Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

Sry guys, my brother is getting married and things are little hectic. I lent my camera for the event so I don't even have it right now. :( I'd like to take some shots before leaving, but it's going to have to wait until I get back, I took some photos with my laptop and phone and they are horrible quality, not even worth sharing.

Still no roots on Misty 3. I suck at this... I'm a little scared to leave her in the bubbler while I'm gone, though. No res changes for like two weeks? Sounds like bad news. I put tiny pinches of some different nutrients in her res to hopefully spark some interest to sprout roots, we'll see if it works. I heard nutrients in a bubbler was a bad idea, though, because algae feeds off the same nutrients as your plant so (especially with me allowing light into the res) you might be farming algae and not roots. If nothing happens in the next couple days I'll move her to another soft drink cup while I light proof the Double Gulp with a couple coats of PlastiDip.

Btw, anyone ever had an issue where their bubbler was semi air tight and pressure kept building up in the res as the air pump kept trying to force more air in?

As for the Chiesel, the overwatering from that one time has matured (those leaves have gotten bigger) and she looks a little ugly right now. I think she's beginning to get past the over N that I mentioned would be in her super soil. New growth doesn't seem to have the bent leaf tip syndrome, or whatever. I'll take that as a good sign and hope that her roots have reached the bottom of her smart pot, she's used to it all by now and the worst is behind us.

Anyway, she doesn't want to grow vertically for me anymore, at least not much. She just wants to work on like a million little branches under her canopy that I couldn't care less for...

As for updates to the grow room, I have my window AC unit and it's waiting to be converted for closet use. I need some sheet metal and stuff in order to vent the AC intake/exhaust (the part that hangs outside) into my attic. The front of the AC unit that blows cold can be left as is or I can try to use it as an active exhaust for the veg tent or maybe an active intake for the flowering. Dunno yet, but once that's done it will be the end of 90+ degree temps in my tents. NO MORE!
Just got back! I have a new sister in law, and she's awesome!

But she has no idea what's in my closet, so I'll stop there and get to the goods.


Not too bad. She was really thirsty when I got home, I wasn't able to get the DriWater deep enough into the root structure -by any stretch- I literally just cut off a side of the carton and dumped the gel/carton on top of the dirt. She's alive, though, and doesn't seem to be too stressed out.
One thing, however, the RP lens fell off while I was away!!! :cuss:I opened the tent to see deeeep navy Blue instead of Warm White. I'm a bit depressed. This means I'm going to have to figure something else out... and soon because I don't want to kick Chiesel into flower until I get the spotlight sussed out. These delays don't seem to end.

BUT! There was something I discovered which was a rather nice surprise.
Misty III is alive! I was positive she'd be dead, I couldn't water her and she had no roots. I just pulled her out of the bubble cloner, put her in some Roots Organic, wet her soil down, and put the dome on top of her container. Crossing my fingers I can finally get another plant going in the veg tent, it'd really suck if she dies now after coming this far. She even seems to have some new growth. :shock:
Good to have you back in the world of the growing...! :)

Misty III is just darling and a little battler! She is going to be a great plant! ('The Chronikool prophecy...')

Chisel doesnt look stressed at all....

What did you do (or thinking about doing) about the RP lens?
Hey, thanks! Good to be back. Guess I gotta spread rep around before I give you more. :/

I haven't done anything yet about the RP lens, the spot light is off right now, I've just got the supp panels on right now. I never run all the lights at the same time cause of heat (still no AC) so it's not a huge deal.

As for fixing the problem, I'm thinking I can get a 30W-50W floodlight fixture and exchange the glass for one of the larger rectangular ChromaLit panels. I have the tools to cut glass so I should be able to cut the RP lens down to the right size well enough. The only thing is the 100W flood lights are too large (the glass on them is bigger than the largest RP panel I can source cheaply) so I'll have to go undersized on the fixture and figure out how to cool the COB. Maybe I can some how attach the CPU cooler to the back of the flood light fixture in a way that the COB sticks through and sits flush with the reflector? Like cut a hole in the back of the fixture, cut off some of the fins if I need to, and affix the CPU cooler+COB to the back. It might not be that hard, come to think of it... You've got more experience with these floods, I've never been inside one, do you think this sounds possible?

