First Grow- master kush and blue mystic 400w tent


Well-Known Member
Could be the soil or maybe a little heat and light stress what temps you running at and how far away have you got the light.?
The light is about a foot and a half away and temperatures never exceed 32 celsius/90 Fahrenheit. The fan runs all night on a steady breeze so the plants are probably a little cooler then the temperature at the base of the pots where the thermomater is. I want to say its the soil because I dont know what im doing besides being completly unaware of my water ph, I figured rain water would be best, I dont live in a city decent amount of farm land around me so air is cleanish I guess.

I will post more pictures tomorrow. The problem is still there but the new growth looks fine, just lower leaves remain the same yellow.


Well-Known Member
Finally some pictures. Been working alot and flashing different roms on my phone messing things up so a bit has happened since last pictures. The growth seems fine making nice progress and i noticed the leaves clearing up a little I think. The leaves are still curling like tacos though I cant figure it out, the temperatures are fine, Ill try moving the light higher to see if that helps. Anyways here are some pictures:weed:



New Member
leaves look fine, its genetics heavy indica.

you need to water and feed her LIGHTLY. maybe 200 ppms

or there may be nutrients in the soil and she just cant reach it becuase not enough water. you should be soaking that soil and then letting it dry at this point. shes ready to grow so lets go!

i see no other stressers besides improper watering and maybe hunger. shes going to be a good girl :)


Well-Known Member
Dont know why there is a seperate attachment just ignore it, the first and last pictures are the master kush, the two in the middle are the blue mistic. Really growing quickly.


New Member
ahh yes i see the difference now. my master kush also grew heavy indica fat leaves until the stretch and the skunk took the leaf structure.

blue mystic growing like a nice indica heavy hybrid at this point, master kush looks pure indica. i love how weird they look as babies according to the enviornment. after puberty tho they always look and smell the same LOL

if you look at my avatar that is what diesel should look like..chemd or el dorado mexican sativa heavy plant..super skunk and n.l. crosses. real nice blue mystic is n.l. cross for sure


Well-Known Member
leaves look fine, its genetics heavy indica.

you need to water and feed her LIGHTLY. maybe 200 ppms

or there may be nutrients in the soil and she just cant reach it becuase not enough water. you should be soaking that soil and then letting it dry at this point. shes ready to grow so lets go!

i see no other stressers besides improper watering and maybe hunger. shes going to be a good girl :)
Nice thanks man so good to hear, I have a bottle of nutes ready, I followed directions and used about a quarters worth of recommended dosage, I gave them a really nice watering today with just water so maybe not tomorrow but the following day I will feed the nute water?


New Member
Nice thanks man so good to hear, I have a bottle of nutes ready, I followed directions and used about a quarters worth of recommended dosage, I gave them a really nice watering today with just water so maybe not tomorrow but the following day I will feed the nute water?
yeah bro..let her be now, shes be good as long as you gave her enough water to search for as she dries.

should be a good grow..thanks for the seat! compare ur master kush bud to mine when its done. should look very similar.

easy to see the skunk in the master kush after the stretch. leaves are a lot more sativa like. she grew like a tank, i loved her.



Well-Known Member
I was really expecting more space in between the nodes but they seem to just keep popping up, I know master is an indica but she really staying nice and short which im loving. Cant wait for these girls to get a nice feeding so they start to really grow. I know eventually Im going to have to deal with a staaanky odor from these two and I have no carbon filter. Im going to get some supplies and try one of the DIY options on the forums here. Any input on a carbon filter or other odor removal options come flower?


Well-Known Member
Maaan so frostyyy. What a beauty. The leaves really do get a sativa look but the bud areas are so damn thick and dense at the same time.


New Member
its rough but i use an air purifier LOL. they really stink towards the end, otherwise theyre not too smelly unless you play with em :)

master kush was a great hybrid. they say skunk #1 is indica but i never see it grow that way, its always a sativa with some foxtailing buds. really pretty and mind bending. kush is truly a heavy indica. i have blackout kush which also looked just like this as babies. youll get spacing during the stretch, and if you give them longer night.

master kush is hindu kush x skunk #1 and blue mystic is an unknown indica heavy hybrid. im gonna guess end result blue mystic is heavier indica.

peace man, happy growing


New Member
Maaan so frostyyy. What a beauty. The leaves really do get a sativa look but the bud areas are so damn thick and dense at the same time.
EXACTLY lol. it looked like a tank. diesel took some time to look like a tank..12 healthy weeks in bloom..shit lol. she was a skinny but scary looker, then at the last couple weeks she put on WEIGHT

master kush is also FAST. youll love it. i pulled mine 9 weeks couple days but i should have left to 10+. i couldnt cause of smell complications lol. it smells like a straight skunk at the end of the grow. the rest of the grow is the sweet deep yet light hindu kush smell.


Well-Known Member
Ever since I came across the smell of skunk my first time grabbing quality stuff I love the smell, I cant wait. I am one to just watch my plants grow, I chill out with music while using my crappy home gym beside the plants its a good time lol.


Well-Known Member
Some more pictures from today.
IMG_20130626_151639_228.jpgIMG_20130626_151649_951.jpgIMG_20130626_151701_963.jpgIMG_20130626_151707_528.jpgMaster Kush
IMG_20130626_151739_248.jpgIMG_20130626_151751_123.jpgIMG_20130626_151758_801.jpgBlue Mystic

Should I crack off the dry leaves? They are really crispy. Dont think they will heal so what would be best to do with them?


Well-Known Member
Not the big ones but the very first little curly ones and the fully yellow ones you can see in the first masterkush picture on the bottom left are fully potato chip crispy.


New Member
water and feed them properly dude. ive taken the hard road to know that the way youre doing it is wrong, so take the advice and apply it!

soak the soil with a 1/4 strength feed solution, then let it dry for 2-3 days.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the input b.real I took your advise, so I put a teaspoon instead of 20ml inside of 10 gallons of collected rain water which is exactly 1/4 the advised amount. The nutes I used are,
I Cannot find any information on these but I used the veg ones and mixed them together just like it says so lets wait and see. I have no idea where these came from but the values seem alright who knows.
subbed :) ive grown master kush and loved it, been thinking about ordering some of the blue mystic cant wait to see how yours turn out


New Member
thanks for all the input b.real I took your advise, so I put a teaspoon instead of 20ml inside of 10 gallons of collected rain water which is exactly 1/4 the advised amount. The nutes I used are,
View attachment 2716424
I Cannot find any information on these but I used the veg ones and mixed them together just like it says so lets wait and see. I have no idea where these came from but the values seem alright who knows.

this should work well, just make sure to feed lighty and basically soak the entire soil with it, then let her be.

if you did it some days ago, how is their color? darker?


Well-Known Member
I gave them nutes yesturday and today I definitely noticed some bigger leaves. The green still looks the same to me. The soil is fairly dry so I dont think a two day no water will work. I have a feeling watering tomorrow will be best. These air pots dry up quick I notice. I used about 1/2 gallon to water them both.