What size light is needed to keep a male alive for breeding.


Active Member
When you crack a 10pk of say TGA seeds (one of the breeders that dose not make fem seeds).
Out of that ten pack you will see around 3+ slightly different variations of females within the same strain.
One that leans towards mom, one that leans towards dad, a mix of the two......
When you make a choice of what female to seed you reenforce the characteristics of that plant within the seeds.
Doing that you make the possibility of the other 2 phenos showing themselves a much lower %.
So for better or worse you have started to stabilize the plant and reenforced the mothers genetic make up (or pheno type).
But you leave out the other phenos the dad would have passed along.
Now when a breeder dose this time and time again the plant becomes what I call watered down.
At some point they breed out what made the plant special in the first place and what your left with is a shadow of the original.
You can no longer find the amazing odd ball phenos that make a strain famous, because it was lost along the way due to female selection.


Well-Known Member
Choosing a male and female is very important IMO.

Most breeders when looking for a male look for two things over all.
1. The shortest most stocky of the males.
2. The last plant to show that its male.
These two traits are the most desirable when looking for a male.
I'm curious why "the last to show male" is considered a desirable trait. What is the reasoning behind this?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious why "the last to show male" is considered a desirable trait. What is the reasoning behind this?
That is not hands down for certain best. Some breeders choose the last to show male (because they say it will be less dominant).
There are plenty of breeders who don't use that as a criteria.

The only sure way to choose a male is by checking it's progeny. If it breeds the way you want it to breed, it is a keeper.


Well-Known Member
I too have heard of this method. never tried it though. I'm with budfever on this one. Fem seeds are cool and all but I also believe it weakens the genetics. Thats why some seed suppliers refuse to make fem seeds. Like Rare Dankness. There website =Their work is not meant to replicate the "mothers", but to compliment the genetics by breeding with superior males. Rare Dankness's goal is to provide the highest quality genetics to the Medical Marijuana community. They believe the road to legalization is through education. Trust me Rare dankness is just that! :spew:

Don't believe the hype. Nothing different from a feminized seed than there is in a regular.

I grow tons of feminized and tons of regular and I get just as great stuff out of the fems as I do the regs.

Myths are a bitch.


Active Member
Don't believe the hype. Nothing different from a feminized seed than there is in a regular.

I grow tons of feminized and tons of regular and I get just as great stuff out of the fems as I do the regs.

Myths are a bitch.
As far as finding nice stuff in fem seeds, im sure you do never implied other wise.
You just not going to find the plant with crazy recessive genetics in fem like you will in reg seeds.

A pack of reg seeds and a pack of fem seeds from the same breeder of the same strain, the reg seeds will in almost all cases have more pheno types.
Verity is the spice of life not all people like the same pheno, so having more then 1or2 within a strain give you a better chance to find the one that knocks your sock off.
Fem seeds breed the verity out of strains by stabilizing them, for better or worse.
Some like stability in their crops where everything is the same, some like variation so they can pick the one with the ratio of mom and dad they like.

This is the last post ill make about this as these conversations always end in finger pointing and name calling.
Its my opinion and the opinion of a few of the best grower and breeders I have every seen in my 15+yrs of growing take it for what its worth.
Good luck op and everyone who has dropped by have a great day.


Active Member
One last thing grow a fem and a reg of the same strain from the same breeder.
And Ill bet the reg out grows the fem, not sure why but reg seeds show more vigorous growth.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the only reason I decided to breed is because customs seems to be snagging way to many of peoples beans lately. I would rather supply my own and lay low for some time. The last thing I need is to have a package that goes through ISC Chicago. It always seems that when it goes through there the first thing I see in the mailbox is the green tape. No thank you. But to everyone that has responded have a happy and healthy grow. :-P