I am seeing the claw in that photo. What/When are you feeding her these days? Other than that, it's looking good!

BTW I harvested my first tomato... It looked beautiful, nice deep red, excellent form. Then I cut it open... fucking "Black Heart" i.e. Calcium deficiency, probably due to when I was screwing around trying to "finesse" the earlier problems I had (instead of just flushing it properly).
I was able to salvage most of the tomato, though, and it was delicious! But if I continue to see this on other trusses, I'm going to start over and do a DWC this time. At least then I don't have to worry about watering problems and excesses/deficiencies (in the same manner).
I do like this Sasha breed, though. It is a short and stout plant, with plenty of fruit. Perfect for my tight conditions, although very finicky on nutrients. That may require more experimentation.

My basil and parsley are rocking, though... They absolutely LOVE the light.
So Herbs are definitely good to put under LEDs (and less stressful than fruits/flowers).
Yes, definitely a little of over watering a while back, and like I had anticipated some over N. I mixed up a batch of super soil and Kid had shown some signs of over N so I figured once Chiesel got transplanted I'd similar symptoms. She's clearing up well, but there's still some leaves with bent over tips. It seems like some branches have it worse than others, though, which is weird, imo. I've never seen certain areas of my plants show symptoms of deficiency/toxicity and another area not. Weird. But as for what I'm feeding her, absolutely nothing. Just filtered, dechlorinated water I've put through a Brita filter.

Speaking of Kid, though, check him out.

Kid's the one in the recycling bin on the right. It's huge! Growing like a weed...

I really like Kelp4Less on eBay, their prices are somewhat reasonable and they have a really nice selection of water soluble powder nutrients. I'm sure you could find some CalMag or something to clear up the blossom end rot.
Speaking of Kid, though, check him out.
View attachment 2716115

Kid's the one in the recycling bin on the right. It's huge! Growing like a weed...

Oh I already have CalMag... I gave that post-flush, and it started bouncing back (then I went back to my regular nutes). But the problem with Calcium deficiency in tomatoes is there is no "fix". Once it's happened, it's happened...That's why I can only hope my later fruits on other trusses don't have the same issue. Another thing I have come to realize is I believe I don't need to give my indoor any Phosphorous at all, after the first few weeks (in soil)...there is probably an adequate buildup just from the initial feedings.
If I get around to the DWC (assuming soil failure), then it will be a different story.

As for Kid, SHe's looking better than my outdoor crop. They are growing like yours (the Juliets are huge), with plenty of fruit, but the rain is constantly an issue. And that seems to be causing some mild stress (coupled with the lower temps); the leaves were "cupping". I built a simple frame (for tying up), but I may need to lay some poly over top, just to keep the rain off, if this shitty weather continues (which appears will be the case thanks in part to the low activity of sun flares causing our atmosphere to "shrink")...
At least I'm beating the Old Japanese master down the road, though ;) He only has started flowering (and growing cherries, I think), and his inter-nodal spacing is nowhere near as tight as mine. So I guess that's a small reward :lol:

Anyway, keep on her. Don't forget to give your flowers a shake every time you go visit them. Just in case the bees aren't around to do the work.
Ack. Been out of the game for a little while now. Idk, it hasn't even been for a good reason, just laziness, I suppose.

Anyway, you were right Chron. Check it out. Finished her up yesterday.

RP Spotlight


Get's hot at the center. Thinking an IR thermometer might be a sound purchase. Specified max temp for this panel is 95 degrees Celsius. No idea what it's at, but it's pretty hot. Also, the larger ChromaLit panels are plastic, NOT glass! I did not know this until now. Made chopping the RP lens ez pz, but glass would have better thermal dissipation. 8/

Whatever. We'll see how it goes. Thing's fuckin' bright, and compared to the 50W Warm White spotlight I had on her, the CCT is >>>much<<< more Red as can be seen in photos with the same White Balance setting before and after the switch. I can dig it.

Here's what it looks like on top.

