What kind of light mj 'likes ' ? Decoded from it's reflectance ....

page 44......

New light sources for horticultural applications, intended to replace HPS lamps or
fluorescent tubes, are currently being introduced in the market. Special attention is be
ingdevoted to LED technology, which permits optimisation of the spectral distribution of a
light source. Consequently, LED lamps are generally assumed to be more efficient for
driving photosynthesis that HPS lamps, for which much of the wavelength is outs
ide the photosynthetic optimum range. In order to investigate the efficiency of LED technology
in greenhouse applications, different types of LED lamps were compared with
conventional HPS lamps in a series of experiments with Euphorbia pulcherrima ( A wild weed ... )
Cultivation took place in greenhouse conditions with natural daylight and 100 μmol m-2s-1 supplementary lighting,
supplied by white LED, red/blue LED or conventional HPS lamps (control).
Plant development and photosynthesis rate were monitored over 4
Shoot elongation was highest for plants grown under HPS lamps, as was fresh weight.
Measurements of photosynthesis under the different light sources revealed a trend
for higher photosynthesis when
white LEDs were used.

However, when photosynthesis was measured at different light intensities using red/blue LEDs,
plants grown under HPS lamps had the highest photosynthesis.

The air temperature in the canopy was lower when
the light was supplied with LEDs than with HPS lamps, thus delaying development. We
concluded that the quality of light supplied was a significant factor for plant development
in greenhouse conditions with supplementary light. There was a lack of correlation
between measured photosynthesis and biomass production.

Also check the interesting abstracts @ pgs (pdf ) : 61 , 67 , 74 , 97 ,118,183, & 196 .
Check the sponsors ,also @ pdf file page 9....


Most of that seems accurate.

Though, I'd lower the DR in the later stages to make up no more than 20%.

Regular red should be higher than deep red.

This is my current color mix for veg:

350-400nm: less than 1%
400-450nm: 9%
450-500nm: 11%
500-550nm: 23%
550-600nm: 21%
600-650nm: 18%
650-700nm: 14%
700-750nm: 3%
750-800nm: less than 1%

And for flowering:

350-400nm: less than 1%
400-450nm: 7%
450-500nm: 8%
500-550nm: 20%
550-600nm: 15%
600-650nm: 27%
650-700nm: 20%
700-750nm: 2%
750-800nm less than 1%

And although this is very preliminary, (my) testing has shown that the tric production is triggered by not only some extra blue around 455nm, but also green in the 500-550nm range. ;)

Also, the less you mess with the plants (i.e. flushing all crazy, defoliating like you're on a mission to destroy all cannabis, switching spectrum too much throughout the grow, etc...)

I'm not going to get into the whole flushing, defoliation and exfoliation argument, but I will weigh in on the spectrum changes. The less the spectrum changes (we're talking drastic changes, not little tweaks here and there) the faster the plant finishes.

The more it is left alone, the better it does.

3000-5000k alone, or those same Kelvins with some 580-640nm supplements, your plants will thank you. Trust me ;)

On a side note, do any of you get a lot of spam emails? I get tons, I got one recently saying that I am an heir to some guy from "ong kong", he left me millions, and the senders name was "Brain Wilson".

With a name like that, I bet he's really smart.


Thanks SO MUCH for this thread. This single (combined) post is the most comprehensive and succinct summary I have seen regarding spectra! I have spent the last week reading DIY LED build threads and trying to extract pertinent spectrum info into a succinct format to base my own build upon. Ended up more confused with the different camps of thought, but this puts it into better perspective. Thanks SDS for doing and sharing the research!

I hope my questions are not too off topic, but selfishly, I need to distill this info down to a simpler KISS functional selection of LEDS for my own panel. If this doesn;t belong on this thread, just say so, and let me know where to ask!

