The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
m8 these bottom 2 need a feed, up to you if u ignore good advice but your yields will suffer:joint:
they already got a feed, the bottom right is still heavy an wet from the last feed @ 2ml per l of grow and .5ml per l of calmag, the ones in the basin get fed every second day aswell, it dnt look like it cuz last week they dnt get nowt but water as my ma had to feed em an i didnt trust her with the nutes


Well-Known Member
h202 int that that bottled gas stuff? fuk knows sounds dodgy but i know major grow rooms use it, increase yeild? shit be talking tricantanol next haha

indi is that 4 planst in 1 washing up bowl i see u got on your pic? i thought its not a good idea to havemore than one plant per pot/bowl? the roots strangle each other no?

been setting me room up, looking at bulbs, mh for veg and red for flower but im unsure if this old ballast willl run MH? rimmer does it?
thats my pic, and no plants arnt in the same pot, just put em in the basin so i could move em around easier


Active Member
Shame man, typical.

little tyke probably thought "how can I piss off the old man today!" Haha

fucking el, im at home wit the kids all day most days, just popped out down to me flat to water the plants and me lil boy whos thirteen month old decides to take his first steps lil bugger, pissed off i missed it tho.


Well-Known Member
Oh, & I used budcandy last 2 grows , I loved the smell of it in the bottle , like a sickly sweet smell , begging to be tasted, like mermaids tempting you in with there sorrowful tones of woe ,echoing across the mill pond sea of tranquility ,lit by the silvery moon ! Ahem, smells great , but did fuck all to the plants !


Well-Known Member
Oh, & I used budcandy last 2 grows , I loved the smell of it in the bottle , like a sickly sweet smell , begging to be tasted, like mermaids tempting you in with there sorrowful tones of woe ,echoing across the mill pond sea of tranquility ,lit by the silvery moon ! Ahem, smells great , but did fuck all to the plants !
i got a full bottle of budcandy, havent researched it yet, is it a boost alternative? i use the canna shizzle so can it be used as well or what? wats it for?

how do ppl come up with this sorta shit LMAO
yrs of drig abuse, ur stil a nipper so havent put the yrs in yet


Well-Known Member
Nice one New, trust you , no were to be seen when you're needed ! Wot a cunt ! Lol, don't worry , now he's walking , he can start fetching & carrying for ya , teach em well !


Well-Known Member
i got a full bottle of budcandy, havent researched it yet, is it a boost alternative? i use the canna shizzle so can it be used as well or what? wats it for?

yrs of drig abuse, ur stil a nipper so havent put the yrs in yet
Sweeten the taste m8, did diddly squatt imo , @ Ikode, I think it's old age m8, no offence intended lol


Well-Known Member
i got a full bottle of budcandy, havent researched it yet, is it a boost alternative? i use the canna shizzle so can it be used as well or what? wats it for?

yrs of drig abuse, ur stil a nipper so havent put the yrs in yet
for what its worth, budcandy is just overpriced molasses.


Well-Known Member
Shame man, typical.

little tyke probably thought "how can I piss off the old man today!" Haha
no he done that the other day the how can i piss dad off bit lol brought some new trainers the other week, same fucking trainers i buy everytime and for years plain black airmax, no colour at all fucks me off tho u pay more for plain black than all the coloured ones hows that make sense? anyway the lil git spewed all over them the other day, all milk too thats curdled bit like smelly cottage cheese lmao

Nice one New, trust you , no were to be seen when you're needed ! Wot a cunt ! Lol, don't worry , now he's walking , he can start fetching & carrying for ya , teach em well !
walking today baz, ill av the lil sod watering me plants next week lol bout time he started working lol


Well-Known Member
u fannys all bed, i just came down after servicing the missus, sambo deffo still has it oh yes and always has a rather large cock so spose thst helps lol


Active Member
Hahaha I want to see that about as much as ic3's gammy foot
It'll give me two things to have a wank over then...


Active Member
Nah mate, you may be full of shite, but I know you're not a liar :P

I better fuck off to bed, gotta be up at 7am, heading out for another exciting day with the inlaws, missus already passed out next to me..

offers all ways here if u need the proff lol