Random thoughts...


New Member
OK so i'm high as fuk right now and seeing as this is toke and talk i'll talk now i've toked. Foremost on my mind, i am pondering the motivation behind all these in-your-face, disrespectful and sometimes downright nasty attitudes i am seeing here on RIU. Makes me wonder, are these people NARCS? Dope has always chilled me out, as it has everybody i know. To my eyes, coming onto a cannabis forum and swinging your figurative dick around is like meeting god and pissing on her doorstep. Does marijuana by it's very nature not encourage peace and a sense of family amongst it's users? I instantly lose respect for an agro nature as part of a culture i massively respect and will, and have, defended with my personal freedom. I did not go through that for you cockswingers. I did that for the majority,the sweet natured exciting caring joyous bunch that you are, I LOVE YOU. Without ya this world is nothing but a toilet going down the toilet. What is the sense in reducing a spiritual journey into a competitive pursuit? To me there is none, and i thoroughly resent those that believe i will enter into their cockswinging contest for trying to force upon me a DEvolution of my self. I have conquered Aspergers and brought my emotions under control, it took me 33 years. So i refuse to hate again. I prefer to fall in love with people, ideas, and work towards a closer unity. It is a choice, love is a choice, aggression a choice, ignirance also choice. So some choose aggression and competition in the presence of Mother Ganja. I just don't get it. It is just as easy choosing tolerance and respect. There is no difference in the amount of effort. So I do beg your pardon for having zero interest in communication with you if you choose the latter. My chouce is with peace.


Ursus marijanus
I was just trying to figure out if a sitemate like myself has a say in whether I am a Good Guy or a Bad Guy ... or are you The Luh? ;) cn


Ursus marijanus
I use Image Search. Spares me the need to keep'em on my hard drive. i can keep that clear for the important stuff, like home vids in the House of Hot Walrus. :joint::bigjoint: cn


Staff member
its the internet, you havent been here long enough to realize you need to just to laugh sometimes. you got into it with beardo today, hes notorious for being like that , instead of fighting with him like you did, you shouldve just played with him and joked and couldve been settled wonderfully. or ignored the comment, instead you put up the defensive front, which is mistake number 1 on riu.

if youre new youll probably get "hazed" by our members , most likely by uncle buck, or beardo, or stoned cockatoo, or a few others, its there we decide your fate of what type of person you are.
We're quite the tight knit dysfunctional family, some people laugh it off with us and joke around and they are accepted . And some cannot handle the light pokes and funny jokes and they get all in a huff ultimately their hut is usually blown down and they leave the site.

Even yourself argued with me on endless amounts of time, because i told you not sell /trade or hook up people with seeds, to which you replied ill do it again i dont care what you think to which i replied youll have to reap the repercussions of your actions.
To which i believe you called me a fucking stupid bitch for.
guess you mustve been out of your "peace loving hippy" pot than that day

As for other areas of the forums, people are dicks cause they think they are right 90% of the time and will argue at any chance.
Also people always think if someone disagrees with them they are starting a fight and because the forum is mostly a male population it becomes a whos dick is biggest competition. and they continue to fight it out until a mod steps in.

Dont call people narcs though please we have enough paranoia on the forum and we dont need any spread around.


Well-Known Member
Very well put my first couple times on here i was ready to throw my labtop across the room cant let people get in your head or you will go crazy because there ant shit u can do, like grandmom always said you get more ants with sugar then u do with salt, just got to let it go i dont even respond to people dumb shit anymore