Back to square one, :/


Active Member
Agreed on perlite, it wil help keep soil drier your issues isn't sok much how often u water but more like how slow the water is leaving the buckets


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Watered today, were dry from kuckle deep and bottom of containers, dirt was light brown n weighed lightly.
Most mature plants' first set of true leaves are decaying it appears, I've read this is normal, but not sure if the maturity of 2 weeks and growth is appropriate for those leaves to die off at this point, I didn't really keep track too well of seeding date however I know 11th is rather accurate so around 13-15 days old give or take a few for her, shes only under 1 CFL at moment, and some slight LED supplemental that is on another plant.



This second plant went through the 8.0 soil, it has been overwatered when I was using 7.0 RO water to keep pH down, I have started pHing water to 6.4, it had dried out completely in soil, I have watered it again, will let it dry out more, looks bad, still new true leaves growing so not going to junk her just yet, as bag seeds they are good test subjects for learning to grow and not to overwater ect.


Youngest plant, has been properly pH'd in soil/water since seedling so no major yellowing.



Active Member
The clydones are the first true leaves that appearee they areew only there to gived plant light until fan leaves are out, if u have large nice fan leaves even at an early stage it blocks the clydones from receiving light so they star dying off, it's perfectly fine.


Active Member


The bottom 4 leaves seem to be in rough shape, have not watered her in bout 24 hours, still damp on topsoil spots, a bit over 2 weeks old have not fed nutrients yet, not sure if shes hungry or just still reeling from the overwatering as a younger seedling.


This one is looking little better on top compared to when it was pure yellow and drooping, although she had improved I don't know how well she'll grow tbh.


Youngest of the 3, 1.5 weeks old about.



Active Member
Over watering takes a while for recovery expect at least 2 weeks for a full turn around and just make sure when u water it's when the top soil is dry, test with finger go knuckle deep, if dry time to water. Marijuana is very very forgiving friend, don't give up on any of them, keep them under a good light source, monitor the water add nutes around week 4 or when plant hits about 3 to 5 inches tall. Make them happy and they will make u happy


Active Member
Not sure If anyone mention this but tinfoil is like a big no no, it's very ineffective and u shouldn't use it


Active Member
Not sure If anyone mention this but tinfoil is like a big no no, it's very ineffective and u shouldn't use it

tin foil was to keep light out from roots on sides of containers, the tin foil inside the old grow box was to prevent the lights from heating the box areas around the lights. It works for now until I get some 2-3 gallon pots, I don't believe light or infared/UV can pass through tin foil anyhow, if it can it would be at lower levels then a shirt or whatnot I'm sure, anyhow I will have pots for flowering so this should suffice for a lil veg period I hope.

they are under 135w ufo with 100w cfl (think like actual 23w or something). I have hps to help later on if they actually seem like they want more light, at moment they are staying pretty small and not stretching..

The most mature is 2inches above soil atm, bit over 2 weeks old. I suspect something I did earlier on has slowed them down in producing energy for new leaf growth, although new true leaves are growing, its just not getting as tall as I would have expected, in comparison to other average vegged seedlings. I know alot of stretch can occur for diff lighting ect, but I'd still say mine look a bit stunted in general. I'll keep an eye on her height over next couple weeks, the other set of leaves on bottom discolored kind of had me a little worried but I'm not gonna junk em yet anyhow, better to get this outta the way with bagseeds.


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just want to ask that question again..if you got holes on tubs. they looks like tupperware tubs
I took pizza slice shape pieces off the bottoms, with a bit of perlite lining the bottom, they drain fine when I water till run-off. The most mature seems to only show those signs on the bottom 4 leaves, the top 4 seems to be more normal colored with no spots.



Threw a couple bottle caps under neath the tubs so they are sitting up a half inch or so off the surface.


Active Member


Plant about 3 inches tall, 21 days old. Fed first nutrients since her bottom leaves were physically falling off, and it appeared she had used all the nutrients stored in her seed/and soil (minor from promix) immediately available. I fed with Ionic grow at 1mL in 1 liter, pH'd water to 6.4 and fed. She has responded fine with no negative reactions so far (24 hours or so), and seems to have grown good bit of fresh white stem since the feeding, the original hydro recommendation was 5mL per 1L, recommended to be cut in half for soils, so I used under 1/2 of the recommendation for soil of 2.5mL, at 1mL. I think ill stick with that for now alternating waterings until she gets a few inches taller.


Plant is 1-2 days younger then most mature, bottom leaves yellowed but didn't fall like most mature, responded fine to light nutrients. Looking better then her bright yellow droop a week ago for sure.


youngest plant, very minor yellowing on bottom leaves, fed nutrients same as older ones, I don't think the bottom leaves of this one will fall like the others, however the cotyledons have done their thing already.


