Can an autoflower be put into 12/12 after it starts to bud in veg tent under 18/6?


Well-Known Member
Thke title says it all. I have never ran an auto, but recieved a few freebies recently. I was thinking of starting and finishing one in the veg tent with the rest of my vegging plants and clones. I have the space to do this, but I realized the light spectrum in the tent would always be 5000k and 6500k. Probably would work, just fluffy light buds.
Can I leave it in the veg tent until it starts to bud and then move it to my flower room under 12/12 of light, or will the dramatic light cycle change shock it?

They were freebies, so I am not tripping to hard about the result. I still think it would be fun to try and finish it all the way in the tent.
Maybe when it starts to flower, I will change out three of the six T5 bulbs to 2700k and do a mixed spectrum. It shouldn't effect the vegging plants much.
Anyhow, I figured the people in this forum would know tons more about autos than me.
Thanks everyone:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i would just let them go in veg tent, i hate autos, good luck
Yeah, Ive never tried one. It seems like something to play with. Maybe I'll use it to make hash.
(maybe I'll use all those free autos I've been saving and make a hash run)
That just gave me another idea......


Well-Known Member
autoflower plants do not require 12/12
i believe it is best to grow them on an 18-21 hour photo period through all their growth


Well-Known Member
... lol ..... I love autos! LOOK at my Royal Dwarf! I just wanna kiss her...................

........ Autos Rock! Look at her go! :D

- 18 hours of light seems to be the best for "most" autos.......



Well-Known Member
its not enough of a shock i dont think
12/12 will work even though its not ideal
the only reason i can see that you would give them a dark period is the bud structure seems to be a little tighter that way
but your plants get huge under 24/0
you never know may get some good results finishing under 12/12
i bho'd half of a himalaya blue diesel the other night
a couple dabs and i was a fully functional zombie


Well-Known Member
... lol ..... I love autos! LOOK at my Royal Dwarf! I just wanna kiss her...................

........ Autos Rock! Look at her go! :D

- 18 hours of light seems to be the best for "most" autos.......

Nice looking plant! I am kinda curious how it comes out. I don't really have an opinion on autos, as I have never tried them, but I can see advantages to using them, depending on space, lighting etc..
I am excited to see! Wish me luck. I think I will journal this one for the hell of it.