The French Cannoli` Hash Thread


Well-Known Member
Cool I may be around if I don't go south

Lots of fires going on down there so I may hang

Will buzz you in the am

Frenchy, you mentioned that sativas give up their trichomes less readily than indicas or kushes. How do you adjust your methods when you encounter a tricky plant? Longer but still gentle agitations?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the hash history Frenchy. So is there no such thing as opiated hash? Do you have any opinions on Thai sticks being dipped in opium water?

I love Cannabis stories :)


Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Frenchy, you mentioned that sativas give up their trichomes less readily than indicas or kushes. How do you adjust your methods when you encounter a tricky plant? Longer but still gentle agitations?
Yes a little longer but ALWAYS gentle and more wash of the load. The Sativa will give their trichomes little by little so you have to wash your trims a lot more and be even gentler to compensate.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the hash history Frenchy. So is there no such think as opiated hash? Do you have any opinions on Thai sticks being dipped in opium water?

I love Cannabis stories :)

The Bombay Black in India, but I have personally never seen any, possibly just a myth. Opium needs a special preparation and pipe to be smoked, very different from Hash, so together I do not think that it would work.
Thai sticks on the other is not a myth, I had the chance to smoke some and it is so very much Sativaish that most people got a little overwhelm. No opium water there for a fact.
Did not get to it yet. I had a visit from our Cannabis Aficionado friends with some more Pinot Noir and some heirloom OG that they call "Black Label".
I will do that tomorrow, trippy so many flavors on the same day. Blessed..................
Waiting to see your flawless execution with our Black Label OG brings back sensations reminiscent of being kid again, waiting for Christmas to come around. The Black Label OG is a highly cherished cut here in Mendocino- it's a cross of our rarest cuts of OG and Chemdawg (Louis XIII OG x Chemdawg Special Reserve), the anticipation is tingling and yes my good friend...the drooling has begun

Also, its interesting to finally hear some first hand confirmation about the myths of opium being cut with hashish, this is largely still an accepted and often referenced piece of folklore around California, good to hear some truth on the subject, it never seemed "right" to me that the two would be paired together.

Anybody take a chance at Dry Sieving here? I'd like to compare the quality of water and dry sieve hash I'm a huge fan of both (drooling has resumed)
Thanks for the hash history Frenchy. So is there no such thing as opiated hash? Do you have any opinions on Thai sticks being dipped in opium water?

I love Cannabis stories :)

Yessir! NO better way than to start the day with a good cannabis story, like music it's great food for the soul

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Bombay Black was/is usually the lower quality hash coming from all over the board (from Pakistan to Buthan via South India), it is a repress with anything that will give it a super sticky dark black look. It could go from some Coke (the drink) to molasses and yes most certainly to opium since it was dirt cheap in India. That also means that the opium would not be good for smoking, it is just a cheap binding agent, one of the cleanest, but still dirty enough not to be smokable. Plenty good if you eat it on the other hand
Opium water and Thai Stick was a first one on me and is so ridiculous I will not comment.
Dry Sieving is in fact my specialty with hand rubbed, I am new to ice water.


Active Member
Frenchy is right mixing opium and hash together would burn like shit. All the opium i have ever had when heated and smoked turns into a liquid and if you put it on flowers it likes coats your bud and really sucks at trying to smoke. First time i tried to smoke some opium out of a glass pipe I put in a good chunk and when you fire it up turned to a liquid and down the hole it went to get stuck in a puddle under the bowl. After that using that pipe you could hit the pipe and get like opium resin hits off the thing always made the bud have a opium taste to it. Mixing the two might be good. If you could make a pipe with two bowls one for the bud and one for the hash and light both at once. But thats just over kill. Opium causes physical addiction which is never fun.


Well-Known Member

The article I read said that when they processed opium in Thailand there was a byproduct called opium water in which they would dip the Thai sticks.

I have had the pleasure of smoking two versions of Thai sticks - one the size of a pencil with rock hard buds tied around the stick - the other was as long as a pencil but was as big around as a nickle and had the same hard buds. The color of the sticks was a light chocolate brown color that was unlike any of the Gold, Red or Green buds around at the time (1975-76). When smoked it was a very heavy rich sweet smoke (very hashy) with a strong hypnotic stoney high. Very different than the Sativa products from Hawaii or the Americas we had been smoking.

