The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aye southern comforts doin the job, still drinkin a few bee with it tho, I seem to be able to smoke this psychosis for fun ffs, it's just not doin the job, maybe just cos I'm lookin something more like pills or something, ahh well, more joints and drink will have te do
tolerance m8 its a fucker, would find the same thing with meself after a few oz didnt do a great deal but would be the same with any weed, couldnt ya txt ya pal in the dam just to say answer the fekking phone? then get the pills...


Well-Known Member
tolerance m8 its a fucker, would find the same thing with meself after a few oz didnt do a great deal but would be the same with any weed, couldnt ya txt ya pal in the dam just to say answer the fekking phone? then get the pills...
Tried ringin an txtin, couldn't get a reply, had to go down to his attic earlier to get my cloning gel, I done a bit of searchinnbut found nothing ffs, ther back tomoro, he got a bit off bubble hash some where for me too


Well-Known Member
tolerance m8 its a fucker, would find the same thing with meself after a few oz didnt do a great deal but would be the same with any weed, couldnt ya txt ya pal in the dam just to say answer the fekking phone? then get the pills...
Bought a q of soap at 12 pm got fivers bit left might hav to buy 25 sacks just to get a buzz cuz I'm straight sober after smokin near 6g of soap. Got a bag bong bucket thing int makin me disabled like I thought. Just gonna I go buzz ma lynx just to get a kick


Well-Known Member
prosessing, unforuntaely my pc is faster than youtube so its takeing a while il encode myself and ad teh tunes i think may be easier


Well-Known Member
facebooks one thng i never had m8, people round here r just too fuckin nosey so i just never made one lol
lol yeh for sure

that vid was taken before the 2nd light was added, but yeh pretty swet room like

thers 2 places in this house i techinaccly could utilise be 6-8 in each plus aclone tent space, but il wait till 3 grows is under me belt then il make the 2nd room, i dont wanna get too laxy and just think fukit il grow under the stairs

anwyays bedtime it is,, well gotta do me bandages me leg stinks after 24uhrs wen the shitleaks thru the carbon pad i use, il bodge sum round me filter for next run as i noticed it dident totally take the smell away


Well-Known Member
lol yeh for sure

that vid was taken before the 2nd light was added, but yeh pretty swet room like

thers 2 places in this house i techinaccly could utilise be 6-8 in each plus aclone tent space, but il wait till 3 grows is under me belt then il make the 2nd room, i dont wanna get too laxy and just think fukit il grow under the stairs

anwyays bedtime it is,, well gotta do me bandages me leg stinks after 24uhrs wen the shitleaks thru the carbon pad i use, il bodge sum round me filter for next run as i noticed it dident totally take the smell away
Mmmm I can smell it from here, don't think a carbon filters goina do the job ther


Well-Known Member
Smell it? I meant ur foot ye bellend, ye'd need more than a carbon filter for that
ohhh lol no i get carbon patches same deal just in a 3mm thick rectangle patch. u could wrap em round the filter or over the end of your outlet and theyd work my leg only smells wen its leaked thru