My own application is a dedicated flowering light. I averaged SDS's flowering stages and came up with:

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 8 %
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 10 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 10%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 30 %
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 40 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 4%

(adds up to 102%, but close enough)

Then looking at eraserhead's spread, I knock off the top and bottom > 1% ranges, and combine 400-500nm to approximate SDS' 6 nm subdivisions, I come up with this:

400-499nm: 15%
500-550nm: 20%
550-600nm: 15%
600-650nm: 27%
650-700nm: 20%
700-750nm: 2%

Somewhat but not vastly different.

Average the two, roughly

400-499nm: 12%
500-550nm: 15%
550-600nm: 13%
600-650nm: 29%
650-700nm: 30%
700-750nm: 3%

So seems that for a flowering light, strain dependent, this pretty well defines a preferred spectral range.

My own challenge now is to optimize LED selection to provide a good all purpose spread in this flowering range. I don't understand yet how to read light spectrum data and graphs for specific drivers, and from reading hundreds of other posts it seems even the manufacturer's data is not a consistent comparison across the board. So this leaves me wondering how to choose specific drivers to achieve this kind of spectra for my own build.

My specific question here is, should such a panel be comprised of
1-a half dozen different specific wavelength drivers as charted
2-do the CW-NW-WW drivers provide enough overlap in these varying colors
3-would a predominately white CW-NW-WW combination supplemented with a couple other specific colors be more optimal.

Obviously, in terms of actually building a panel for my small application t would be easier to be able to select fewer variations in LEDS. Would also keep driver needs simpler.

And eraserhead:

3000-5000k alone, or those same Kelvins with some 580-640nm supplements, your plants will thank you. Trust me :wink:


I am left a litte confused as you switched from nm to kelvin. IS this for everything i.e. veg and flower, or how would you tweak this catch all recommendation for all purpose flowering?

Thanks for the consideration!
how about this new thing we have, it's available to everyone and it is perfect for growing the best all sorts of plants and damn sure will grow the best weed in the world . it's called the SUN . all the graphs and charts in the world can't tell you how easy the sun is to use.. just put her ass outside and let her go.. free to the world..
how about this new thing we have, it's available to everyone and it is perfect for growing the best all sorts of plants and damn sure will grow the best weed in the world . it's called the SUN . all the graphs and charts in the world can't tell you how easy the sun is to use.. just put her ass outside and let her go.. free to the world..

Im am confused at why you would come to the LED forum to post that.... not helpful at all. If you don't want to use LED or look at graphs and papers that theorize which color ratios would be optimal for INDOOR growing then don't come to the LED forums. There are multiple pros and cons to growing indoor and out, but making sarcastic comments like that I just don't see the point.

okay back on topic, and the reason for hitting +Reply to thread

Stardustsailor thank you very much for starting this thread it was insightful and very helpful for learning about color ratios.
If you're going with a dedicated flowering LED lamp, you could go a few routes, the easiest being 100% warm or neutral white, I suggest Cree for that. You could also go with either of those whites with some added reds, Cree makes a great red LED, here's the part number for the one I use XPERED-L1-0000-00801.

For drivers, you need something that is not only within the rated voltage of the total amount of LEDs connected to it, but also the amps needs to be at or below the max rating (less is better).

For example, if you have 20x Cree XPG LEDs, they are roughly 3v each, 20 of them are 60v, you'll need a driver that has a rating that covers that, usually they'll read "45v-75v". 60 fits right in there.

Next you need to get the amps correct. The XPG is rated for a maximum of 1.5 amps, or 1500mA. You'll want about 700-1000mA for the reasonable efficiency and longevity. (I use 750mA)

Meanwell makes good drivers that are commercially available.

The XPE reds handle much less power, 2.1v and 700mA. I use 550mA drivers for those.

You can go as low as 350mA for either.

Kelvins are for white and nm is for colors. The lower the kelvin number, the less blue and more yellow/orange/red.

You can add colors to whites and get new correlated color temps. I use 4000-4500k (here the part # for the one I use XpGwHT-01-0000-00Hc2) and 630nm only, combined in the ratio that I use, is about 3000k.

