Baywatcher's Basement Blowout


Well-Known Member
Lol that clone is crazy, it must be using the whole stem as one big root. The flower room looks fantastic man, seems the HPs have filled out nice.


Well-Known Member
Did i miss the kaboom? Wheres it at? Lol can you get a close up of the HPs that are almost done pleeease for the loyal veiwers on the next pic update? :):):)


Well-Known Member
The Kaboom has turned out to be female (yay!). It isn't doing anything interesting yet though, it's only been like 8 days.

I'll shoot a good pic of the HP before I harvest them. We're out of town Wed-Mon, so it will end up going 54 days or so. They have looked like crap for the last month, but the buds have continued to swell. It's probably no coincidence that the first 4 plants to make it to harvest all are beat up -- it took a couple of months to get the system dialed in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! And thanks for dropping in!

I got all the clones taken yesterday, and brutally cut back a bunch of plants to get the mainline back happening. I've got to do some transplanting this evening or in the morning.


Well-Known Member
The Kaboom has turned out to be female (yay!). It isn't doing anything interesting yet though, it's only been like 8 days.

I'll shoot a good pic of the HP before I harvest them. We're out of town Wed-Mon, so it will end up going 54 days or so. They have looked like crap for the last month, but the buds have continued to swell. It's probably no coincidence that the first 4 plants to make it to harvest all are beat up -- it took a couple of months to get the system dialed in.
Ive been thinkin about this quote for a while now. If ya dont post pictures of the bad then we wont appreciate the pictures of the good as much when they start turning out better right? A story is so much better when theres adversity and turmoil to overcome. Besides, it would make me feel better about my own mistakes to see a couple of yours lol as of now your garden looks flawless and im sure soon enough it will be BW. Now lets see those flowers ;) :):):)


Well-Known Member
No mid-week pics this week, just barely finished up all the watering and stuff I had to do to leave for 5 days and not find everything dead. See you hippies on Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
Back, everything great, some light wilting in the red cups and 2 gallons.

I'm trying to get psyched for the amount of work that has to be done tomorrow to get the garden caught up. Trying. Really. Hard.


Well-Known Member
I'll have a big picture dump tomorrow most likely. I pulled down the two Hash Passion plants last night, and dragooned Mrs. Bay into help chop them into little pieces to make ice water hash later today (I saved the two biggest buds, they're hanging to dry). We ended up with around a pound of wet trim, including 3-4 oz of leaves.


Active Member
Well damn, I picked a good time to find your journal. I gotta admit, you've had me hooked since the Alton Brown moment. And then smoked pork and ribs?!? You can consider me subbed.
I just got my medi card and was planning to start a Scrog in supersoil in july, but Im really liking the mainlining style though


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a busy day as usual for you Bay, hope you and the wife have fun with the hash, make sure you save me some ;).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in! Alton is all-wise, there is no limit to the utility of his advice :)

So, today I spent almost 4 hours making ice water hash, then moved one Fire, one Third Dimension and one LSD from 2 gallon into 7 gallon containers, moved three Blackberry, three LSD and a Hash Passion from red cups into 2 gallon containers, and moved both Headbands and the final Pineapple Express from the first round into flowering.

Pics tomorrow. I still have to deal with the flower chamber tonight after the lights come on.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. My pic host ( seems to be down. Hopefully that's a temporary situation. If not, this blog just became faaar less cool :(


Well-Known Member
The site where all the images for this blog is hosted has been down for 24 hours. I've never understood how hosting anon pics was a business model, so I can't say I'm hugely surprised. If it doesn't come back up in the next couple of days, I'll make an album and do a pic dump into it, and start a new thread using riu as the image host (even though I hate thumbnails).