2 week cure buds still burn black with chemical taste


Well-Known Member
wondering if theres anything I can do with these will water curing work I think even if I cure them longer there not gonna get any better I think its from overfertilization I flushed but must have not been enough if water curing won't work couldn't I use the bud in a batch of brownies or something?
Next time use final phase by advanced, I don't care what anyone else says about it, and I guarantee you wont have this problem, some people still don't believe my buds burn clean, to a white ash, even after only 3 days of drying, still semi wet. Final phase once, then 2 weeks of pure water...your plants will fade and burn clean....even though others will have you believe otherwise.
wondering if theres anything I can do with these will water curing work I think even if I cure them longer there not gonna get any better I think its from overfertilization I flushed but must have not been enough if water curing won't work couldn't I use the bud in a batch of brownies or something?
Next time use final phase by advanced, I don't care what anyone else says about it, and I guarantee you wont have this problem, some people still don't believe my buds burn clean, to a white ash, even after only 3 days of drying, still semi wet. Final phase once, then 2 weeks of pure water...your plants will fade and burn clean....even though others will have you believe otherwise.

That's it spread more propagander.

Flushing is something most old school growers used to do because they fed too heavily causing problems.

A well cared for plant doesn't require flushing IMO.

Usually black ash is a sign of moisture.

I haven't flushed a plant in 2 years. My ash is always grey/white.

My last harvest, that was unflushed. Cured so far for 3months.

Excessive use of high P and K bloom additives during flowering can cause a multitude of problems including taste.

Its not the nutes, its the user.

black ash? i don't know for sure, but there's not much that should make ash black
nitrogen should be consumed in burning, though there may be taste effects
phosphorus doesn't have black compounds from a burn, and certainly not potassium
iron, however, could have a black color, not saying that's the culprit, but it could be
What?! Blaspheme. How could buds possibly burn clean and taste good without Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients?

Oh yes, practical botanically sound growing methods! Jondamon is totally right, stop nuking your plants trying to artificially push them along with "flower hardeners" and "bloom or PK boosters"... give them what they need as they need it. Plants do take up and store extra nutrients, such as nitrogen, at least in the leaves and there will always be some leaf in bud.

Don't use a crap load of molasses in the end... it is not necessary, it will not improve the flavor or make buds "sweeter"; it can actually contribute to harshness due to the minerals in the molasses (magnesium, zinc, iron).
only thing to do with the over fert/spark flying buds is make oil or hash, something where you only take the trich heads off and smoke them, you dont want to smoke any of the plant matter.
Oh and just a thought on the thread topic based on the OP's username - is the strain you're curing the same as your username, "Sour Diesel"? Coz that shit's supposed to taste chemical no?
Next time use final phase by advanced, I don't care what anyone else says about it, and I guarantee you wont have this problem, some people still don't believe my buds burn clean, to a white ash, even after only 3 days of drying, still semi wet. Final phase once, then 2 weeks of pure water...your plants will fade and burn clean....even though others will have you believe otherwise.

If you are giving pure water for 2 weeks, there is no point at all to use final phase. The 2 weeks of pure water will take care of any issues.

Personally I would NOT skip nutrients 2 weeks before cutting. That is generally when buds are plumping, they need their nutrients to get the max out of them.