Ack. Been out of the game for a little while now. Idk, it hasn't even been for a good reason, just laziness, I suppose.
Anyway, you were right Chron. Check it out. Finished her up yesterday.
RP Spotlight
Get's hot at the center. Thinking an IR thermometer might be a sound purchase. Specified max temp for this panel is 95 degrees Celsius. No idea what it's at, but it's pretty hot. Also, the larger ChromaLit panels are plastic, NOT glass! I did not know this until now. Made chopping the RP lens ez pz, but glass would have better thermal dissipation. 8/
Whatever. We'll see how it goes. Thing's fuckin' bright, and compared to the 50W Warm White spotlight I had on her, the CCT is >>>much<<< more Red as can be seen in photos with the same White Balance setting before and after the switch. I can dig it.
Here's what it looks like on top.
Used a router to shave the fins off, cut a square hole for the CPU cooler "slug" to sit flush with the inside of the fixture. Fixed everything up and I'm sitting pretty at the moment. Fingers crossed.
Veg Tent
That's Misty Trois, or whatever number I was on. I topped her a second time after this photo. There's 4 other clones of Chiesel in there with her (if three take I'll be stoked) and a rough clipping of some random tree from my neighbors yard that I'm trying to root and turn into a Bonsai. It's got reallly pretty flowers, I think it might be a crab apple tree, or something. The Maroon leaves are turning Green which I'm kinda bummed about, I think it might be my area has poor soil so the leaves of this species of tree stay Purpld forever. Might have to find out what that deficiency is and starve this little one of it to keep her Red.
Flower Tent

I know, she looks miserable. Still high temps, over Nitrification (not digging the super soil method as of now, maybe for outdoor grows with unlimited light and comparatively high RH to my closet, but my results have be "meh" so fatr), low light levels due to repair on the 100W RP spotlight, etc. etc. Still, though, she's plugging along, and not HORRIBLE for my first fully indoor grow.
Bumped her into flower if you couldn't tell. She's got pistils all over now.
Smell's kicking in. Added a DIY carbon scrubber on the end of my extraction fan. Holler if you'd like pics, but you should be able to find plenty of ideas off Google in this department if you need help.
That's all for now, folks. Hope you enjoyed your stay. Ttfn.