Why are ancient thoughts held in such high regard?


Well-Known Member
This baffles me. You hear so many people today talk about the ancients with such high esteem, don't get me wrong, they hold their share of credit for innovation, but for fucks sake, why do so may people think they had all the answers? The ancients barely knew shit of the modern world, and couldn't predict what was to come. Modern man has a much better grasp on the world than the ancients did. Aztecs, Incas, stfu, do you know any Aztec or Incan people? I wonder why...
Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakeable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time. - Richard Dawkins
You think we can predict what is to come? In 500 years people will say the same thing about us.
The reason you don't know any Inca's or Aztecs is because the introduction of European people to the region brought a plague of diseases and viruses that their immune systems were not prepared for and after 80-90% of natives died the foreigners fucked what was left of them into submission turning all of them into what we have now, Mexicans and south Americans as far as there accomplishments go it seems to me that you having the internet has some how made you feel superior to them? I think you forget that the word modern is relative and in their time and place they were modern, the only thing you have over them is power, cut that off and with in 100 years we would be plunged into the stone age once again, also i think its pretty funny that when you consider the grand scheme of things these inferior people were able to chart the stars beyond anything that you could fathom and they didn't even have written language, i would love to see you manage to do that...
The reason you don't know any Inca's or Aztecs is because the introduction of European people to the region brought a plague of diseases and viruses that their immune systems were not prepared for and after 80-90% of natives died the foreigners fucked what was left of them into submission turning all of them into what we have now, Mexicans and south Americans as far as there accomplishments go it seems to me that you having the internet has some how made you feel superior to them? I think you forget that the word modern is relative and in their time and place they were modern, the only thing you have over them is power, cut that off and with in 100 years we would be plunged into the stone age once again, also i think its pretty funny that when you consider the grand scheme of things these inferior people were able to chart the stars beyond anything that you could fathom and they didn't even have written language, i would love to see you manage to do that...

An ancient civilization wouldn't stand a chance against the information I hold, you're truly kidding yourself if you think otherwise
An ancient civilization wouldn't stand a chance against the information I hold, you're truly kidding yourself if you think otherwise

Yes, you hold it because they already thought of it.
We all learned from our past and try to define a better path, everyday.
We have seemed to lose the great thinkers of time gone by.
I believe there were ancient civilizations that had techonology greater than our own (or at least it is possible). The information you hold is also relative.

"3rd world" or "undeveloped" civilizations even now, are still rich in ways the modern man is poor.

I will say this though, just because they are ancient doesn't make them anything special necessarily. Brilliance can spring from any time period. "Ancient" people were the ones to discover and implement much of the knowledge that we take for granted today.

It's all relative I guess.
If this were true, wouldn't you think we would find evidence of this technology somewhere?
No, they also had these vaporizer guns that allowed them to make shit just disappear completely from the planet. :)

In 500 years people will say the same thing about us.
By then 'people' barely even consider themselves part of the same species as 'people' today.

FutureGirl said:
LOL! Even back in the year 2000 the majority of our ancestors thought there was an all-controlling being in the sky! :lol:... oh wait wait, not even in the sky, he was EVERYWHERE!
FutureGuy said:
LMFAO, no way, let me see that.. wow, who's that old sick guy in the funny costume? That's just creepy man... wtf was wrong with people back then?
The lengths people will go to, to allow themselves to believe things without evidence. I want to believe cool ideas all the time! But rather i am humble about it, and rather than believe it... i leave it as "damn... that's a cool fucking idea."
The lengths people will go to, to allow themselves to believe things without evidence. I want to believe cool ideas all the time! But rather i am humble about it, and rather than believe it... i leave it as "damn... that's a cool fucking idea."

I agree, I don't understand the appeal of something if it's imaginary or made-up. It's unfortunate that people still get the benefit of something illusory, something fake, because the benefit itself is fake, it's all an illusion and people are deceiving themselves believing it's true. But is it, really? This is something I don't know the answer to.. Is it good or bad that people can gain some benefit or some relief from the trials of everyday life through something imaginary? There are good and bad things about that idea, but it's really tough to conclude if the idea itself is good or bad..

If something fake stops someone from killing someone, that is probably a good thing.. But if something fake compels someone to kill someone, clearly that's pretty bad.. The problem is organized religion does both simultaneously. The problem then must exist within the people practicing it. There must be a right way and a wrong way to practice/study it.

The language and cultural barriers are another problem to overcome entirely, conveying these thoughts to some of these cultures is next to impossible because they've never been introduced to them, thinking this way is as different to them as thinking their way is to us.

I have no clue where this drunken/stoned rant was going, so yeah..
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
If this were true, wouldn't you think we would find evidence of this technology somewhere?

Not necessarily. Remember when the modem came out, and everyone thought "Wow this internets is advanced stuff"? There was already 'high-speed' internet available at that time, but you make more money when you reverse engineer technology. Actually, you can make infinite profit (in theory). Just stay 100 years ahead of the knowledge of the public.

There is 'evidence' out there, but who the hell is Joe Schmo to be able to access it? In a world powered by money (greed/ego), secrecy is king. It's no coincidence that an extremely small percentage of mankind owns the vast majority of the world. We have too many material obligations to go traveling the globe in search of anything, let alone hidden technology. It's the american dream; consume and obey, don't question anything.
Do what works. Follow the well worn path that leads to prosperity and peace.
If a path brings holiness and joy and peace, and is time tested.. There may be validity to it.

It is much wiser to follow the ancient path that is proven to work rather than trying to figure it all out on your own and in one lifetime.