the c99 story

i found this on another forum and thought it was interesting.i guess this is a post by the original grower of c99 ''MrSoul''

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts from people asking for the “Cinderella Story”, so here it is:
In 1997, I discovered a few seeds in a bud of Jack Herer I bought @ “Sensi Smile” coffeeshop in Amsterdam while there to buy seeds. I didn’t expect much when I grew them, but one of those seeds from the JH bud produced a very special female that I call “Princess”.
Therefore Princess’ mother was a Jack Herer (IF we can believe what Sensi Smile printed on the package) and her father is a totally unidentified mystery plant.
I also got 2 more females (Genius & Cafe’Girl) & several males from those seeds. I used pollen from one of the males on a heavy-yielding, dense, resinous ShivaSkunk (from Sensi Seedbank) female, then grew the resulting seeds to get males to produce pollen to cross Princess with, beginning the cubing process.
The first generation of seeds from Princess were called P.50 because they were 50% Princess. I used males from the P.50 generation to back-cross to Princess to get P.75 and again back-crossed with the P.75 pollen to get P.88 and again with the P.88 pollen to get P.94 which is “Cinderella 99″, a cubed version of Princess.
The name “Cinderella” was chosen because of the parallels between this story and the well-known fairy tale in which Cinderella becomes a Princess despite her humble beginning. It’s also VERY similar to the story of the “Morgan Horse”…go Figure
I ALWAYS see preflowers between the age of 4 and 6 weeks. Node 6 is commonly where they start, so I’d say you’re probably seeing them. The plants that show first are usually males. Look over each plant carefully, using a loupe. If you see a preflower at such an early age, it’ll most likely be male, but be SURE before culling it. If you can’t find a preflower on a plant, while most of the others HAVE shown… it’s most likely a female. Isn’t that uniformity NICE? Cinderella 99 is a STABLE strain. Cinderella 88 was close, but this generation is there.
(Cinderella needs odor control?) I don’t know if it helps you, but the scent is very sweet and fruity. It won’t “fool” anyone who’s familiar with MJ, but the average person might not recognize the scent as pot. They start to smell after 3 weeks of 12/12 and they’re harvested 4 weeks later, so the SHORT flowering cycle helps a bit by lessening the amount of time your garden “stinks”.
Yields are highly dependant on the methods used. Pruning style and number of plants/area make a BIG difference. I get about 2 lbs every 50 days under 2kW. I grow a combination of bushes and single-cola clones (about 12-20 of ‘em) in 2 gallon pots of organic soil, feeding them “teas” of dissolved worm castings, PSG, high phosphorus bat guano and kelp meal. My yields are average at best. Professional growers write me saying they get 2lbs/kW, which I’m sure is true.
The scent given off by Cinderella is NOT the typical “pot stench”…not at all skunky -she’s sweet and fruity. Someone passing by the flowering room MIGHT not recognize the scent as pot and mistake it for tropical flowers. When you rub the resin you can definitely smell it. C-99 is more “psychedelic”… I think that’s what you’re looking for eh? Just be sure to smoke a LITTLE, wait 10 minutes, then think about whether or not you need any more…it’s easy to over-indulge and become paranoid.
Haze is my favourite high. Very “trippy” C-99 is has more of the Haze type of high because the mother (Princess), has that kind of high and each time I back-cross to her the next generation gets a bit more of it. Smoking PURE Princess buds is a bit scary… it’s too “speedy” and paranoia-inducing for most people. But she’s so RESINOUS (see photo) and her flavour is just so delicious and fruity that I knew back-crossing her to her offspring over several generations would create a strain which is actually BETTER than the original mother in terms of a more PLEASING high. It was successful beyond my expectations.
The progression I went through was:
P.50 = Princess/(ShivaSkunk/Princess’Brother)
P.75 = Princess/P.50
Cinderella 88 = Princess/P.75
Cinderella 99 = Princess/Cinderella 88
