Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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BTW, I just notice the Commie buzz word. Non-heirachaical. That's a joke a right? I think you guys just don't understand. That is not possible.

Curious, is someone going to say the Occupy Movement is non-hieracrchical?

Can somebody give me an example we can work with. What has ever been no hierarchy? Show me and I will show you the secret.

I await, most replies.
Event and Media Resources for 5/25/13. Find Local Info and Content and Add Info and Content Here:
Posted: 25 May 2013 12:41 AM PDT

We have created an official spreadsheet for us all to upload and share pictures and streams from our events to! It is an open source spreadsheet, so we will all be able to add content at will!

It is important that we archive content from each event all together. It will make getting out the news and stories from each march much more efficient. Documentation is essential to recording this day in history. Thanks for all your hard work everyone, and have a fantastic march against Monsanto!


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Anonymous Event #OpMonsanto | Call to all Anons

running for the money?
come on people now learn how to run by heaven, the stars, the moon and the sun
come on people
your end is the means
don't trade your love and goodness
for the golden machine
get up off your knees and stand up for the bees if you please...feels good and tastes like pure wild mountain honey...
The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News.

Behind the obvious violations of his Constitutional rights is Monsanto. Ingram was researching Roundup’s effects on bees, which he’s raised for 58 years. “They ruined 15 years of my research,” he told Prairie Advocate, by stealing most of his stock.
A certified letter from the Ag Dept.’s Apiary Inspection Supervisor, Steven D. Chard, stated:
“During a routine inspection of your honeybee colonies by … Inspectors Susan Kivikko and Eleanor Balson on October 23, 2011, the bacterial disease ‘American Foulbrood’ was detected in a number of colonies located behind your house…. Presence of the disease in some of your colonies was confirmed via test results from the USDA Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland that analyzed samples collected from your apiary….”
Ingram can prove his bees did not have foulbrood, and planned to do so at a hearing set in April, but the state seized his bees at the end of March. They have not returned them and no one at the Ag Dept. seems to know where his bees are.
The bees could have been destroyed, or they could have been turned over to Monsanto to ascertain why some of his bees are resistant to Roundup. Without the bees as evidence, Ingram simply cannot defend against the phony charges of foulbrood.
Worse, all his queens died after Kivikko and Balson “inspected” his property, outside of his presence and without a warrant.
Of note, Illinois beekeepers are going underground after Ingram’s experience and refuse to register their hives, in case the state tries to steal their private property on phony claims.
You left out the end [/QUOTE]

But, if you are saying there is always hierarchy even if the low level Tinker Bells think there isn't....

I agree.
BTW, I just notice the Commie buzz word. Non-heirachaical. That's a joke a right? I think you guys just don't understand. That is not possible. Curious, is someone going to say the Occupy Movement is non-hieracrchical? Can somebody give me an example we can work with. What has ever been no hierarchy? Show me and I will show you the secret. I await, most replies.
The first rule of Fight Club. The Blue Man Group, Trench coat mafia?......I am kidding, don't be mad.
Hey DNA. If you want to save the bees, that is very worthy. Don't call it Dow Chem to Action Commitee or whatever and you will be fine.

How about starting as CDBs thread. There I can say, OIC they are QTBs.
Well you have not given a no-hierarchy example in Humans. Bacteria? Come on.
But, you already know the secret. It is not possible.
Now, sit here and say that an infant has no hierarchy. Tell me when alone, you have no hierarchy of mind, intent, will, focus....

I'm an Uncle Ben. I love converted rice.
"My God!" the Destroyer Captain, exclaimed, as he slowly lowered his binoculars..."they are worshiping a pig's head!"
Now, sit here and say that an infant has no hierarchy. Tell me when alone, you have no hierarchy of mind, intent, will, focus.... I'm an Uncle Ben. I love converted rice.
A hierarchy seems as though it must be recognized or constructed at least. I am alone now, my mind is a sum of intention, cognition, emotion, creation, focus etc. but a singularity nonetheless. I need another singularity to have a hierarchy that is valid to my own self-perception. I think that a group of can observe a heirarchy....I am one.
A hierarchy seems as though it must be recognized or constructed at least. I am alone now, my mind is a sum of intention, cognition, emotion, creation, focus etc. but a singularity nonetheless. I need another singularity to have a hierarchy that is valid to my own self-perception. I think that a group of can observe a heirarchy....I am one.

That problem was solved more than fifty thousand years ago. First guy to land knotted stick on cranium wins. Failure to self-perceive leads to more percussive persuasion, resulting in either sudden insight or failure to perceive anything at all. Hierarchy. ~grin~ cn
That problem was solved more than fifty thousand years ago. First guy to land knotted stick on cranium wins. Failure to self-perceive leads to more percussive persuasion, resulting in either sudden insight or failure to perceive anything at all. Hierarchy. ~grin~ cn
In solitude that would not have been possible right?
Well, don't victimize yourself. You are not hi-jacking. You simply don't understand the hierarchy of self.

