Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I got a chance to see some of the OPs "work" today. Sorry trolling, i nad no idea your life sucked as much as it does. Ill leave you alone bro. Peace alright? No joke, truce ;)


Well-Known Member
You're not winning.
Winning what? I feel bad for cuttin your grass, i thought you were someone your not. I used to think you were some rich shit talkin idiot savant. Your not clearly and with all the people youve pissed off your life has to be hell enough right now. The last thing i want you thinking about is me talkin shit to you as you go to sleep in your funny smelling room with stained carpet and stoner decor. Id rather not be the one that puts a tear in your eye when the realization that your life is made up of people that dont like you and the only way you cope with it is to make them more angry at you. Frankly i dont want to win, even if i dont try i wont have a choice but to. Good night trolling, i hope tommorow is better than today 4 U :):):)


New Member
Bet when I post my dick tomorrow, I get banned.

Funny site you guys have....and your lighting response makes no since as we are talking about different angles.

Dunno why ya'll keep posting them anyway lol, am I suppose to be embarrassed?

You're all too old for the internet lol...


Well-Known Member
Why are you so anxious to see my penis?
Its not very often that guys willingly post pics of their little pecker wood on the Internet in a self depricating fashion like this. And the fact that you would shamelessly post even more dick pics online for what...laughs at this point? Go Walmart


Well-Known Member
Oh my, worst car crash I have seen on here yet.

Love the fact trolling is back. Keep your pecker up son. God knows you need to.

Oh and not even worth saving to the wank bank.lol