"A womans worth"
Dear Women, I love you...each and every one. You are soft like silk and strong like steel. You move mountains when angry and offer your heart as a home when loved. I have yet to meet a woman who knows what she wants other then for me to know what she wants.You over react and don't understand yourself half the time. I still love you. Your communications skills are terrible but your memory a vault. A vault that only opens when its needing proof of how much of an asshole I was that one time 5 months ago at Olive Garden. Nothing is better for a bad day, more fulfilling then a feast, and more tender then a cloud. A womans true love does not have a shelf life, but it does have a quantity. You endure the abuse, rape, stereotypes, opinions and doubts. You fight the morning rituals, cast aside the magazine covers, burn the judgments. I still love you. You must remember that there is nothing worse then a woman scorned except her and her best friend. Basically just never piss off any woman, ever. Women I am sorry, I am. Not sorry that you are a woman, sorry that you are underestimated when you are the only thing keeping this world beautiful. I still love you. You carried me and everyone here for at least 6-10 months and towards the end made some poor doctors life hell. You make lunches, have bad hair days and consume dangerously large quantities of chocolate. A woman doesn't care if the shoes aren't in her size, they are adorable and maybe she will have a friend one day that will wear them...also probably on sale. A bra is only required in public. Shaving is done on a need to be naked later basis but lets face it, maybe not even then. You need 11 different shower products but only use 3. You know that cute guy that smiled at you? No he isn't gay because he didn't approach you, he's shy. He loves you. Thank you women for always smelling like heavens garden, always looking way out of my league, and being smart enough to know the differenence. For letting me know that sisters generally love to hate each other, to never disagree with your opinion, that just because she is your best friend it doesn't mean you like her and to always rub your feet. For always calling me on my bullshit, helping me do laundry, teaching me how to straighten hair, what back combing means, that she is definitely a slut, for letting me know that if I lost some weight I'd be gorgeous, for making beautiful pictures and amazing music and for always trying to figure me out. You've always been there to correct me in front of my friends when I exaggerate a story, rub my shoulders after a rough day and roll over in the middle of the night to cuddle me...and then push me into the wall so you can sprawl out and take all the blankets. Women, without you, I as a man would have no reason to shave my face, match my clothes and generally shower daily. I wouldn't know the difference between purple and lavender, that 5 minutes means 30 minutes and that you look amazing in every piece of clothing you have ever worn or tried on. I'd still be scratching my balls in public, blaming your attitude on your attitude instead of mine and flirting with cashiers by telling them to have a nice day. I still love you. You act crazy and apologize for it later after I already have forgiven you and accepted you for what you are, bat shit crazy. Women, you are the better sex, the best listeners and clearly I don't deserve a sandwich unless I'm making you one too. If it wasn't for women, well men, we'd be fucked. I still love each and everyone of you women. Oh, thanks for boobs too. I like those. A lot...