Each generation exhibited a MAJOR jump in potency: P.50 was rather mellow, P.75 has a well-balanced body/mind high with a citrus flavour, Cinderella 88 is cerebral and paralyzing with a tropical fruit flavour, and Cinderella 99 is “TRIP WEED” with more of the fruity flavour and speedy effect from Princess.
C-99 will be a bigger yielder and faster finisher (than D/T) – which I personally think makes more sense to begin a grow with. If you’re growing under 1000W lamps, you should easily get a pound of C-99 per lamp after a 7 week flowering period. When you have all the weed you need and can take your time waiting for a long-flowering Sativa, THEN start those “extra” beans (included in your order)… I don’t know what the Bros Grimm sent you, but it’s NOT Durban/Thai. I’m still developing it, so they won’t see it for about 6 months.
Thanks for noticing her she IS beautiful! Cafe’Girl is a sister of “Princess” – Princess is the mother of the Cinderella series. Cafe’Girl smells like a combination of ginger, orange and cream… kinda smells like a “Creamsicle” -you know those ice cream bars? She has the highest YIELD of the 3 Sisters (Princess, Genius and Cafe’Girl). Cafe’Girl makes HUGE, DENSE, SPARKLING buds with a lovely high. A really sweet high, in that you never feel paranoid and it continues to “creep up” over the first 15 minutes after you smoke, leaving you feeling warm and at peace with life. Bros Grimm may offer an hybrid of Cafe’Girl when enough testing of her offspring has been completed.
Sure, I’d be glad to answer your q’s:
1. I flower clones when they’re about a foot tall and they double in height during flowering.
2. They clone SUPER EASY.
3. Crossing Cindy 88’s will you a variety of phenotypes… they’re not stable. Cindy 99 IS STABLE.
4. The seeds are small, tan in colour and “speckled” not striped. If you ordered from either Bros.Grimm or Heaven’s Stairway you WON’T get ripped off…but I’ll describe the plants: As seedlings they’re fast-growing, Indica-dominant with fairly wide leaves. They show preflowers @ 5-6 weeks old WITHOUT FAIL. They NEVER herm, so if the preflowers have pistils, it’s FEMALE forever. They flower RAPIDLY – you probably won’t believe how fat and dense and frosty they’ll be @ 4-5 weeks 12/12. The flower/leaf is EXTREMELY high; the tops of the colas go NUTS at about 5 weeks into flowering, sending braid-like floral cluster projections out in all directions without any leaves. Just before that happens, hundreds of SNOW WHITE pistils make the tip of the colas look like they’re wearing fur caps! The resin production is HEAVY (again, you won’t believe it), a HEAVENLY scent of tropical fruit and berries begins to fill the room @ 3 weeks of 12/12 and just keeps getting more overpowering ’til they’re done. The finished smoke is the type of high that keeps you UP; it’s very cerebral – the only body effect is the “jitters”. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking to “mellow out” on the sofa, BUT if you wanted to smoke before going running or cycling – PERFECT!
I smoked C-88 one eve after trying Silver Haze and the C-88 buzz cut RIGHT THROUGH the high of the Haze so badly that my wife asked me, “what did you do?… smoke too much?” The flavour is just like the scent; fruity and sweet…not at all hashy (not that there’s anything WRONG with that!…heehee.
Outdoors, Apollo 13 and Cinderella 88 will finish before October 15th at 43 degrees north lattitude.
If you liked NL#5/Haze, you’ll like C-99 too. It’s got a sweet, fruity taste and some of that “paranoia inducing” effect, very cerebral and speedy. The major advantages of C-99 over the old Haze x NL#5 from the original Seed Bank are rapid maturation and bigger yield. The highs and flavours are “different” but in the same class.
scence i posted this, ive done some soul was 1/2 of brothers grimm seeds.they are out of buisness now, but actual and nectar are the only ones selling c99 now.ive taken it upon myself to try them both out and they are 20 days along.the nectar c99 is already smelling skunky and has slihtly thinner,more sativa looking leaves.the actual seeds c99 is looking a bit more indica and not smelling yet.over all both types look very close and are deff. hybrids, but with one looking a bit more sativa-ish.plants are very uniform and i cant tell one from the other without close inspection.


