leaf claws...just second guessing myself. please help


Well-Known Member
let me start by saying....yes I have read the GROWFAQ among many other resources...I think I have a mag def.....potassium def....or a zinc def. but like I said. i am just second guessing myself at this point. my ph on this plant was at about 7.5 two days ago. i added some lemon juice and some bloom booster and brought the ph down to about 6.5. watered it twice in the last two days to get it down. I also just moved my light up about six inches cause it was getting too hot. but the curling has just gotten worse over the last day. As you can see in the pics...most of the curling and claw looking leaves are right around the bud sites.....any ideas guys and girls?



Well-Known Member
I don't think it's over watering....well...probably a little to do with the drooping but I am not concerned about that. the leaves started curling a few days ago when the soil was dry. I have a moisture meter so I know when it's dry.


Well-Known Member
put the meter in about 3in,and then 6,if 6 is showing that its about a 3 and 3 is around 2 then give it a water,if 3in is showin a 3 then its fine for a day or 2.

possible heat stress


Well-Known Member
put the meter in about 3in,and then 6,if 6 is showing that its about a 3 and 3 is around 2 then give it a water,if 3in is showin a 3 then its fine for a day or 2.

possible heat stress
so I should just stop worryin about a nute problem then?


Well-Known Member
nutes arent the prob,it just looks heat induced,the affected leaves will continue to curl and die off.the new growth will be fine


Well-Known Member
nutes arent the prob,it just looks heat induced,the affected leaves will continue to curl and die off.the new growth will be fine
shitty. That's a lot of goodness goin to waste if the affected leaves are just gonna die off. my lights are off for the next 6 hours or so....do you think sitting in 75 degrees for six more hours will help any of the clawed leaves come back to normal before it hits 84 degrees in there again?


Well-Known Member
kinda similar to mine except mine are scrunching, would you say its the same problem?
Without info I dunno your situation but it doesn't look the same...your leaves are curling upwards and your plant looks crispy. all my affected leaves are curled down and in like claws....and they are not crunchy at all....give us some background on your girl


Well-Known Member
they just a week into flowering, ph 6.8, using 600watt hps temp used to be just over 80, i've moved em to a cooler part of the house now and they just under 80F, humidity is 65% but sine i moved the dial its reading 80% untill it settles. I use alaskan morebloom, 2ml to every litre every otherday, i've stoped as of today doing this as im trying to figure out the problem, any help much appreicated


Well-Known Member
whats the easyest way to get the humidity down? de-humidifier?
normally, circulating air with fans is sufficient, unless you're in an area where the ambient air is too dank ... dehumidifiers are relatively cheap though if you've got to do it.


Well-Known Member
the lights have just gone out, i'll post a pic of how they look in the morning. My friend seems to think you've over watered your plants honkeytown, he assures me its this as hes had many do the same?? I'm not sure myself, more than likely its the temp i'd say


Well-Known Member
thanks ceestyle, i'll check my humidity dial tommorw when the lights are back on, going to give it time to settle. is it possible for the high humidity to cause the problems i'm having with my plants? i'm assumeing you've seen the photos on previous posts?


Well-Known Member
i don't think so. the plants actually prefer the humidity relatively high. you don't, because it can promote mold/fungus growth.


Well-Known Member
i don't think so. the plants actually prefer the humidity relatively high. you don't, because it can promote mold/fungus growth.
I agree,i try to keep my humidity levels up until i go into heavy budding then bring the level down.