Little self. Mind cloud, petty second guessing, reliving and re-writing the past so when we speak we suddenly don't know what the fuck.

You cannot control your thoughts, and that can only come from the very serious practice of not thinking.

When we think we are being bullied by our hopes and fears, doubts, mis-persecutions, exaggerations and lies to ourself, on going. You think you are solitary, but even within that is hierarchy.

A glimpse of no-thought is bliss. Bombing a downhill ski run, really nailing that high speed turn on my bike, a bullseye from 25 yards with a pistol, all that is no-thought.

We will die to get it in sheer thills, we sit and watch entertainment so relax from the Tyrant of thought. We have to spend 1/3 of our life actually un-conscious.

All the Big Self, our humanity is there when we stop criticizing and shut up in our mind, for example.

Know Self. We don't or we would not have to be admonished.

Know Self beyond the raging thoughts, and there is the Hierarchy.

When I slip back out, into self doubt and the second guessing natter mind, that tends to ignore Reality for Fantasy, after a few seconds (after years of practice)...there is the Hierarchy again.

But, that few seconds is the next jewel in my collection of Reality for me. Very real and very persistent; the jewel of great worth.

Photos from the March Against Monsanto protest, Parliament Square, ...


There was a lively turnout in central London today as part of a global ‘March Against Monsanto’ protest.
The main protest was outside Parliament, where there was a fine turnout of banners on display, along with a mobile band,which the police didn’t seem too keen on. Here’s some photos from the protest:

Drum kit and PA system on a bicycle trailer. They played a lot of Clash covers.













The band goes mobile and heads off into Parliament Square.





Cops try to push the protesters back.

Into Parliament Square.




Background info from the event page:

Comment by rose 27 minutes ago
NO GMO South Africa
March against Monsanto, May 25, 2013, South Africa - Durban

Read more:
People carry signs during a protest against agribusiness giant Monsanto in Los Angeles on May 25, 2013. (AFP Photo / Robin Beck)
NO GMO South Africa
March against Monsanto, May 25, 2013, South Africa - Cape Town

Read more:
A protester wearing a protective suit and mask holds up a bottle of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide during a protest against Monsanto in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, May 25, 2013. Marches and rallies against seed giant Monsanto were held across the U.S. and in dozens of other countries Saturday. “March Against Monsanto” protesters say they want to call attention to the dangers posed by genetically modified food and the food giants that produce. (Credit: AP)

A child holds a poster reading “No to Nature’s Privatization” during a demonstration against anti-genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and US seed giant Monsanto in Bucharest, Romania, May 25, 2013. (Credit: AFP/Getty Images)

Demonstrators hold banners during a rally against U.S.-based Monsanto Co. and genetically modified organisms (GMO), in Valparaiso city May 25, 2013. (Reuters / Eliseo Fernandez)
The March Against Monsanto, Dallas. (Image from twitter user@reneefranks)
The March Against Monsanto, San Diego. (Image from
The March Against Monsanto, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Image from twitter user@Ignacio_RT)

EUGENE, Ore. -- Protesters took to the streets of Eugene this afternoon and joined the millions in a worldwide protest of agricultural bio-tech giant Monsanto, the leading producer of genetically engineered seeds.

Garden of Remembrance on Parnell Square in Dublin

Comment by rose 39 minutes ago Stockholm, #Sweden by Iwan van Hoogmoed ♥


Stockholm, #Sweden by Iwan van Hoogmoed ♥
March against Monsanto, May 25, 2013 - Tokyo, Japan

Read more:

also an estimated over 2500 people, second largest protest in Las Vegas History.

KAHULUI, HAWAII — The May 25th “March Against Monsanto” was a success not only in Maui, but worldwide, as over 2 million people were reported to be in attendance.

March against Monsanto, May 25, 2013 - Melbourne, Australia (above)

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Credit: Ron Sanford / KING
Protesters march against Monsanto in Seattle, May 25, 2013.

A cute mini protest for the March against Monsanto - Melbourne, Australia

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March against Monsanto May 25, 2013, Sydney, Australia

March against Monsanto, May 25, 2013 - Whangerei, New Zealand

Read more:

Comment by rose 48 minutes ago March Against Monsanto - Justin Herman Plaza 19


Knoxville, TN



A protester wearing a protective suit and mask holds up a sign toward passing cars that reads in Portuguese "A better world according to Monsanto is a world with more cancer" in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, May 25, 2013. (AP Photo/Nelson Antoine)
Las Vegas


March Against Monsanto - Union Square, SF 31


MAM Philadelphia


Phenomenal turn out in Beautiful Vancouver BC, Canada! I have a video on the page as well if you are interested. What an exhilarating day!!


Salt Lake City representing!!!
