815 a troy oz, holy shit last time i checked it was as 1500 nearly, thats a massive drop, tbh i never thought it would go down that far.
when i was checkin it was 40 a g, that was when it was like 1200 an ozLast year u wer gettin around a tenner a gram for gold, I sold a chain weighing nearly 100g and got 1000quid for it. So goin by them prices I can get more for weed per gram than gold. Who says money dont grow on trees lol
D most the country has been smoking soapbar for the last how many years not too mention sprayed weed, do you really think the vast majority either care or no the difference when its been tumbled or not cured lol
i know that, still don't change my attitude, fuk me as soon as moroccan starting getting shit put in it I stopped buying it, still can't believe people even bought diesel bar fukkin chang shit, some folks are total retards.
before i even started growin i thought soapbar was off the plant lmfao, lack of knowledge was the thing, could never findhow they made it either, all my mate just said its good shit, but nobody knew, honestly the first couple month or so i started smokin i thought weed came grinded up lmfao, if u showed me a bud i woulda said thats not weed, thats what this has done to most of our younger ones now adays, its shyt an weed jus keeps gettin mor £ added to the gram ffslots of people just dont care mate, they will smoke anything aslong as it gets them kinda stoned lol i think its also lack of knowledge not everyone is growing or has knowledge of how hash is made.
i very very rarely buy weed its just too upsetting lol at least with a bottle of vods i no what im getting each time.
do a bit of both an u wont know whats real lmao, smokin an drinkin i never actually believed it worked till a few months ago when i fell asleep on my bros sofa chonged out my face of a joint an a few cidersAnd a damn site more smashed for yer £20! lol.