I aint driving up to do that mate lol ill take ya threw it its a piece a piss lol
Is there a spare space in the board for a new fuse? might be easier splitting the ring from up stairs..how many sockets you wantin?
thers no emptiy fuses but plenty of empty fuse banks, the dude at the lekki shop does fuzes for 4 qwid each same type its the same box as mine, he reckond 24amp would do (consisering its for 5x 600hps)
i was just gunna flip of the box, drop down the front and wire earth to the earth bank, neg to the neg bank and the pos to bottom of the fuse at the bak (wer it goes) then just run the wire and stik a double socket on the end and job done. just its fucking dark down ther so al hav to switch the main breaker of wats obviously befor ethe fuse box
i just hate fucking with fuse boxes,
If you want to "safe" the best and easiest way to do it is reinstall windows or whatever os your running 8 times. A files location can be re written up to 7 times and can still be found. I say 8 to be sure.
this is not false info, it comes from my bro who has just completed a BA honours in computing.
he can format that sucker 50x and it still is very easy to get his shit bak,, like really? ur bro should know better!
installing windows only and i mean only does a qwik format, after xp they stopped giving the option on install for a slow or fast installation
lol at the you be best with windows sheight coz it is in short..SHITE!
ive done old pcs and i havent got foresic shit no more and ive had stuff bak form the 90's on old ide drives