J Anslinger
New Member
There's two kinds of grow rooms.. a) one that's just using a regular room like a bedroom or cellar as your grow room, placing the plants in there with lights etc.
and b) the other one is by building a room inside a room.. placing wooden frames and nailing them together and then covering the sides with some white material.
question 1:
Both these rooms need ventilation my question is if you go with option B.. a room inside a room.. You ventilate out the hot air through a filter to get rid of the odor at the same time.. but now the hot air is outside the grow room which is ventilated back inside the grow room so you don't really get rid of the hot air.. at least that's how I have understood it.
I just don't understand how people this.. I've read many grow room guides but i just don't understand this part..
Some of those guides say you NEED to create a vent in your wall so you can put a vent hose through it that leads to outside of your house.
What if you live in an apartment? This is just impossible for most apartments because it will first of all be visible from the outside by the whole neighborhood and then the landlord will come and inspect what the hell you have done. Not to mention how complicated it must be to drill such a big hole through such a thick wall that probably has armored plating and things like that between. That will be some serious damage you will have to pay a lot of money to repair when moving out.. except that you will be caught probably the day your have created the hole.
question 2:
What are the cons of going with option 1? Because the pro is that you get your entire room space to work with and don't need to build a room inside a room.. is odor the only problem?
and b) the other one is by building a room inside a room.. placing wooden frames and nailing them together and then covering the sides with some white material.
question 1:
Both these rooms need ventilation my question is if you go with option B.. a room inside a room.. You ventilate out the hot air through a filter to get rid of the odor at the same time.. but now the hot air is outside the grow room which is ventilated back inside the grow room so you don't really get rid of the hot air.. at least that's how I have understood it.
I just don't understand how people this.. I've read many grow room guides but i just don't understand this part..
Some of those guides say you NEED to create a vent in your wall so you can put a vent hose through it that leads to outside of your house.
What if you live in an apartment? This is just impossible for most apartments because it will first of all be visible from the outside by the whole neighborhood and then the landlord will come and inspect what the hell you have done. Not to mention how complicated it must be to drill such a big hole through such a thick wall that probably has armored plating and things like that between. That will be some serious damage you will have to pay a lot of money to repair when moving out.. except that you will be caught probably the day your have created the hole.
question 2:
What are the cons of going with option 1? Because the pro is that you get your entire room space to work with and don't need to build a room inside a room.. is odor the only problem?