My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine


Well-Known Member
I know right.. I m gonna start flowering today i think... was going to wait untill sat but I think today will be fine...


Well-Known Member
I am soo busy with week it will all be over... hope I pass...long way from it know...This semester I have been a little distracted by my new venture. However things are coming along nicely...The girls are rounding the end of their first week flowering on wed... I can see something happening but its to small to be certain or sure of anything. I have my guesses, just nervous about waiting to long... Does anyone know when it is too late... generally speaking. I am excited though, the plants are 24 inches high... and growing everyday. I loathe the moment I have to kill some males... I am aware that they are probably going to be some of my tallest and fastest growers.
the other plants I started in the veg chamber are looking really good... you know I am shocked to announce that my soil plants I have growing right next to my Hydro is the exact same size... If the soil plants do well by me I might just look into a full soil grow... its just so dirty... I hate dirt and all the problems that come with it... I have bugs...those fungus gnats... havn't had time to properly take care of the problem I hung some fly tape and sprinkled some dry saw dust on top of the soil... I want to get some sand.. I read about that doing the trick without using chemicals. My bedroom has turned into a laboratory... lol
Its cool though whatever... :joint:
I had a guest over who discovered my greenhouse the veg chamber... started asking me all of these questions... I lied and told him it was blueberry plants growing... he asked me what Diesel Ryder cause you know he was reading the labels and so I told him it was a very special corn plant used to produce ethanol...:razz:
Ok so I know I have been slacking seriously on my journal... I will post pics tomorrow... Till then ..... Keep growing...:mrgreen:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I got neck and back strain bending over trying to see those damn preflowers. It sucks. Hopefully you won't have too many balls staring back at you. Damn, your school lets out late as shit. Our finals ended May 21. I had my fucking ballast burn out in the middle of finals week. Imagine that. I can't wait to see your one week flower pics. Mine are looking very tight at 14 days. Peace.


Well-Known Member
yeah we are on the quarter system not really semesters.... i got neck strain too!
wish we could taste each others harvest... that would be cool...yeah so im gonna put pics up tomorrow. there is no books under my tray anymore...its grounded and the plants are almost to the light. you know i am scared cause a good majority of my plants are all tall.hope thats not a sign of something...


Well-Known Member
I am soo busy with week it will all be over... hope I pass...long way from it know...This semester I have been a little distracted by my new venture. However things are coming along nicely...The girls are rounding the end of their first week flowering on wed... I can see something happening but its to small to be certain or sure of anything. I have my guesses, just nervous about waiting to long... Does anyone know when it is too late... generally speaking. I am excited though, the plants are 24 inches high... and growing everyday. I loathe the moment I have to kill some males... I am aware that they are probably going to be some of my tallest and fastest growers.
the other plants I started in the veg chamber are looking really good... you know I am shocked to announce that my soil plants I have growing right next to my Hydro is the exact same size... If the soil plants do well by me I might just look into a full soil grow... its just so dirty... I hate dirt and all the problems that come with it... I have bugs...those fungus gnats... havn't had time to properly take care of the problem I hung some fly tape and sprinkled some dry saw dust on top of the soil... I want to get some sand.. I read about that doing the trick without using chemicals. My bedroom has turned into a laboratory... lol
Its cool though whatever... :joint:
I had a guest over who discovered my greenhouse the veg chamber... started asking me all of these questions... I lied and told him it was blueberry plants growing... he asked me what Diesel Ryder cause you know he was reading the labels and so I told him it was a very special corn plant used to produce ethanol...:razz:
Ok so I know I have been slacking seriously on my journal... I will post pics tomorrow... Till then ..... Keep growing...:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
but its looking very bad for me.... a lot of my plants are showing signs of masculinity... I am pissed. I hope not I could be wrong but all of the tall ones that I thought were doing so good are looking very male. Pictures to come soon.:cry::confused::cry:


Well-Known Member
Please tell me that its too early to tell...its been a week one week and these little ball like buds are forming on many of my plants... are the hairs to come or is it too late and should I start chopping.? These may not be widows at all:cry::roll::confused::-|:spew: just their dead fucking husbands.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Ewwww. Those are a males for sure. Don't feel bad. I dropped one of my two remaining plants and I think it's dead now.:cry:


Active Member
I'm sorry, I know this is such a newb question, but what are those ball thingies in the soil??

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I know this is such a newb question, but what are those ball thingies in the soil??
That's hydroton. Trustduran2 is not using soil at all. This is hydro, the roots of the plants are growing in the spaces between the balls.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Trust, are you murdering your plants right now? Let that aggression out. I beat my males and hermies with a baseball bat before throwing them in the dumpster. Makes me feel better.


Well-Known Member
I am sooo pissed right now, so I should kill them??? you are sure its a male? I want to kick Urge in the throat (dumb ass question) and shoot my plant with a M16.


Well-Known Member
Hey man just caught your grow dont be to discourage about a couple males you should get some sexy ladies to. Any other plants showing sex?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I am sooo pissed right now, so I should kill them??? you are sure its a male? I want to kick Urge in the throat (dumb ass question) and shoot my plant with a M16.
Yeah dude, the plant(s) in those pictures are male. I'm 100% on that. I kill my males when the preflowers are way smaller. If you have doubts, rip off those balls and if there are tiny seeds in them, there you go. And then you should kill them.



Well-Known Member
Hey man just caught your grow dont be to discourage about a couple males you should get some sexy ladies to. Any other plants showing sex?
no I don't see any hairs, just these calix things starting on alot of them some of the smaller plants don't have anything. The thing I am stressed about is that there is a considerable difference between my big plants and my small plants... I hope that the real small ones aren't all the females... cause I fear they have been choked from the light by these dudes... now my light cycle has ended and I can't investigate more till tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
no I don't see any hairs, just these calix things starting on alot of them some of the smaller plants don't have anything. The thing I am stressed about is that there is a considerable difference between my big plants and my small plants... I hope that the real small ones aren't all the females... cause I fear they have been choked from the light by these dudes... now my light cycle has ended and I can't investigate more till tomorrow.
the male plants are usualy taller then the femes.thats coz they want to pollinate every female plant arround them! as i said, the males show their sex first!


Well-Known Member
seeds in the!?
The seeds in the sacks thing Idk, Mared what are you saying??? I don't think that there could be seeds unless polination has taken place. Anyway I don't think there are seeds in these.. when bit the tps off with my teeth and spit it out and kicked it I would have tasted something a little hard right? I don't think there are seeds in them there are supposed to be male flowers in there...:wall::cuss::cuss: