In the twenty years of GM crops, have any ill effects been observed

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Article by Ron Bailey, a highly respected science journalist, taking inventory of the results of multiple, independent studies done by nationally recognized and accredited scientific organizations.

Lots of links to actual national authorities: world health organization, national academy of sciences, european commission, etc:

"“no scientific evidence associating GMOs with higher risks for the environment or for food and feed safety than conventional plants and organisms.”"

"“Bioengineered foods have been consumed for close to 20 years, and during that time, no overt consequences on human health have been reported and/or substantiated in the peer-reviewed literature.”"

“no evidence of any ill effects from the consumption of foods containing genetically modified ingredients.”

"“no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.”"

I don't expect the RIU GMO-phobes to accept any of this, in fact, I don't even expect any of them to read the article. If you are on the fence about GM crops, then you ought to take a look, though.


Well-Known Member
The answer you're looking for is "Nein".

Im sure there are toxic/pointless/plants with teeth that are GM, but they generally arnt sold as food crops.

Doesn't make business sense to kill your (literal) consumers.


New Member
The answer you're looking for is "Nein".

Im sure there are toxic/pointless/plants with teeth that are GM, but they generally arnt sold as food crops.

Doesn't make business sense to kill your (literal) consumers.
Dude, da fuck? Monsanto make a living of killing. But it would seem roundup wont even kill the rogue wheat floating around the PNW.

Generally when we find out someone is a killer or a whacko we generally lock them up away from everyone else. With a track record like monsantos how can you believe a thing they're saying? it's like believing a paedophile has been cured of his ways and is now ready for release back into society...


Well-Known Member
More diabetes more autism more cancer more add more adhd more gays more breast cancer more early puberty more obesity more infertility


Well-Known Member
What I would like to know is how did they do their study? When I go to the doctor, nobody has ever aksed me if I eat genetically altered food. Do they have humans who have eaten only modified foods? It is inconceivable to me that they can make those statements when there is zero control.


Well-Known Member
More diabetes more autism more cancer more add more adhd more gays more breast cancer more early puberty more obesity more infertility

Right?!?!?!?!? Clearly the shit we put in our bodies is bad, OR those have environmental causes. Whatever the case, there IS a problem.


Well-Known Member
More diabetes more autism more cancer more add more adhd more gays more breast cancer more early puberty more obesity more infertility
More testing methods available to reveal these "diseases" as well. They may have gone undiagnosed before that.

Oh, and life expectancy continues to increase.


Well-Known Member
Article by Ron Bailey, a highly respected science journalist, taking inventory of the results of multiple, independent studies done by nationally recognized and accredited scientific organizations.

Lots of links to actual national authorities: world health organization, national academy of sciences, european commission, etc:

"“no scientific evidence associating GMOs with higher risks for the environment or for food and feed safety than conventional plants and organisms.”"

"“Bioengineered foods have been consumed for close to 20 years, and during that time, no overt consequences on human health have been reported and/or substantiated in the peer-reviewed literature.”"

“no evidence of any ill effects from the consumption of foods containing genetically modified ingredients.”

"“no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.”"

I don't expect the RIU GMO-phobes to accept any of this, in fact, I don't even expect any of them to read the article. If you are on the fence about GM crops, then you ought to take a look, though.

Pork Shoulder and Ham....delicious!


Well-Known Member
HA! You don't know how this world works....since there was industry, what 300 years only, this is so.

You can take a "good" company if you are honest with yourself, and see the same thing. So. Bad science.

Its like looking at bees. They go from the hive and bring honey and then die. YOW. Honey kills bees!!!

Tell the world HONEY KILLS BEES !!!!! A retarded viewpoint of Subjects. This is self rule. It takes personal experience to do it.


Well-Known Member
ohh monsanto's sheep, the wolf will tell you anything you want to hear. open your eyes, stop looking at government statistics, look at the people. living longer, yea, at what expense? being alive and living are 2 different things. keeping people alive longer makes them more money, whether they're suffering isn't a concern. they make serious coin off the sick, not the dead.


Well-Known Member
ohh monsanto's sheep, the wolf will tell you anything you want to hear. open your eyes, stop looking at government statistics, look at the people. living longer, yea, at what expense? being alive and living are 2 different things. keeping people alive longer makes them more money, whether they're suffering isn't a concern. they make serious coin off the sick, not the dead.
Look up a company you like. Same thing., Lazy Boy...don't you think I cried Wolf just like this when I was a street fighting protester? I danced around Monsanto like a wild Indian and resisted arrest. (and got a nice gut shot with sap glove..not too hard) Glorious 1st A.

So, armchair......are you comfortable only taking personal forum potshots? Then you ain't shit.

I am neither for or against a Public Company I fight the DEMS. I woke up.


Well-Known Member
they are all on the same side, your dreaming your awake. is the way this works. You are asleep as you just pointed out. It is all like this.

I fight the DEMS....wide stop snoring in forum. :) You sound very petty.


Well-Known Member
they want you to believe this is how it should work, it doesn't have to be like this. we can change it, if we ban together and stop the bullshit between us.


Well-Known Member
they want you to believe this is how it should work, it doesn't have to be like this. we can change it, if we ban together and stop the bullshit between us.
Come on dumbass. I didn't say it was the way it is suppose to work. It is the way it works. PERIOD>

And a lot of dumbassery as been tried, the -isms, and your smarmy school yard phrases are simply typical.


Well-Known Member
ohh, i see, only what you believe could be correct. i'm just a dumbass, right.hahaha! look in a mirror lately? it is quite clear it doesn't work, if it did we wouldn't be hear talkin bout it. it still amazes me how fucking stupid and arrogant "you smart" people are!