Caught my son stealing


New Member
Okay, here is what i did beyond making him tell his mother. I wanted him to see how long it takes some people to work for 6 dollars. I had yet to clean out all the weeds out of the cracks in my cement. He id it. Stairs,basketball court, sidewalk, and then driveway. He then went inside and handscrubbed the kitchen floor on his hands and knees. I then sent him to my large glass front door, and had him wipe of every last bit of nasty his one year old brother wipes form his greasy hands on it.
I sat in a chair in the shade while he picked the cement up. he asked for a break about 45 minutes into it, and i was forced to inform him that under state law, you have to work for 4 hours befor eyou are entitled to a break.when he was inside, I watched cops and made comments about his future in the show buisness. He was not happy.


Well-Known Member
iss lacykins, you sed ur parents stomped you and thats how u turnes out? cool... i still think you're freakin awesome! my parents stomped my ass but im hardheaded as a muthafucka! but i think that pain is the best remedy in this case. makes u remember a lil better than "i will not steal" 500 times

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
I got caught stealin along time ago... got my ass whooped all the way out of the store, TO THE CAR, THE ENTIRE RIDE HOME, UP THE STAIRS AND ALL THE WAY UP TO MY ROOM!!!

I turned out O.K. i guess...


Well-Known Member
Okay, here is what i did beyond making him tell his mother. I wanted him to see how long it takes some people to work for 6 dollars. I had yet to clean out all the weeds out of the cracks in my cement. He id it. Stairs,basketball court, sidewalk, and then driveway. He then went inside and handscrubbed the kitchen floor on his hands and knees. I then sent him to my large glass front door, and had him wipe of every last bit of nasty his one year old brother wipes form his greasy hands on it.
I sat in a chair in the shade while he picked the cement up. he asked for a break about 45 minutes into it, and i was forced to inform him that under state law, you have to work for 4 hours befor eyou are entitled to a break.when he was inside, I watched cops and made comments about his future in the show buisness. He was not happy.
That sounds AWESOME, 40. Well, not awesome for him ... but it made him miserable enough to get the message through.

For me, the worst part would've been telling my mother...

Cheers, 40. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think you did the best without hitting your kid.... i really liked the part about the state of cali break times.... hehehehe... now thats some reality... hes gonna appreciate you and mom more about how you make the money.... i just hope he didnt learn that it was way easier to just steal it. good luck man..... your a good dad.... i think those punishments would have been good after the fact of spankings and a good talk in the room... but i think you did the best you could being influenced by todays pussy society.... happy growing of weed and kids... hehehe


Too many brownies
im only 22 but whenever I got my ass whooped as a kid....I NEVER did whatever got me the beating again. Once was always enough for me. I used to hate it obviously and cry like hell but now that im older I realize it really did work.

Ok I got a funny story. When I was about 12 years old I used to always piss on the toilet seat. Well my dad went in to take a shit and saw my piss was once again all over the seat and he wanted to make sure this was the last time it would happen. He called for me in a nice and pleasant tone. I started walking towards his voice and almost shit when I realized he was in the bathroom. He said something like "what the hell is many times have I told you" Before I could reply he wiped his hand right across my face and mouth. The smell and taste instantly gave away what it was......

My own damn piss.

Let me tell you I NEVER pissed on a toilet seat again. Well until I started getting drunk a few years later.


Well-Known Member
thats the problems with kids now days they get away with too much and thats why you see them in stores jumping around screaming their faces off balling cause they didnt get something they wanted. they dont care about how they make other people look at them or feel ya kno? its cause your not allowed to whoop them when they need it..........when i was growing up and fucked up along the lines i got the shit beat out of me and im glad, cause it made me the thoughtful and caring person i am today otherwise i wouldnt give two shits and just keep acting they way i used too
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New Member
im only 22 but whenever I got my ass whooped as a kid....I NEVER did whatever got me the beating again. Once was always enough for me. I used to hate it obviously and cry like hell but now that im older I realize it really did work.

Ok I got a funny story. When I was about 12 years old I used to always piss on the toilet seat. Well my dad went in to take a shit and saw my piss was once again all over the seat and he wanted to make sure this was the last time it would happen. He called for me in a nice and pleasant tone. I started walking towards his voice and almost shit when I realized he was in the bathroom. He said something like "what the hell is many times have I told you" Before I could reply he wiped his hand right across my face and mouth. The smell and taste instantly gave away what it was......

My own damn piss.

Let me tell you I NEVER pissed on a toilet seat again. Well until I started getting drunk a few years later.
Regrettably, I dont think wiping piss on anyones mouth is the right thing to do. As a matter of fact, have you taken whoever wiped piss on your face out yet?Maybe it's just me, but i would certainly do something horrid to anyone who got urine on my mouth.