Used a router to shave the fins off, cut a square hole for the CPU cooler "slug" to sit flush with the inside of the fixture. Fixed everything up and I'm sitting pretty at the moment. Fingers crossed.

Veg Tent


That's Misty Trois, or whatever number I was on. I topped her a second time after this photo. There's 4 other clones of Chiesel in there with her (if three take I'll be stoked) and a rough clipping of some random tree from my neighbors yard that I'm trying to root and turn into a Bonsai. It's got reallly pretty flowers, I think it might be a crab apple tree, or something. The Maroon leaves are turning Green which I'm kinda bummed about, I think it might be my area has poor soil so the leaves of this species of tree stay Purpld forever. Might have to find out what that deficiency is and starve this little one of it to keep her Red.
Flower Tent
I know, she looks miserable. Still high temps, over Nitrification (not digging the super soil method as of now, maybe for outdoor grows with unlimited light and comparatively high RH to my closet, but my results have be "meh" so fatr), low light levels due to repair on the 100W RP spotlight, etc. etc. Still, though, she's plugging along, and not HORRIBLE for my first fully indoor grow.

Bumped her into flower if you couldn't tell. She's got pistils all over now.

Smell's kicking in. Added a DIY carbon scrubber on the end of my extraction fan. Holler if you'd like pics, but you should be able to find plenty of ideas off Google in this department if you need help.

That's all for now, folks. Hope you enjoyed your stay. Ttfn.
Welcome back BS

If you have time, drop in my 22w thread. Been using 22w x 4ft led tubes for over a month. Alas, they are 2800-3200, and I need 2400-2700 to fatten the girls up. Hard to find 2700 tubes, but Cree makes 10w floods
Hey, thanks.

Your LED tubes are looking pretty good. I've been in your thread, but I jump around in it and check out the pics mostly, read descriptions of things that especially catch my eye. So those look like flex line's of 5050 SMD LED's inside a heat sink/shroud with electronics on board, right? Could do a Brute trash can of light mighty fine justice, imo.

I've got a Cree bulb right now. Thinking about ripping it apart and doing this with it:
That's for after I fix my window AC up in my closet, however, I gotta fix the heat issue, I can't afford to cool the whole house right now so I've just got windows open all over, but plants are suffering for it.

Anyway, for overhead light I think you might be able to get better efficiency with multichip LED's and a CPU cooler. The power consumption for the fan needs to be considered, yes, but I've got a 12Vx200mA wall wart cooling a 100W multichip LED (4.5W consumption due to efficiency losses), and as I'm sure you know Cree makes 30W+ chips. If they make some with XP-E2's with a few Red's strewn in? Pshhh, that'd be crazy. Ime, CPU coolers do an awesome job cooling closely packed LED's. While I have little experience with them, the Artic Alpines are suuuper cheap and they even state what Wattage CPU they can handle. I've found that CPU's "like" to be at slightly cooler temperatures at max load which means if it's rated for 95W of CPU cooling it can cool a 95W multichip LED alright, too. Never hurts to go a little overboard on the cooling, though, imo. Also, the Hyper 212 EVO is LEGENDARY in the overclocking community (the XIGMATEK Gaia SD1283 is supposedly no slouch, either). I'm confident they can easily cool a 50W, and most likely a 100W multichip, and they can be had for $25-$30 shipped. If you go run of the mill chips you should be able to hit under $1/W without much effort which is about the most you can ask for if you want semi-quality light/efficiency.

$90 for 100W of Warm White Cree XPG. I'd still shop around, but that's one example, and so easy to put together. Gateway drug to LED's, right there.

Sorry for ramblings.
Chips are point sources of light. Applying Inverse Square law within 2ft of a 50w chip intensity (umols/m^2) drops off dramatically

44w (2 @ 22w) of 4ft tubes over a 4 ft area ~ 1750 lumens per tube = 87.5 lumens/linear ft! Imagine what 6-8 tubes would do

Temps inside my 2 x 4 tent with exhaust fan + ~ 130w of leds run 80-82 degrees at the base of the plants
Agreed. Multichips are more for the HPS-oriented, single light source, or overlapping point source growers. It will be harder to achieve even light distribution over any grow space, imho. I have supplemental panels to somewhat compensate for this and also illuminate lower branches, but for my 2'x2' grow space? I don't really know what would be ideal. I haven't even settled on if I'm going perpetual harvest, or will be vegging larger plants to ~2' tall or so... Don't ask me!

