Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013

007.jpg008.jpg010.jpgwell it smells like a skunk around here a lot sooner than it supposed to haha lol... my dogs decided to play with one they got cornered this morning and then come to play with me !! not,, momma tied them to a tree out front and took the hose to them . they act worse than kids sometimes..
009.jpg010.jpg007.jpg008.jpg006.jpgits been busy here this morning with all hands working transplanting the females into big holes .it is great to get a bunch in the ground now putting the seaweed juice to them now they are in the ground most of the hard work is over for a bit now . lol.
im hopeing that's not a dog log next to your plant lol
ha I thought that also but its a piece of a tree limb lol..the last of the plants are sexing out and there hasn't been any more males for a few days so most likely the rest will be female i'll see within the next week what they do and then plant in the big holes .
015.jpg016.jpg018.jpgit stopped raining and we check for females and got 17 more today and no males so just as I was expected most the rest will be females . first spot is full and a good part of the second one . things are looking better around here now . lol...
Hey Getaway! Glad to see the sun shining on your side of the hill!!

I thought i posted this ? Before, Guess it didnt post :(

I am thinking of using hay also to cover my holes but Im worried when i hand feed once a week the hay will leach up the nutes... Are you hamd feeding at all or just water?? Just wondering if you thought about this too.

Looking good over there! Cant wait to see those girls grow!
Hey Getaway! Glad to see the sun shining on your side of the hill!!

I thought i posted this ? Before, Guess it didnt post :(

I am thinking of using hay also to cover my holes but Im worried when i hand feed once a week the hay will leach up the nutes... Are you hamd feeding at all or just water?? Just wondering if you thought about this too.

Looking good over there! Cant wait to see those girls grow!

the hay will break down more by bacteria, water, and the sun... and release Humic Acid as it does, which is good for the plants ;)

Happy Growing :)
Hey Getaway! Glad to see the sun shining on your side of the hill!!

I thought i posted this ? Before, Guess it didnt post :(

I am thinking of using hay also to cover my holes but Im worried when i hand feed once a week the hay will leach up the nutes... Are you hamd feeding at all or just water?? Just wondering if you thought about this too.

Looking good over there! Cant wait to see those girls grow!
well we move the straw hay aside and water from our hose set up coming from our 3000 gallon tank that feeds a couple trash cans that we mix nutes when feeding and just water in between030.jpg026.jpg027.jpg
thats interesting I was thinking of using it but was afraid of it causing mold.

shouldnt need to worry about it if you dont lay it on too thick. I dont typically recommend using it, or say people need it, unless air is wicking too much moisture from the soil and causing it to dry too quickly. It does help with water retention on larger plants, and of course the other benefits listed in the article I posted. a layer about 1/2" thick (and not matted, more just kind of layed out, with gaps between) is all you should really need, and you should always leave a root "crown" space right around the stalk, for healthy gas exchanges.
thats interesting I was thinking of using it but was afraid of it causing mold.
I thought about it but iv'e been checking it everyday and the dirt stays wet and cooler than without it and I only litely cover the dirt so I still can breath but not dry out too fast straw hay is better than grass hay I believe its bigger and airy so that helps also and it's not like mulch
I thought about it but iv'e been checking it everyday and the dirt stays wet and cooler than without it and I only litely cover the dirt so I still can breath but not dry out too fast straw hay is better than grass hay I believe its bigger and airy so that helps also and it's not like mulch

i would go with an alfalfa and barley mix ;)