a powerful health risk if not studied deeply over long periods of time.
Rabbits given GMO soy had heart and kidney enzyme problems, and other studies show markers for long term chronic disease problems later in life. Yet there are no requirements for long term studies of GMO products.
Rats feed GMO corn were very slow growing, became fat, and had damage to their kidneys, liver, and blood chemistries were not normal, and they had high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and more... and both young mice and old mice all had immune system dysfunctions.
Also sheep feed GMO foods for 3 generations had cellular damage of their livers and pancreas. Rats feed GMO rice starting drinking lots of water, much more than normal and at the same time had changes in immune response, changes in their blood chemistries, and the bacteria in their gut were different with an over growth of coliform bacteria... plus all these rats had large adrenal glands, uterus, and testicles... and none of this happened with Non-GMO rice.
Also when studies where conducted looking for traces of GMO foods in honey, almost all of the containers contained traces of pollen from GMO crops. And mice feed GMO peas had powerful allergic reactions to egg white protein... and the control groups had no reactions at all.
Many scientists say the genetic engineering foods is not precise... that we cannot predicted what the long term health risks of GMO foods will be.
Also there are powerful effects on the land, soil, and the environment. Plus biodiversity is important, when one genetic strain of a particular food has a problem... biodiversity will sustain our planet.

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at - feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at
So your argument is based around GM crops "making" farmers use pesticides on crops?

Pro-tip, genius: Farmers use pesticides ANYWAY, just with GM crops less of the crops die with the weeds.

Ill start the slow clap now....clap......clap......clap.
possible solution to over-population which is causing the need (if i am not mistaken) for GM foods & roundup ready genetics:

- free birth control & education

& free weed, eh, eh eh? eh ? ;) ;) ;) eh? ;)

:clap: fucking, learning & smoking all you want kende for world president yey :clap:

& btw, ill even throw in the solution to lack of work, boredom, & things like that:
- manual labour equally split up amongst people. those who cannot work can cook for the working people. good food at the end of the workday yummy.

oh yeah, and for lack of respect, violence etc,
the cure:
-tending for the old & sick.

come to think of it, this is the description of a tribe. plus prevantives, so we`ll be like super tribe.
possible solution to over-population which is causing the need (if i am not mistaken) for GM foods & roundup ready genetics:

- free birth control & education

& free weed, eh, eh eh? eh ? ;) ;) ;) eh? ;)

:clap: fucking, learning & smoking all you want kende for world president yey :clap:

& btw, ill even throw in the solution to lack of work, boredom, & things like that:
- manual labour equally split up amongst people. those who cannot work can cook for the working people. good food at the end of the workday yummy.

oh yeah, and for lack of respect, violence etc,
the cure:
-tending for the old & sick.

come to think of it, this is the description of a tribe. plus prevantives, so we`ll be like super tribe.
Free weed isn't extreme enough, vapourise that shit on the whole public...I couldn't even imagine fighting with someone if I was baked...except here... ;)
possible solution to over-population which is causing the need (if i am not mistaken) for GM foods & roundup ready genetics:

- free birth control & education

& free weed, eh, eh eh? eh ? ;) ;) ;) eh? ;)

:clap: fucking, learning & smoking all you want kende for world president yey :clap:

& btw, ill even throw in the solution to lack of work, boredom, & things like that:
- manual labour equally split up amongst people. those who cannot work can cook for the working people. good food at the end of the workday yummy.

oh yeah, and for lack of respect, violence etc,
the cure:
-tending for the old & sick.

come to think of it, this is the description of a tribe. plus prevantives, so we`ll be like super tribe.

so we all move to collective farms?

or do we all just join your drum circle?

if everybody is busting their ass trying to hand craft every tool for every tiny garden patch, agriculture will once again take up 70-80% of our national labour pool, so who will do the tribal tattoos and install our ear guages? who will make the skinny jeans and ironically hip cardigans? who will make the clunky 1950's style plastic frames with no lenses in them? who will make the underground SceneZines? who will operate the turntables and sell the E? who will host the raves and who will produce the roofies that lets you get a leg over on the dumbass chicks who attend the raves?

but at least in the grim hardscrabble future you propose, there will be no Dubstep.
ye man. thats the point. where is the need for that shit? there isnt. its marketing. somebody has hade you believe that you need that.
but you dont.

you make your own point :)

i will elaborate, because of the drumcircle argument.

one question man, what does humanity need?

from what i have understood it is:
- water
- shelter
- a sense of meaning/safety.
- companionship (?)

working together towards our common goal --> to be fed, sheltered & safe etc., we acheive all this. aint no need for the drumcircle bullshit man. if i go dig in the dirt to plant plants, its because i know i will be hungry. not because i am some hippie believing in faries and all that.

just between me & you, we are living under the same needs & principals. fuck the drums, bring the water air & food sustainability programs together, and we can begin to cooporate, and there will be developement as life, not as individuals.
i believe that is the problems, the arguement that there is individuality, not one world as synergy (again, if you have read nothing about microbiology & the interconnectedness of life, ok, maybe you should, and we can talk later). because we really are one. not as a drumcircle, but as a food-chain, as life,feeding each other in that wonderful loop that aint stopping any minute. bam bam bam bam bam motherfucker :)
ye man. thats the point. where is the need for that shit? there isnt. its marketing. somebody has hade you believe that you need that.
but you dont.

