Say goodbye to Mothers/Fathers day..


Well-Known Member
Telling people to kill themselves on the internet. Yup your a great rolemodel dicksmoker

First, you should stop with the bigotry. You invalidate your own statements with your bigotry. Second, if you see me as a role model, you have bigger issues than just your limited intelligence, like your seriously fucked presentation of reality...
And, finally, I never counselled suicide. BUT, if that's how you interpret it ... Maybe your mind knows best.


Well-Known Member
granny, he's a former mod that is only here to cause trouble. Once he's banned he will be back to cause trouble once again. Seems he likes to be agitated.


New Member
Dear me what is a matter with you? Every time I come on the forum you seem to be spoiling for a fight. I thought RIU was one big family of friends yet all I see of late is arguing. We all have people that make us mad on times but you just need to let it go, its not worth harbouring a grudge especially on a forum like this theirs enough fighting in the world without doing it on a keyboard. So come on lets all try and get on, I think we need the doc to spread some of his love on here. :hug:
If certain people didnt feel the need to make them appear smart on a forum by grammer correcting it would have never came to this. Or maybe if buck didnt follow me around harassing. The shit comes to me dude and its fucking old


Well-Known Member
When you call people dumb and present your case with the writing skills of a first grader you will get called out. Pretty simple really, maybe thats the problem with you understanding it?


Pickle Queen
Please debate without insulting each other... or be witty about it. Come on it's a day off let's enjoy it and be happy :)


Well-Known Member
Please debate without insulting each other... or be witty about it. Come on it's a day off let's enjoy it and be happy :)

Just to be clear, I'm being appropriately obfuscated in my comments, am I not? I wouldn't wanna' offend, overtly!


Well-Known Member
HOT! YES!! I'm in! Plus I think I can out white you!

I'm quite certain you'll out-white me, that was taken under 6500k lights (yeah, I even buy house lighting based on spectrum!) I'm half native, and get dark enough to make the Mexican/Native boss lady jealous. :bigjoint:

And, thank you. Always nice to hear a compliment!


New Member
I'm quite certain you'll out-white me, that was taken under 6500k lights (yeah, I even buy house lighting based on spectrum!) I'm half native, and get dark enough to make the Mexican/Native boss lady jealous. :bigjoint:

And, thank you. Always nice to hear a compliment!

hmmm,I always figured you were a black dude.LOL