In the '80s I was gifted some supposed Thai in a bag, not on a stick. It was dirtweed coated with some kind of brown goop. Horrible stuff.

I am looking forward to growing some Thai in the future. Saw a picture on a thread of some Thai buds with giant black seeds! I want to grow to there! hehe


Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member

The article I read said that when they processed opium in Thailand there was a byproduct called opium water in which they would dip the Thai sticks.

I have had the pleasure of smoking two versions of Thai sticks - one the size of a pencil with rock hard buds tied around the stick - the other was as long as a pencil but was as big around as a nickle and had the same hard buds. The color of the sticks was a light chocolate brown color that was unlike any of the Gold, Red or Green buds around at the time (1975-76). When smoked it was a very heavy rich sweet smoke (very hashy) with a strong hypnotic stoney high. Very different than the Sativa products from Hawaii or the Americas we had been smoking.

In the '80s I was gifted some supposed Thai in a bag, not on a stick. It was dirtweed coated with some kind of brown goop. Horrible stuff.

I am looking forward to growing some Thai in the future. Saw a picture on a thread of some Thai buds with giant black seeds! I want to grow to there! hehe
The Thai sticks I smoked where small size buds tied around a stick, color was in the lighter shade of brown. I cannot compare as you do since my knowledge of flowers at that time was almost non existent. I do remember the potency. AMAZING
I do not know about the opium water, it does not make sense really, did the article gave a reason for using the water???


Well-Known Member
It was there so they used it? I just Googled it and found an article that mentioned "Second Water" in the Heroin-making process being used. However, during that search I found a description that talked about hash collection and dissolving in pure cane alcohol to make the coating. The Thai stick flavor was very hashy, so this sounds more plausable. :)

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
It was there so they used it? I just Googled it and found an article that mentioned "Second Water" in the Heroin-making process being used. However, during that search I found a description that talked about hash collection and dissolving in pure cane alcohol to make the coating. The Thai stick flavor was very hashy, so this sounds more plausable. :)
I cannot remember the taste, shame on me!!!!!!!! They did sale "weed cigarettes" pack laced with hero in Bangkok so pseudo Thai Stick with "Second Water" is in their alley I guess.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
To all of you looking for a hash plant have a pick at Timewreck. Double OUH LA LA for TC in any case.
Agent Orange is not as impressive on the look but the terpenes are out of this world.
If you are making hash and you have never tried TGA strains, you are missing BIG TIME
Starting on the Black Label. I will post some pics mañana

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Cannabis Aficionado and the Humboldt Connoisseurs are really proud of their Black Label and I just discovered why in my 73 microns bag. This is the first time that dry trims produce trichomes as sticky as the stickiest trichomes from fresh trims. It may not mean much for most of you but believe me when I say that it is very impressive. The yield is also very high, splendid color in the light yellow. Sorry I am not sure of the smell, after working with Agent Orange you can't smell anything else for a while.
As I was saying earlier a "Hashishin" cannot choose a Hash plant before going through every strains and falling in love quite often along the way but you can put the "Black Label" on the "Need to discover" list.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I've got a question for you frenchy, I watched the GHS strain hunter 'Morocco edition' some time back and they said something that I am not sure if I heard right. Do some hash makers not pull the males from their crops? I'm going to watch the video again to confirm it, but it just seemed strange that they would allow their whole crops to get pollinated...however, Sub has pics of the hash that he has made from seeded crops, darker and more amber because the plants were left to fully mature their seeds - which is my little experience of 'Moroccan hash' (was told that's what it was, could be bs though) when living in europe.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I've got a question for you frenchy, I watched the GHS strain hunter 'Morocco edition' some time back and they said something that I am not sure if I heard right. Do some hash makers not pull the males from their crops? I'm going to watch the video again to confirm it, but it just seemed strange that they would allow their whole crops to get pollinated...however, Sub has pics of the hash that he has made from seeded crops, darker and more amber because the plants were left to fully mature their seeds - which is my little experience of 'Moroccan hash' (was told that's what it was, could be bs though) when living in europe.
You have to think that in Morocco and all other Hashish producing countries, they will need seeds for next season so you will have to get a pollination for that. They do pull male but not all of them.