Thanks SO MUCH for this thread. This single (combined) post is the most comprehensive and succinct summary I have seen regarding spectra! I have spent the last week reading DIY LED build threads and trying to extract pertinent spectrum info into a succinct format to base my own build upon. Ended up more confused with the different camps of thought, but this puts it into better perspective. Thanks SDS for doing and sharing the research!

I hope my questions are not too off topic, but selfishly, I need to distill this info down to a simpler KISS functional selection of LEDS for my own panel. If this doesn;t belong on this thread, just say so, and let me know where to ask!

My own application is a dedicated flowering light. I averaged SDS's flowering stages and came up with:

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 8 %
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 10 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 10%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 30 %
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 40 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 4%

(adds up to 102%, but close enough)

Then looking at eraserhead's spread, I knock off the top and bottom > 1% ranges, and combine 400-500nm to approximate SDS' 6 nm subdivisions, I come up with this:

400-499nm: 15%
500-550nm: 20%
550-600nm: 15%
600-650nm: 27%
650-700nm: 20%
700-750nm: 2%

Somewhat but not vastly different.

Average the two, roughly

400-499nm: 12%
500-550nm: 15%
550-600nm: 13%
600-650nm: 29%
650-700nm: 30%
700-750nm: 3%

So seems that for a flowering light, strain dependent, this pretty well defines a preferred spectral range.

My own challenge now is to optimize LED selection to provide a good all purpose spread in this flowering range. I don't understand yet how to read light spectrum data and graphs for specific drivers, and from reading hundreds of other posts it seems even the manufacturer's data is not a consistent comparison across the board. So this leaves me wondering how to choose specific drivers to achieve this kind of spectra for my own build.

My specific question here is, should such a panel be comprised of
1-a half dozen different specific wavelength drivers as charted
2-do the CW-NW-WW drivers provide enough overlap in these varying colors
3-would a predominately white CW-NW-WW combination supplemented with a couple other specific colors be more optimal.

Obviously, in terms of actually building a panel for my small application t would be easier to be able to select fewer variations in LEDS. Would also keep driver needs simpler.

And eraserhead:

I am left a litte confused as you switched from nm to kelvin. IS this for everything i.e. veg and flower, or how would you tweak this catch all recommendation for all purpose flowering?

Thanks for the consideration!
how about this new thing we have, it's available to everyone and it is perfect for growing the best all sorts of plants and damn sure will grow the best weed in the world . it's called the SUN . all the graphs and charts in the world can't tell you how easy the sun is to use.. just put her ass outside and let her go.. free to the world..

You do reliaze in many states here in America and other countries you can go to prison if you just plop
your grow out in the open Sun .

That's why many peeps grow indoors and use LED's to avoid going to prison.

So the Sun as great as it is isn't something everyone can use.

So for you to say what you said is just off the wall asinine and sarcastic to boot !
how about this new thing we have, it's available to everyone and it is perfect for growing the best all sorts of plants and damn sure will grow the best weed in the world . it's called the SUN . all the graphs and charts in the world can't tell you how easy the sun is to use.. just put her ass outside and let her go.. free to the world..

Some trolls are cute.


If you're going with a dedicated flowering LED lamp, you could go a few routes, the easiest being 100% warm or neutral white, I suggest Cree for that. You could also go with either of those whites with some added reds, Cree makes a great red LED, here's the part number for the one I use XPERED-L1-0000-00801.

For drivers, you need something that is not only within the rated voltage of the total amount of LEDs connected to it, but also the amps needs to be at or below the max rating (less is better).

For example, if you have 20x Cree XPG LEDs, they are roughly 3v each, 20 of them are 60v, you'll need a driver that has a rating that covers that, usually they'll read "45v-75v". 60 fits right in there.

Next you need to get the amps correct. The XPG is rated for a maximum of 1.5 amps, or 1500mA. You'll want about 700-1000mA for the reasonable efficiency and longevity. (I use 750mA)

Meanwell makes good drivers that are commercially available.

The XPE reds handle much less power, 2.1v and 700mA. I use 550mA drivers for those.

You can go as low as 350mA for either.

