Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Don't give him the gratitude sunni. I don't care if he pushed him off the bike or not, trolling is still way less more mature.


Active Member
I'd like to share a really positive experience I had this week. I've been using MMJ since August of last year and it has absolutely changed my life. I'm in the habit now of carrying a few joints with me everywhere I go, I don't even think about it. This was almost my downfall this week. I needed to go to family court to support my sister. I haven't been in the courthouse for a pretty long time, had no idea they had scanners. Long story short, walked into the lobby emptied my pockets including my MJ into the officer's basket and stepped through. What happened next blew my mind. The officer asked me several questions about my keyring, which I ended up disposing of rather than create an issue. Then asked me directly if I had a permit for the MJ. I replied yes. My belongings were returned to me including the MJ and I was allowed into the building. I'll never go there again with it in my pocket, but I was stunned and thankful for the officer on duty that day.


Well-Known Member
There is a smoke show in the showroom right now, the oldest duded here bob is working with her, usually he gives me the cuties because I work better with them and I give him the old couples because he can close them better than I. But he is not letting this one go the bastard! Haha ive been having a yelling conversation from my desk with her she just went on a test drive I think every dude here has already sniffed the seat she was in.. Hottest thing about her is she drives stick... Not hot "I have no credit, which is a good thing, and never went to school." Can't have it all I guess

edit: neon green gauged ears and a bruins tee tied at the navel


Well-Known Member
recycled an old pet mesh screen and some garden screen to keep the damn flies out.. they figured out how much cooler it is in this room

now to install some AC for the 106+ were gonna get soon..
