Say goodbye to Mothers/Fathers day..


Well-Known Member
He's saying ban them all dude cause of the article or did you not bother to give that a read?

He's saying that if the schools say mom n pops day isn't legal then why celebrate the rest, what's the difference between those holidays and those 2. So before you start shit again bro how about you read a lil first :D


Well-Known Member
He's saying ban them all dude cause of the article or did you not bother to give that a read?

He's saying that if the schools say mom n pops day isn't legal then why celebrate the rest, what's the difference between those holidays and those 2. So before you start shit again bro how about you read a lil first :D

it's all good.. I usually consider who posts before really caring too much..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Interesting, so if children are sheltered from anything that might make them in the least uncomfortable how will they learn (anything). I don't know if anyone remembers but learning a subject requires a LOT of discomfort to do it right. Learning makes you feel very stupid before you get enough to put it all together. Take math until you get through differential equations you don't see the bigger picture. Only the classes you take after you get the toolset make sense (what you use them for).

It almost seems like a plan to obsolete the human brain now we have silicon copies....

But I'm sure I'm simply over thinking this.


Well-Known Member
For someone so judgemental, high and mighty, you're punctuation and grammar display the idiocy you try to rail against.


Well-Known Member
Exactly he implied banning 4th of july not the article. Which is why i said op is a moron. And giggles i wasnt even talking to you so you can fuk off
Buddy I fucked off many moons ago.

and I know what he was implying and what you were implying.

Weren't you once timeismoney, what happened you get busted and had to start over...


New Member
Buddy I fucked off many moons ago.

and I know what he was implying and what you were implying.

Weren't you once timeismoney, what happened you get busted and had to start over...
I quit as a mod and my acct got deleted. Did know they actually dltd accts lol