you make your own point :)

i will elaborate, because of the drumcircle argument.

one question man, what does humanity need?

from what i have understood it is:
- water
- shelter
- a sense of meaning/safety.
- companionship (?)

working together towards our common goal --> to be fed, sheltered & safe etc., we acheive all this. aint no need for the drumcircle bullshit man. if i go dig in the dirt to plant plants, its because i know i will be hungry. not because i am some hippie believing in faries and all that.

just between me & you, we are living under the same needs & principals. fuck the drums, bring the water air & food sustainability programs together, and we can begin to cooporate, and there will be developement as life, not as individuals.
i believe that is the problems, the arguement that there is individuality, not one world as synergy (again, if you have read nothing about microbiology & the interconnectedness of life, ok, maybe you should, and we can talk later). because we really are one. not as a drumcircle, but as a food-chain, as life,feeding each other in that wonderful loop that aint stopping any minute. bam bam bam bam bam motherfucker :)

I would submit to you that you've omitted one essential nutrient for human health:
the hope for technical progress.
Your vision smacks of stasis.
I reject Luddite solutions. cn
ye man. thats the point. where is the need for that shit? there isnt. its marketing. somebody has hade you believe that you need that.
but you dont.

you make your own point :)

i will elaborate, because of the drumcircle argument.

one question man, what does humanity need?

from what i have understood it is:
- water
- shelter
- a sense of meaning/safety.

- companionship (?)

working together towards our common goal --> to be fed, sheltered & safe etc., we acheive all this. aint no need for the drumcircle bullshit man. if i go dig in the dirt to plant plants, its because i know i will be hungry. not because i am some hippie believing in faries and all that.

just between me & you, we are living under the same needs & principals. fuck the drums, bring the water air & food sustainability programs together, and we can begin to cooporate, and there will be developement as life, not as individuals.
i believe that is the problems, the arguement that there is individuality, not one world as synergy (again, if you have read nothing about microbiology & the interconnectedness of life, ok, maybe you should, and we can talk later). because we really are one. not as a drumcircle, but as a food-chain, as life,feeding each other in that wonderful loop that aint stopping any minute. bam bam bam bam bam motherfucker :)

Did you lift that from bear?...................................................................................................grylls.
Did you lift that from bear?...................................................................................................grylls.

as a matter of fact, i did watch the "naked castaway" minutes prior to posting that post :D

and cannabineer: i agree, my vision is saturated with backwardness-juice. they have tried a variety of this vision in north korea i believe, and it aint working so well. hehe. although there are other factors contributiong to that country being so messed up i believe ;)
ye man. thats the point. where is the need for that shit? there isnt. its marketing. somebody has hade you believe that you need that.
but you dont.

you make your own point :)

i will elaborate, because of the drumcircle argument.

one question man, what does humanity need?

from what i have understood it is:
- water
- shelter
- a sense of meaning/safety.
- companionship (?)

working together towards our common goal --> to be fed, sheltered & safe etc., we acheive all this. aint no need for the drumcircle bullshit man. if i go dig in the dirt to plant plants, its because i know i will be hungry. not because i am some hippie believing in faries and all that.

just between me & you, we are living under the same needs & principals. fuck the drums, bring the water air & food sustainability programs together, and we can begin to cooporate, and there will be developement as life, not as individuals.
i believe that is the problems, the arguement that there is individuality, not one world as synergy (again, if you have read nothing about microbiology & the interconnectedness of life, ok, maybe you should, and we can talk later). because we really are one. not as a drumcircle, but as a food-chain, as life,feeding each other in that wonderful loop that aint stopping any minute. bam bam bam bam bam motherfucker :)

in order for your vision to become reality,, anywhere from 33% (greenpeace) to 66% (earth first) of all the humans on earth have to die, and all population growth must halt, just to be "sustainable" and allow primitive surplus-free agriculture to feed the population without "clearcutting" more "natural habitat" so we can respect the "biodiversity" of the "living earth" and honor the "genetic sovereignty of all life"

let me guess, YOU get to decide who lives and who dies right?
in order for your vision to become reality,, anywhere from 33% (greenpeace) to 66% (earth first) of all the humans on earth have to die, and all population growth must halt, just to be "sustainable" and allow primitive surplus-free agriculture to feed the population without "clearcutting" more "natural habitat" so we can respect the "biodiversity" of the "living earth" and honor the "genetic sovereignty of all life"

let me guess, YOU get to decide who lives and who dies right?

no man. i get to pick up the shovel and dig the earth :D
as a matter of fact, i did watch the "naked castaway" minutes prior to posting that post :D

and cannabineer: i agree, my vision is saturated with backwardness-juice. they have tried a variety of this vision in north korea i believe, and it aint working so well. hehe. although there are other factors contributiong to that country being so messed up i believe ;)

Thank you for the gracious response, Kende. Doubly remarkable in this corner of the forum.

I don't think stasis is in our long-term interest. Old Egypt provides an interesting example. For a long time they were the big dog in the whole Fertile Crescent. Younger, more vigorous societies found a venerable giant hollowed to paper-thinness. There is a balance between "progress at any cost" and "stay the course". I wish i knew what it was, and I sure hope that it won't be our lot to continually have to rebuild new societies, states, empires upon the hallowed bleached bones of the progenitors. cn