Busted 4 days after 420


Well-Known Member
wooo dude i read all of this and i wanted to tell u that this thread actually really made me drip a couple of tears and i hope everything comes out to be alsome and that your littel girl is safe at all timed and also your girl friend and obviously u.......i will send u something for your littel girl and u


Active Member
man this is such b.s,weed should be decriminalized or legal,obama said he wants to decriminalize all drugs so instead of prison u get rehab or w.e i hope he does!my prayers r with u and ur family keep strong,and that neighbor of urs is a real dirtbag looks like a fuckign drunk ass bum,how would he know its a nousouince if he hasnt done it himself ehh?exactally he prolly grows himself and wanted to be the only person fucking queer,stay strong dude and im sry u didnt get to smoke ur bud either,fuck the system!


Well-Known Member
haha. u had to remind me. i smoked a tiny tiny speck one night just to try it out , but not like i wanted to , it was horrible n wet. i dont really follow politics but if obama wants to allow herb than my vote is for him. cuz u know his oreo ass smokes too. dang man cant belive u read all 65 pages. all i got to say is the people on here are real and understand me unlike some of my family members, court system and neighbors


Well-Known Member
dude i may be hi but it looked like that larry dude was just afraid they were gonna arrest him, did he know about the grow?

lol cuz he was talkin about takin care of them like he knew you had to care for them, also the news casters all look liked like they were on your side, even that chick said you were really nice and mowed your niebors lawn i think she wanted to fuck you and smoke some of your dank

also the cop was like trying to justify the bust using the kids cuz he even looked embarrased a lil for bustin sweet sweet marijuana that I am pretty sure everyone of them has tried before even the cop, cop was describing the pungent smell and quality of the erb and seemed to be thinking "damn that nigga had good ass shit"

good luck man,
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Well-Known Member
omfg panda man u said it all, funny thing tho. it was all 4 purse and if anything it was gonna all go to my boy who ive known for 10 yrs to help his appetite problem . no dubs and dime droppin here. go big or go home right?


Well-Known Member
actually its aainst the law for an officer to check ur power bill without your consent, unless they have a court ordered warrant or the power comapny thinks ur stealing electricity just like its against the law for an officer to search your car without your consent,

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
You obviously havent heard of the patriot act....


Well-Known Member
We have no rights in this country, you may think you do, but you dont.

we merely exist in someone elses world, and the only reason we are allowed to live is to manufacturer products, and be the base sheeps for the advancement of the economy.

We are just bread and butter to a higher class of individuals.


Well-Known Member
We have no rights in this country, you may think you do, but you dont.

we merely exist in someone elses world, and the only reason we are allowed to live is to manufacturer products, and be the base sheeps for the advancement of the economy.

We are just bread and butter to a higher class of individuals.
Welcome to the NWO. I'm looking forward to seeing if theres any truth to the whole 2012 thing.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the NWO. I'm looking forward to seeing if theres any truth to the whole 2012 thing.
i've only recently started looking into all the conspiracy stuff.

it's crazy, i mean stuff like chemtrails, i even looked out my window today and saw what there on about.

2012 will be fun :D


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the patriot act only appliess to terrorism related investigations so if they use it for a non terrorist related investigation it is unlawful and would be dismissed by the court

shit if the patriot act was used for anything else than spying on terrorists or enemys of our country i garantee you there will be riots in the streets all over this country

if the majority of people were displeased with the patriot act the spinless politicials would repeal it in a heartbeat so if they abuse it everyone will vote against it and get rid of it anyway


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the patriot act only appliess to terrorism related investigations so if they use it for a non terrorist related investigation it is unlawful and would be dismissed by the court

shit if the patriot act was used for anything else than spying on terrorists or enemys of our country i garantee you there will be riots in the streets all over this country

if the majority of people were displeased with the patriot act the spinless politicials would repeal it in a heartbeat so if they abuse it everyone will vote against it and get rid of it anyway

we were deemed terrorists last year ........ Drug czar gives warning : Local : Redding Record Searchlight


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the patriot act only appliess to terrorism related investigations so if they use it for a non terrorist related investigation it is unlawful and would be dismissed by the court

shit if the patriot act was used for anything else than spying on terrorists or enemys of our country i garantee you there will be riots in the streets all over this country

if the majority of people were displeased with the patriot act the spinless politicials would repeal it in a heartbeat so if they abuse it everyone will vote against it and get rid of it anyway
i feel the same way....but with the way shit is ran and how bush just passed a law to help him evade war crime charges...its kinda hard to believe that people still know how to riot.

especially when we let them get away with all kinds of shit.

like buddy in NY who was shot 51 times by NYPD and the judge fucking dismisses or drops the case....wtf?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the patriot act only appliess to terrorism related investigations so if they use it for a non terrorist related investigation it is unlawful and would be dismissed by the court

shit if the patriot act was used for anything else than spying on terrorists or enemys of our country i garantee you there will be riots in the streets all over this country

if the majority of people were displeased with the patriot act the spinless politicials would repeal it in a heartbeat so if they abuse it everyone will vote against it and get rid of it anyway

Do you follow the news at all, or are you sitting under a rock.

like FDD said WE ARE DEEMED TERROISTS, just for growing pot.

They have been misabusing the patriot act since its incoception.
there are thousands of no warrant wire taps performed every day to catch, drug dealers. thousands of raids performed without warrants, thousands of people who under the guise of the patriot act rights (haha ya right) are being violated because of it.

I dont see it getting shut down anytime soon.
and even most of congress is very saddened by the way it is being abused.

Are Drug dealers naturally deemed to be terrosists?


Well-Known Member
they tell us not to buy drugs b/c it goes to terrorist and supporting their activities....

but when we grow our own.... we are terrorist

oh the irony!


Well-Known Member
Do you follow the news at all, or are you sitting under a rock.

like FDD said WE ARE DEEMED TERROISTS, just for growing pot.

They have been misabusing the patriot act since its incoception.
there are thousands of no warrant wire taps performed every day to catch, drug dealers. thousands of raids performed without warrants, thousands of people who under the guise of the patriot act rights (haha ya right) are being violated because of it.

I dont see it getting shut down anytime soon.
and even most of congress is very saddened by the way it is being abused.

Are Drug dealers naturally deemed to be terrosists?

ok can you cite me one case where they used the patriot act to bust a drug dealer that could not be linked in some way to terroist movments or support

see u say they have but i never heard this story can you send me a link of where you heard it

and also if the cops shot that dude that many times and a huge court case happend with a bunch of people who listened to the evidence say it was justified then its pobably true, specially when the jury was very diverse ethnically

so really you dont know what happend less you seen the evidence

i mean if people dont act hostile to the police they wont risk getting shot by them due to panic / confusion of your true intentions