Except that your dollars both have purchasing power. In 1913, an average worker earned the equivalent of under $18,000 in purchasing power. Today, an average worker earns something like $27,000 in purchasing power. Just as people paid rent and bought food with their 1913 dollars, I do exactly the same thing with mine. And I get more than they did for hundreds of hours less work in substantially safer, easier working conditions. You can whine all you want, but reality is reality.
You cannot bitch about inflation destroying the dollar when an average worker only earned $750 in 1913. Even a minimum wage worker makes more than that in a single month today (and for less work). If your theories were correct, life would be far worse today than it was in 1913. Obviously that assertion is laughable.
I can bitch about inflation all I want. Inflation has destroyed the dollar, misallocated valuable resources, and caused huge malinvestment that will destroy economies.
Gold always had that special place because it DEMANDED discipline in spending. You could not go to war without it, you could not run a government without it. Now we can just print the money and everyone will take it in the ass through devalued dollars that outpaces raises you get at work.
You keep trying to compare rubles to dollars and telling us that the ruble inflation didn't have much effect due to the dollar being able to still purchase stuff. Dishwashers I say!! Bolivars are the way to go, inflation proof!!!
Comparing 1913 dollars to 2013 dollars is comparing dishwashers to pigs feet and saying they both wash dishes the same way.