Well-Known Member
I actually grew out the original C99 in 2001. It was an unbelievable strain. I nearly killed it on several occasions and it ALWAYS bounced back and never hermied on me. As for the smell OMG. It smelled incredible. Smelled of pungent fruit. It was truly intoxicating. Yeilds were respectable but not tremendous. Smoke was otherworldly. Clear up high, a few of my buddies got a bit paranoid by I never did. All this in only 51 days in a drip hydro under 1k. I would pay $100 a bean if I could get the original.


i bought original grimm brothers seed sometime in 04....i grew them outside and got 3 males, they mistakenly pollinated 2 females and the seeds were eventually stored away labeled c99 F2, i found them a few yrs later when c99 got real big and found some amazing fucking phenos. i dont have the oriignal grimm bros, but i made seeds from their stock, so its just as good IMO, i have 6 seeds left of the F2 from 04 as we speak, sometime next winter i am going to pop them all and find 1 male and 1 female to make f3s...wish me luck. peace:peace:


not a very glamorous story if you ask me, why would the original co-owner for brothers grimm lie?...and if he did lie why would he make the story relatively average and unimpressive?...

of course there is no way to fully confirm a story like this, its just something someone said anonymously on the internet, but if mrsoul really was a co owner of BG, then i find it highly unlikely he would make up such a uninteresting story for a great strain.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I was there, bantering with the owners, Sly and Mr. Soul, who had their own help desk at Cannabis World and also posted earlier than that at the first internet cannabis site which I modded - aka cannabis. com. Like me, they were cantakerous and short, but they were real breeders who took their work seriously. Their cubing method to stabilize strains was some excellent work. This was at least 15 years ago.

I did quite a few crosses using both F1 C99 males and a few females, and as far as I know I'm the only one that still has plenty of their In/Out Cross which as advertised were some of their best (but not stabilized)...... just got mixed up on the sorting label. In this respect the BG has integrity. Their stock was expensive but you got what you ordered. My 4 topping method is one such plant of the BG In/Out mix. What's ironical is I bought them from the distributor, Ron of Heaven's Stairway, who was eventually busted by the Royal Canadian Police. I paid $1 a seed, for 20. have the real skinny from "one who was there". If you wish to repost, do not edit and please give me credit for this little bit of cannabis breeding history.

One of the CW members who worshipped the ground they walked on took the time to write a history on BG and some of their breeding efforts. I save his ditty and here it is unedited, as sent to me in a PM many years ago. I also saved an extremely detailed, step by step journal of Soul's garden but it's too long to post it here - like 10 pages.

As mentioned, Shabang was an admin for the huge and Webby was admin for Cannabis World. I posted at both, had 1,000's of posts and huge pinned threads, and got constantly flamed by a couple of trolls until there was no tomorrow. :)

That you had ordered C99. Well I have a little present for ya. Please don't repost this stuff as Shabang and Webby are currently creating a C99 FAQ. I'm involved and have my own work which I'd like to pass on to
you. Hopefully an ole pro like you can get some useful info from this. Warning: Its long... Good luck and have a great holiday.


The Story:
Princess" is a female which resulted from a seed found in a Jack Herer bud I bought in Amsterdam near the Sensi Seed Bank at "Coffeeshop Sensi Smile". The bud came in a 2gm cello-pack with the Sensi logo; I expected sinsemilla, but it had about 10 seeds so I assume she's an F2 JH. Her characteristics were so fine I wanted to create seeds that would "replicate" this plant. She has the KILLER Haze-influenced high with the
most DELICIOUS pineapple/evil scent, 50 day maturation in 12/12, and incredible resin production, does't stretch - yet clearly Sativa-dominant! Last but not least: Never a hint of hermaphrodism after 2 years of cloning & many different styles of grow.

I wanted to "cube" Princess but add a little beef to her branches because the buds were always too heavy at harvest and branches needed staking to keep from flopping over. I crossed my ShivaSkunk female with
one of the males from the same group of seeds that Princess came from THIS cross produced a male which was then crossed to Princess, creating "P.50" (using a shorthand notation I developed to indicate the fraction of Princess genes in the cross).

Each generation is the result of crossing a male from the previous generation to Princess herself (incestuous, I know).

Blow-by-blow description of the generations:

P.50 = Heavy, single-cola type plants with mellow high (too much influence from the ShivaSkunk) Sweet fruity scent/flavour. Unstable in most traits - for example, 10 days difference in fastest/slowest maturation period in a group of 20 seedlings.