BUT, I think both approaches can achieve roughly the same end regardless, you just have to plan your room according to your room, if that makes any sense.
LED tubes are available in 2ft

Also investigating flat panel lights in 2 x 2 & 1x4 both only 12mm thick
Yeah, I've been getting emails from a company named "Brilloop" with LED tubes like yours, LED tubes in circles reminiscent of some induction bulbs, flat panels like what you mentioned, and the list goes on and on. Nothing has incredibly piqued my interest, but then again, I'm not in the market. Waiting to see what this spotlight can do.

GL on the tubes. Reminds me a bit of this grow, but I think he's using custom spectrum ~20W multichips:
Yeah, I've been getting emails from a company named "Brilloop" with LED tubes like yours, LED tubes in circles reminiscent of some induction bulbs, flat panels like what you mentioned, and the list goes on and on. Nothing has incredibly piqued my interest, but then again, I'm not in the market. Waiting to see what this spotlight can do.

GL on the tubes. Reminds me a bit of this grow, but I think he's using custom spectrum ~20W multichips:

First time I've ever seen an illumitex grow....^^^ thanks for the vid ......
Thanks, Chron. I'm liking it for the moment, too. The Chiesel was just sitting in veg not going anywhere because I wasn't feeding her so I kicked her into flower and began feeding her some early bloom nutes to force myself to finish this project. I think she's about 2 weeks into flower right now, so the majority of what's important will be done by the 100W RP spotlight and supp panels. We'll see how they do!

Temps in the flower room were getting up to 96F with the new spotlight, so I was a bit scared. Now I've got the window AC hooked up and things are looking better.

That's a box made out of 1/4" insulation foam with reflective Aluminum on either side. Can be bought at Home Depot for cheap. It cuts very easily with a utility knife, you can tape it up very easily with Aluminum tape (the real duct tape), and it's rigid enough that it can support it's own weight and more. The box is sealed all the way around and has a 10" starter on top so the AC exhaust gets pushed into the box and up into the attic. The 10" insulated flex line is large enough in diameter to not need an extraction fan. The AC itself can easily push the amount of air it needs to push through its condensing coil with a 10" pipe rather uninhibited. Any smaller and you risk shortening the life of your AC's compressor if you don't have assisted extraction. The AC itself is pulling ambient air to cool the condensing coil, so, yes, if odor gets potent enough I will be pushing air that smells like bud into my attic/outside. I've covered my bases a bit with a carbon scrubber and the smell is not an issue right now. I'll have to keep an eye on that. The reason I configured it like this was because I was afraid the attic would get too hot to effectively cool the condensing coil. If I had easier access to outside air I would have kept the two coils "separate," and probably boosted efficiency (I'm cooling air to warm some of it back up and push it outside...). Last, but not least, the AC unit is sitting on top of a Roughneck tote to catch the condensation off the evaporator coil.

Well, does it work? Yes. Yesterday, instead of a high of 96F in my tent it was 88F. I'm completely happy with that result, and my room is a much more comfortable temperature as well. I might add some 4" duct to take cool air from the AC straight into the flower room in an attempt to get temps under 80F, but I feel my girls are in a much safer place already.
Insulating/closing your compressor slots on the sides and top of a regular window AC will fry the unit fast. What you wanted was a pass- thru-wall unit where it only exhausts heat out the back (which can and effectively be removed by your box^^}and cost way more $$$ due to this design. Even in its intended use you want zero obstruction within two feet of the regular window unit outdoors.

not trying to be a wise ass, just don't want you burning up a brand new AC!I know you don't want the compressor contributing heat to the room(like the portable ones, guess why they have the compressor slots open?:-P ) but remove the the top and side insulation == just insulate/exhaust the heat out the back coils only!

Unless you have a through-wall AC......then I wrote this shit for nothing;-)

Yes i'm on my phone......hence the crappy sentence structure....