More light is better???


I know the more light you got the better , but is it the same for the light cycles?

would i notice much difference using 24hr lights on compared to 18hr/6hr?
if so would the difference be good, or bad?


Well-Known Member
I like 18/6 but that's me when I ran 24/0 plants seemed to like to droop the last 5 hours but since I switched to 18/6 they don't droop. atleast I don't see it.

ph perfect

What if u run 24hr veg..and then put into flower do u find they start to flower faster... because of never seeing dark????


The good you save power on your Electric bill , the bad you use more power. I personally use the 18/6 the only time I do 24/0 is the first few weeks of germinating under a florescent the after the 2nd set of leaves I put then under a 400mh with a 18/6 cycle.


Well-Known Member
i think this subject is down to preference honestly... i don't think it really matters. if you want to buy a timer for your veg to save some bucks on electric do it, if your lazy like me, just leave the shit on... lol


i do have a timer but am only running 250w mh (will be switching to hps once its time to flower) so i dont think power usage will be that 'great' of an issue... i hope!


Well-Known Member
advantages of 18/6 or 20/4, ect as opposed to 24hrs are temperature control (lights out during hottest part of day), savings on electricity and it has been said that the plant will concentrate on root production during the dark period. I do 18/6.


Well-Known Member
advantages of 18/6 or 20/4, ect as opposed to 24hrs are temperature control (lights out during hottest part of day), savings on electricity and it has been said that the plant will concentrate on root production during the dark period. I do 18/6.
fucking LOL'ED at your location under your name... omfg... YES! broken cheap chinese ph pens... you had to have been high when you made your profile or whatever? no?


Well-Known Member
Not high, bored yes.Why the fuck didn't I get a decent ph meter from the beginning?
because they cost an arm and a leg that u need to tend to your plants... lol
i can totally see, some totally whacked spacholiy character from fast times at ridgmont high living in the igloo u described. to a fucking T! lol


Well-Known Member
they should make a movie on that fucker, the after years, sean penn living in same set up you described being his usual stoned self, and just about his life... bwhahha... i would watch it. never sober, high as fuck and i would enjoy it even if it was the shittiest cinema to ever hit the screen.