P.75 = Plants leaning MUCH more in the direction of Princess in floral cluster and bud structure, scent/flavour turned more "tropical" like pineapple. The stability was becoming better - two major phenotypes; short & dense (potent too) or tall/HUGE (Not so potent).

P.88 = Renamed Cinderella 88 when first released on the market. It grows fast and produces excellent yields of FROSTY buds in 7 weeks! Generally uniform seedlings with minor differences in floral formation and some height variance, but the smoke is quite consistent from all plants - Dense, heavy nuggets of fruity scented & flavoured (like wild berries) and covered in resin glands, the dried buds have distinctly ORANGE

And now P.94 = Cinderella 99. This project has been a huge success. The strain has been embraced by the "net"work of growers with rave reviews. The Bros Grimm too have been recognized for their excellent combination of quality products and unparalleled service after the sale. There's NO OTHER seed bank that has it's breeders on the net answering questions from "newbies" 40 hours/week, and the info is first-rate; even details of their breeding strategies are openly discussed so that the seed buyer can feel well-informed about the products BG offer.

I personally think the plants these Cinderella 99 seeds produce are every bit as good as a cutting from Princess herself (or better). I say better because the flavour of no two plants is "identical"; there's a
personality to all living things. Like Princess herself, Cinderella is sweet & fruity to the palette and nose, and when you take a hit you're BLASTED...with the same "racy" high as Princess! The improvement comes
in the yield department; 25% greater yield and a stronger branch structure, which I accomplished by starting with some ShivaSkunk genes in the original father in the cubing process. I knew I'd blend out the
majority of the traits from ShivaSkunk in the cubing process, but I was hoping to incorporate the ShivaSkunk's stronger branches because Princess had a tendency to need supports in the final two weeks of flowering. As it turns out, I got lucky and it worked. The name suits the strain IMO - it’s a true “Cinderella Story”.

I've been seeing a lot of posts from people asking for the "Cinderella Story", so here it is:

In 1997, I discovered a few seeds in a bud of Jack Herer I bought @ "Sensi Smile" coffeeshop in Amsterdam while there to buy seeds. I didn't expect much when I grew them, but one of those seeds from the JH bud
produced a very special female that I call "Princess".

Therefore Princess' mother was a Jack Herer (IF we can believe what Sensi Smile printed on the package) and her father is a totally unidentified mystery plant.

I also got 2 more females (Genius & Cafe'Girl) & several males from those seeds. I used pollen from one of the males on a heavy-yielding, dense, resinous ShivaSkunk (from Sensi Seedbank) female, then grew the
resulting seeds to get males to produce pollen to cross Princess with, beginning the cubing process.

The first generation of seeds from Princess were called P.50 because they were 50% Princess. I used males from the P.50 generation to back-cross to Princess to get P.75 and again back-crossed with the P.75
pollen to get P.88 and again with the P.88 pollen to get P.94 which is "Cinderella 99", a cubed version of Princess.

The name "Cinderella" was chosen because of the parallels between this story and the well-known fairy tale in which Cinderella becomes a Princess despite her humble beginning. It's also VERY similar to the story of the "Morgan Horse"...go Figure!

SLY's Take:
here is my take on the Cindy story. i DO NOT believe this is a JH hybrid. i don't think it has any JH in it at all, and i've worked with this plant longer and more intensly than anyone other than soul. yes,
soul got it out of a 2 gram bag of JH he bought but i don't believe there was JH in that package regardless of what was on the label. i think the coffeeshop, like many other dealers around. put whatever name
on the packages the public wants to hear. there is NO way IMHO that a cross pollination with any unknown father plant could bring a JH flowering time down to 49 days. the fact that there were other females
out of the same seed batch that had the same flowering time shows it was not and freak. i worked with sensi's JH for several years, so i speak from first hand experience. Cindy is not even close the JH in flowering time or any other JH traits. i've been breeding for years and i have NEVER known a plants flowering time to be brought down that much with one crossing.