Kelvins are for white and nm is for colors. The lower the kelvin number, the less blue and more yellow/orange/red.

You can add colors to whites and get new correlated color temps. I use 4000-4500k (here the part # for the one I use XpGwHT-01-0000-00Hc2) and 630nm only, combined in the ratio that I use, is about 3000k.

Thanks eraserhead! First question that pops into mind is; for flower then, why start at 4000-4500K rather than starting at warm white 2700 which is closer to your intended target of 3000K?

I am familiar with the current and voltage loading for strings of drivers, but more application/review is helpful!
I do it for a more defined peak in the red and extra oomph in the blue, so it can be used in veg and flowering.

For example:

Veg spectrum 4000-4500k

4000-4500k + red (3000k):

And a single 2900k LED:

The levels of white stays the same from 4000-4500k, to 4000-4500k + red, it just looks lower in the chart because of the taller peak in the red.

Thanks eraserhead! First question that pops into mind is; for flower then, why start at 4000-4500K rather than starting at warm white 2700 which is closer to your intended target of 3000K?

I am familiar with the current and voltage loading for strings of drivers, but more application/review is helpful!
I do it for a more defined peak in the red and extra oomph in the blue, so it can be used in veg and flowering.

For example:

Veg spectrum 4000-4500k

4000-4500k + red (3000k):

And a single 2900k LED:

The levels of white stays the same from 4000-4500k, to 4000-4500k + red, it just looks lower in the chart because of the taller peak in the red.

Well now ...
No need to go into ' deep ' detail ,about Eraserhead's led choice for his new series ...
At least from my point of view ...
I see a " Jack of all trades " of a light ..
Which ,might be the most important factor or issue ,here ...

A grow light ,that can grow a wide variety of different plants ,under a wide variety of grow 'situations' ..

As trouble free as possible ...As simple -if you like- as possible ...

That is a or .. ' the ' ,basic 'ingredient ' of a good led panel ....

First of all ,it has to grow anything green ,underneath with ease ....
And make it 'produce' ...
'Efficiently " ....Energy -wise ,firstly ....
All the rest are details ...
Maybe even ,trade-secrets ,at plenty of cases ....

A-51 led lights have proven themselves .
All time classic ,quality-build , 'work-horses ' ....
At reasonable prices ...

And with plenty of science ,'under the hood ' .
I-personally-can see that .

A-51 would have been my first choice .
If I wasn't a fanatic DIYer ....

High quality leds-easy / efficient driving -good cooling-silent -slim design -good price ..
And they "bloom" as they are supposed to do .
What more to ask ?

Now ....Building something like that ....
Or 'equivalent' ....
As a DIYer ....
You'll have ,some ,few ..."challenges " ...to ' deal ' with ...

Even if you know exactly which leds to use ,how many ,at what arrangement ,etc ....

But is a really good way to spend some time ....and money ...
It produces something back ,always ...

...Also ...

Either way ...

At least now ,people do have a choice ...

Good led lights are not only the DIY ones ....
There are companies that they do not lie....
And their products ..speak or 'grow ? .... for themselves ....
Because people behind the "manager " or any other "position" ,really
do had and have the curiosity about how to improve their products .
How to "defy " what is ..established ...by the .."stream " .....of ignorance ,really .....

Profit comes "second " ,but for sure it comes along,no matter what .. ....

...Truth comes with a price ,always ....

Awesome job ,brother .
I do it for a more defined peak in the red and extra oomph in the blue, so it can be used in veg and flowering.

For example:

Veg spectrum 4000-4500k

4000-4500k + red (3000k):

And a single 2900k LED:

The levels of white stays the same from 4000-4500k, to 4000-4500k + red, it just looks lower in the chart because of the taller peak in the red.

OK, thanks. From what i understand, WW 2700K would be a more appropriate base for flower rather than all purpose veg and flower.

