New Member
OK so i'm high as fuk right now and seeing as this is toke and talk i'll talk now i've toked. Foremost on my mind, i am pondering the motivation behind all these in-your-face, disrespectful and sometimes downright nasty attitudes i am seeing here on RIU. Makes me wonder, are these people NARCS? Dope has always chilled me out, as it has everybody i know. To my eyes, coming onto a cannabis forum and swinging your figurative dick around is like meeting god and pissing on her doorstep. Does marijuana by it's very nature not encourage peace and a sense of family amongst it's users? I instantly lose respect for an agro nature as part of a culture i massively respect and will, and have, defended with my personal freedom. I did not go through that for you cockswingers. I did that for the majority,the sweet natured exciting caring joyous bunch that you are, I LOVE YOU. Without ya this world is nothing but a toilet going down the toilet. What is the sense in reducing a spiritual journey into a competitive pursuit? To me there is none, and i thoroughly resent those that believe i will enter into their cockswinging contest for trying to force upon me a DEvolution of my self. I have conquered Aspergers and brought my emotions under control, it took me 33 years. So i refuse to hate again. I prefer to fall in love with people, ideas, and work towards a closer unity. It is a choice, love is a choice, aggression a choice, ignirance also choice. So some choose aggression and competition in the presence of Mother Ganja. I just don't get it. It is just as easy choosing tolerance and respect. There is no difference in the amount of effort. So I do beg your pardon for having zero interest in communication with you if you choose the latter. My chouce is with peace.