Active Member
Good looking out inverg but a 2l hempy of 7x12 I would definetly go outside of a 600 watt 4x4 footprint. With that amount of 2l's what does swim avg's in yield?
hey rocket,
swim started with 5 x 5 hempys in a 1 m tray,swim foUnd lots of space at harvest time, swim then started 6x6 in a 1 m tray and trimmed lower branches, swim noticed better colas less popcorn but still a little space, swim then went for 7 x 7 and that is as far as swim would take the 1 m tray, 3 ft or 1m to swim would be 7 hempys with training,
then swim found that a 1m area is wasting a a bit of footprint on a 600w hps,especially when sog/scrog is used.
i found this a while ago;
if you go by an average grow-lighting chart that shows each wattage light’s footprint you will see a 150-watt has a footprint that is 2’ X 2’ totaling 4 sq. sf. of light coverage. A 600-watt light has a footprint of 6’ X 6’ totaling 36 sq. ft.
Just going by equal footprint size it would take nine 150-watt lights to equal the footprint size of one 600-watt HID light.
When it comes to lighting some things do not add up and others do not divide equally.
although swim has started using 49 per tray recently he is using the full perimeter of the tray to finish or start other hempys (you can get 30 all the way around) .swim also uses 400w for the first 4 weeks and slides the tray over to the 600 for the final 4 weeks but you can only really efficiently cover the 1m tray with a 400 w footprint . hempys really push the boundary in sog with the right training
swim never took a full accurate weight of the full tray as they come down at different times but averages have been taken a few times and the weight varies dependent on strain and training but would say 8g overall dry pp.
I must add that swim is at 49 (7x7) atm and has not done the 6 feet square as he believes a 5 feet square is perfect for his set up and maybe 12 rows in 5 feet is pushing it but even a 6x11 in that space is very good going! if they dont suffer ill effects your golden for a 7x12 init! one day swim will try 12x 12 under a 600 but he needs to dial in the necessary implementations.