sorry can't show all my face ( i want to remain anonymous). using my cheap cam phone, oh i don't need to call it a cheap cam phone but rather a dual camphone because i am using it as a radio. sorry im skinny!

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i haven't taken a bath yet, hehe.

huh? why is there something wrong? :(

well i am also saving some water. hehe.

just kidding, but i am not kidding that i haven't taken a bath yet. maybe in a while.

Ohhhhh wooow, man... uh, I'ma just ask right out in front of everyone,..... Will you be my friend?
code? what code?
Dude, it's a magic thing we got going on here.
Go to your closet, if you have an LED flashlight with less than 5 bulbs in it, and with the light from your flashlight, draw the outline of a cannabis leaf on the LEFT wall of your closet, in BLACK, not BLUE, but only BLACK, otherwise it won't work.
Make sure the leaf outline you draw is a 9 blade leaf, not 11 or 7, and this will help your CFL closet grow produce less than 5 ounces.
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT tell anybody else what we do, or I will not include you in any further discoveries.
I can't believe nobody told you this yet!
uhm i bit paranoid when it comes to that part, but it's all good. :)

i think i'm paranoid because i don't have weed and i can't smoke right now.
Dude, you really make me think you're not older than 14 like you say you are, you just don't catch sarcasm and jokes when they come your way.
I'm just hoping you'll take growing advice seriously since you don't seem to catch on to the jokes.