Plants staying about 78-80 with lights on, can bring down to 70 with lights on but I don't feel like wearing sweatpants in the summer lol.


My 150w hps, 135w led and CFL are all going, plants seemed to respond positively to me given their lack of height growth, I have not had a problem with plants stretching given the led n cfl so far, so to get a little stretch, not much would be nice as I do plan on flipping them young as possible just to get experience of flowering in before I throw actual strains in for a grow, these are just random bag seeds, don't care much of the sex although I would prefer female, I'm not going to chop if its a male.

Since alot of my pH and soil problems have ceased, I have put priority on just fresh soil, 2-3 gallon pots, and a tent which should be ready for my attitude seeds.

HPS/LED are about 1 FT away each.


Active Member
Those are either the smallest 3 week olds, or the largest fans I've ever seen.
No they probably are small, I didn't feed until 21 days old, The bottom leaves were falling off on most mature, the other 2 are 1-2 days younger each so youngest roughly 2.5 weeks, she got nutrients at earlier time, and the pots I'm using also, should take those into account for size, as they are about shy of a gallon on the 2 younger ones, and the mature one is in a 2 gallon tub which was transplanted from smaller one earlier in the week.

Personally being a first time grow I think I would next time feed her 1ml per 1L of water at 2 weeks, and I didn't add HPS until week 3, so they were not stretching at all under cfl/ufo, I think adding hps in helped a bit with height, that 3 week old is 3 inches, had nutreint feed at 3 week mark, was using promix soil with no nutrients in it.. sop yeah I think she was hungry? Do you agree or ? Its my first grow so I don't really know if the bottom leaves falling off was what I wanted to wait for in terms of feeding, I didn't want to burn em, which I didn't. They are underfed if anything.


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3.75 inches tall, responding well to 1ml per L of nutrient mix, will probably feed at like 14 days next time instead of 21, my bottom leaves were suffering too much from it and it stunted the growth a bit in my opinion, although it is a bag seed strain.


2nd one


youngest one, smallest n bottom leaves are not twisted naturally, is from the fans after the bottom leaves died they kinda blew backwards. sry bout the blurry res on the last pic, didn't let it focus enough.


Whatever I do veg after I get through flowering experience, I will be feeding a bit earlier for the bare promix for sure.


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Any benefit to cutting those yellow bottom leaves off from before feeding nutrients? The most mature plants first leaves went yellow, one fell but other is kinda recovered in color although brown spots appeared after first nutrient feed. Promix must not have much in the soil at all for nutes because they are looking 100% alot better, it appears they stopped growing mid week 2 without nutes in this bare promix soil, because they have responded well to nutes and 6 hours of sleep, although it could be just inexperienced assumption.


6/09 updated pic of most mature plant out of HPS/LED light.



Active Member

Most mature at 5 inches now, considerable health improvement after nute feeds.

*New growth looking a little lighter, when zoomed in there is a bit of "striations" on the leaves, but I'm not exactly alarmed yet.



Dosages were kept at 1.5mL per L, so maybe shes still hungry, I might go with 2.0 mL next feed later on this week/weekend.


Active Member


Will veg a good month or so more to make up for small size and problems earlier on, probably LST a bit if I can, ordering another 400w dimmable to supplement the 150w HTG HPS, and 135w ufo; as well as more soil, and few 2-3 gallon pots. 7 n half - 8 inches.

Gonna cut updates back to a week or so per, shes growing fine after feeding and fixing pH issues so not really much to say, tnx for help.


Active Member
Quick question, you think this is burn or just possibly defeiciency from not having enough nutes early on? Growing in soilless promix BX (peatmoss/perlite), didn't feed until day 21 (was yellow, needed it full half week before that), the bottom leaves you see small and discolored,are resulting from lack of food early on, but is this new stuff on the edge the same? Fed 1ml/L once, and 1.5ml/L 2nd time, 3rd time = water only? Feed more? .. Just curious.


Tnx for any input/opinion.

Have purchased 400w hps to add to the 150w hps and 135w ufo; as well as soil and few smart pots; so will be transplanting her as soon as she gets accustom to the LST, perhaps I should have waited to tie her until the soil/pots got here but its all good, this container is actually relatively decent size anyway, but she could use quite a bit more dirt so going to figure something out there after I decide if I'm experiencing burn or deficiency, i would assume the latter.


Active Member


No spreading of marks on the plant, assuming it could have been from nute water splashed onto the leaf during watering and never got wiped off, causing a burn to the leaf. First time for pre-flowering, I believe is female white hairs but I'm not 100%, have not seen male/hermi develop before. Soil and new pots/400w will be next update on thread in 3-4 days when everything is here, thanks for the help/advice.

I know how ya feel took me awhile to get the hang of suggestion is ask, if you got a problem or concern just ask there are alot of members in this community who have been there done that and are more than happy to help.peace out!