Busted 4 days after 420


Well-Known Member
not sure the reason. im going to meet with my laywer on monday. i live in WA man .

so 1 felony "possession" charge? no probation or rehab? felonies suck but if i had to have one i guess marijuana possession is the least damning. sure beats time in federal prison. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They charge felony just to put it in ur record. I got a felony chrge when 18 for assult with deadly weapon. They gave me 6 mo and a strike. U Dnt need to go to prison, but will probably will if you fuck up again. good luck fire


Well-Known Member
i dont plan on fucking up again, yea no rehab or probabtion. just everything is dropped. very weird. ill see when i talk to my lawyer on monday. either he pulled some strings or something fishy is up .


New Member
i dont plan on fucking up again, yea no rehab or probabtion. just everything is dropped. very weird. ill see when i talk to my lawyer on monday. either he pulled some strings or something fishy is up .
be very cautious. If your free, get the fuck away from there quick or be prepared to be harassed as long as you live in that town.
Something seems odd about that though.:?


Well-Known Member
we will se on wednesday during my omnibus hearing. shouldnt be settled till pre trial. which is good cuz ill get cash back from my lawyer for that 1500 dollar retaINER fee. wish i could move away from here , court fines and car payments holding me back. i want to go to hawaii or cali.


Well-Known Member
You gotta move, screw car payments get the court fines settled and go. You have a mark now, you were on the news. I know of a guy that got busted growing in my area and that shit happened over 20 years ago. People don't forget especially juicy goissip like that.

Also man I would go find me a couple of ghetto ass crack heads and have them pay your friend the rat and that fat drunk ass Uncle Jessie fuck from the news a visit with a couple of tire irons. I know from experience man 50 to 100 bucks your wish is their command, make em bring you their licenses for the rest of the cash. Maybe this is bad advice but if you are going to stick around you can't live with rats around.


Well-Known Member
as much as id like to find out who snitched me out im gonna put this behind me. its like when you lose your keys and you stop looking for em and you find em . maybe if i stop lookin for whoever it was ill find out ya know. and my evidence seizure hearing happens within 90 days from when the evidence technician sends the letter off to the civil attorney which was exactly 10 days ago . and i have 90 days to get a reply.


Well-Known Member
Well if the crackhead gets caught he will rat you out and possibly be facing more charges. The best thing would be to move away. Rule of thumb = NEVER TRUST A CRACKHEAD !!!


Well-Known Member
or, only trust family. unless those family members are the anti-drug type. a anti marijuana mom is a lot worse than you think. especially if her two sons have enough marijuana crimes than traffic tickets. i think she just likes to come home from work and be like '' oh what will i find today'' . or '' i know theyve got something hiding around here '' '' a burnt knife , i knew they were smoking!!'' its ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
or, only trust family. unless those family members are the anti-drug type. a anti marijuana mom is a lot worse than you think. especially if her two sons have enough marijuana crimes than traffic tickets. i think she just likes to come home from work and be like '' oh what will i find today'' . or '' i know theyve got something hiding around here '' '' a burnt knife , i knew they were smoking!!'' its ridiculous.
You shouldnt be growing in your moms house.... lesson #1.

When i was 16 years old I thought I could get away with 79 plants growing in my bedroom..... shit after 3 weeks of flower, i was caught. After that it was the same way, my mom just knew I was always up to somthing, and I never got a house key again... LOL. Till this day she brings up all the shit i did to her.


Well-Known Member
do you think maybe they got a warrant because of this site?

I highly doubt it.. he has no gallery pics, I dont think he posted a journal... The odds are someone who knew about it ratted.... Loose Lips Sink Ships, you never tell anyone youre growing, no matter how much you trust them.