Privacy is effectively a 20th century concept like the steam engine

I think the steam engine will stage a comeback once oil becomes scarce. cn

Ah, so. There are several approaches, that could kick butt over electric cars today. From the MIT Tech Preview. All fuels....including various green sticks and leaves after extraction of certain oils. :)

'Course, not yor granpappy's, neither. The British Stream Car. Looking to break the sound barrier.

Steam Power has been making a comeback for some time.

i'm not sure i understand the message of the op. are you saying that if i cling to and embrace my privacy i'm some kind of contemporary luddite?
It takes more energy to grow the silicon for solar panels than they can recover. The nano versions, I'm not sure. Hemp is the actual answer.

Solar panels today reflect the energy subsidy of cheap fossil fuel. But, hemp? How to power transport using it ... trains, ships, aircraft? There are better oil crops, and even those are not so good. cn