IMHO soul stumbled across a gem in the rough and was bright enough to know what he had and was expereinced enough to know what had to be done to it to bring it's full potential out. since i've never seen anything that even resembles cindy on the market i'd say even the person who grew the bud out didn't realize what he had.
Uncle Ben


Well-Known Member
I love the weed mythology..thanks for clarifying Ben. Does any breeder offer anything like the original these days?


Well-Known Member
So is the 'Female Seeds' one the best out there? Plenty of good grows from peeps on here with it now that's for sure.

G13 have one now too I see. Not that confident with them though.


Well-Known Member
G13 have one now too I see. Not that confident with them though.
Ditto..seeing as how it's lineage is grapefruit x pineapple. If they had the real c99, we would have seen it by now. This looks like something they just developed.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I made backcrosses but I seriously doubt if there's any real C99 being offered. Really don't know since I haven't bought seeds in 12 years and don't intend to start back now.

It was not the "holy grail" that was coined in the Bros ads. It was prone to hermies somewhat and bud rot and I had an issue with one of the males I popped hoping it would make good breeding stock - the internodes were outrageous, like 12" long. I've seen pure sativas with much shorter internodes. Pointed it out to Soul and he went ballistic, banned me too. If you didn't suck up to the Bros., you weren't allowed to remain in their "help desk", which they modded of course for the sake of sales. It you grew super dense fat colas and didn't have a fan blowing directly on the colas with RH below, say.....60%, you stood a good chance of having some bud rot.



I made backcrosses but I seriously doubt if there's any real C99 being offered. Really don't know since I haven't bought seeds in 12 years and don't intend to start back now.

It was not the "holy grail" that was coined in the Bros ads. It was prone to hermies somewhat and bud rot and I had an issue with one of the males I popped hoping it would make good breeding stock - the internodes were outrageous, like 12" long. I've seen pure sativas with much shorter internodes. Pointed it out to Soul and he went ballistic, banned me too. If you didn't suck up to the Bros., you weren't allowed to remain in their "help desk", which they modded of course for the sake of sales. It you grew super dense fat colas and didn't have a fan blowing directly on the colas with RH below, say.....60%, you stood a good chance of having some bud rot.

of course it wasnt what the breeder said, is it ever what the breeder says? lol that doesnt mean its still not a great strain to have, its one of my personal favorites.. and i DO agree about the mold issue, cindy is prone to it, but its mostly from the trichs being so thick IMO it almost doesnt feel like plant material when its done, but i have had mold problems for ever with cinderella, you learn how to avoid it though, but if your not careful you will get mold off the orig.

i do not remember where i got the seeds from that I currently know as f2 c99, but i know they are good as hell and anyone who has ever sat down and smoked it has been like wow. thats mostly why i kept them, it wasnt until years later the legend and myth of c99 started and all that nonsense came out about it after the grimm brothers got shut down did i realize what i had were actually pretty awesome and pretty rare. i dont buy many seeds off the net so i dont have many like this, but i love my cinderella, i have alot in a jar almost done curing now, maybe ill take a few pics later and post them here. peace:peace:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
thats mostly why i kept them, it wasnt until years later the legend and myth of c99 started and all that nonsense came out about it after the grimm brothers got shut down did i realize what i had were actually pretty awesome and pretty rare.
The Bros Grimm didn't get "shut down". They took the money and ran. They were in it for the money. They shut themselves down.


The Bros Grimm didn't get "shut down". They took the money and ran. They were in it for the money. They shut themselves down.

well whatever happened to them doesnt matter much to me, i am just happy to have benefited from their small bit of work.


Enjoy, and make your own crosses.
thanks you to, like you i have not purchased seeds in almost 6 years, i dont see a point, its all a big scam waste of money just like advanced nutrients...its sad that people will prey on others just to make a buck. sad


Active Member
I remember being 15 and going to my uncles house, sneaking into his grow room and breaking off buds of his c99.
Shit was fucking crazy good, he flipped out on my dad for taking his shit without asking.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
thanks you to, like you i have not purchased seeds in almost 6 years, i dont see a point, its all a big scam waste of money just like advanced nutrients...its sad that people will prey on others just to make a buck. sad
It doesn't get any more sleezy than the cannabis biz. If you haven't found out yet, you will eventually.