I started my own thread, https://www.rollitup.org/led-other-lighting/659405-considering-diy-led-build-flowering.html#post9125743 won't continue to sidetrack SDS' work here!
Clones / Seedlings

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 20-25%
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 20-25 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 5-10%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 15-20%
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 5-10 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 5-10 %

Young Plants

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 10-15%
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 10-20 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 25-30%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 30-40%
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 10-15 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 3-5%

Early Flowering

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 8-10 %
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 10-20 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 10-20%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 25-30 %
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 25-35 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 3-5%

Middle Flowering

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 8-10 %
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 1-15 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 5-10%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 25-30 %
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 30-55 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 3-5%

Late Flowering

Blue Range 400-499nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 410 nm , ~430 nm & ~453 nm : 1-8 %
Green Range 500-550 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 550 nm : 1-10 %
Yellow-Amber Range 551-599 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 599 nm : 1-10%
Red Range 600-639 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~ 625 nm : 25-40 %
Deep Red Range 640-670 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~642 nm & 662 nm : 35-70 %
Far Red Range 671-750 nm .Peaks pref. @ ~680 nm ,700 nm & ~730 nmm : 3-5%
\NICE WORK! This is where a panel with individually controlled diodes comes in to make those blends in spectrum, or the few different growth phases you have cited. Have/are you trying this recipe? as I see it a guy needs a control box with a PCB for spectrum blending, that incorporates a PC interface, a program with display, using sensors, clocking and switching for lighting, ventilation, nutrient delivery, Co2, and with Hydro you could use electric solenoid control valves for dosing nutrients maintaining optimum nutrients in solution, based on a pre set target range. Probably make sampling easier/possible with solution opposed to soil. The box could have the proper hardware interfacing such as A/C-D/C outlets, various jacks and usb ports for probes, sensors, wi-fi, web cam and anything else you want to control. Introducing CONTROL BOX 360! got your grow controlled! what do ya think? :-P SMOKE BREAK1
\NICE WORK! This is where a panel with individually controlled diodes comes in to make those blends in spectrum, or the few different growth phases you have cited. Have/are you trying this recipe? as I see it a guy needs a control box with a PCB for spectrum blending, that incorporates a PC interface, a program with display, using sensors, clocking and switching for lighting, ventilation, nutrient delivery, Co2, and with Hydro you could use electric solenoid control valves for dosing nutrients maintaining optimum nutrients in solution, based on a pre set target range. Probably make sampling easier/possible with solution opposed to soil. The box could have the proper hardware interfacing such as A/C-D/C outlets, various jacks and usb ports for probes, sensors, wi-fi, web cam and anything else you want to control. Introducing CONTROL BOX 360! got your grow controlled! what do ya think? :-P SMOKE BREAK1

If you wanna try that Doc, try using this :shock:


Its way to expensive but you can program the shit out of that unit!
Thank you! This is exactly what my thoughts were. The 660nm light is absorbed in the first layer of leaves while green, yellow and orange, and far-red (730nm) get through and cause the shade avoidance effect by causing the lower branches to have a lower %Pfr until they stretch to have the same light quality as the top of the plant.

The way I've always thought of this is that if you provide an extra wavelength like 600nm and 730nm, it calibrates the plant so it grows in the proper tree shape with shade avoidance working properly while the yellows and oranges give food to the lower levels of leaves. 660nm just can't penetrate, and that's good!

Light quality the way I describe it can be seen as the gradient of the red/far-red range of the lights.

A horizontal gradient would have equal amounts of red and far-red, and lower branches have a strong shade avoidance effect

A sharp / slope would cause a low %Pfr and likely put the plant to sleep or just stretch a lot. Incandescent lamps have this / gradient and it just causes plants to stretch and die.

and a medium \ gradient would result in a high %Pfr, but also have some far-red for the lower branches to activate the shade avoidance system (stretch till it sees the same light quality as everywhere else).

Too sharp of a \ gradient and there's not enough far red light to induce shade avoidance in the lower branches.

]Because green light can penetrate further into the leaf than red or blue light, in strong white light, any additional green light absorbed by the lower chloroplasts would increase leaf photosynthesis to a greater extent than would additional red or blue light. [/B]