UPDATE: Thanks everyone!
I found a supply source in BC, prices are pretty damn good by street standards but like in anything, the better the quality, the higher the prices but so far, $240 for an ounce of KILLER-PRIME weed and $160 for bag bottoms and low end strains like Jack Herrer. Just goes to show what a little research can do.
@Beaches Compassion - If I could get good stuff from my own province it would be ideal because shipping is always a bit stressful no matter what, if you friend would bring it in the Soo, that'd be awesome'r
@Sunni - I saw a video on YouTube, a while back on conspiracy theories and they were showing "Centers of Evil" by nature on earth and Sault Ste Marie was one of them. I can't find the video, if I find it I'll post it but SSM was one of those centers of evil (The middle of a pentagram)... Explains a lot no? Whores are from the devil, the men they go with a deceivers... Half the town are Catholic (Satan Worship without knowledge) and the other half are not even from here...
If anyone from the Soo needs medicine and they have a MMAR card, I will tell you who to contact because I won't say it here since it's the open web and yes, police and authorities do scour the web to find people to pick on for no reason whatsoever, out of boredom, out of simply being cocksuckers and make it look like they're doing something worth a shit on the backs of innocent people.