The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im proud to say that im smoking probably the best wed anyone has on this thread!
you think you are smoking better weed than the few who actually own their own seedbank not naming anyone, but theres a couple guys on here who would shit on the stuff ur smoking that i know for sure.

they also created the stongest strain on earth i think, it was in the high times magazen famous american weed mag
not insulting ur weed, but its not better than some of the guys who grow quality on this thread an im not one of em :(

i grow lawn trimmins, but hey it gets u stoned right?


Active Member
have you ever been to amsterdam? have you ever smoked the super lemon from there? if not! Dont get involved cos nothing beats it! its 10/10 end of! nobody can grow better than this on here! its not actually possible! you might be able to get close but thats all!


Well-Known Member
oh wait a minute not the super lemon haze from arjan?, couldn't get high off it an was smoking his in his bar with him


Well-Known Member
super lemon haze cured for 3months??? dont think so mate! its fucking illumines! nobody can grow shit like this many have tryed an many have failed! nothing beats the dikerty dankerty of amsterdamiest super lemo
tbh mate SLH is one of the more mediocre strains available I find unless you like the taste of lemons, not even that strong, if you want strong try :

Pyramid seeds -Tuthankhamon
Breeders Boutique- DOG
MrNice - Super Silver Haze etc etc


Well-Known Member
thanks for the Rep Ikode, u like my Katana, I cut firewood wiv it, neighbours are fukin terrified....u would love one of these man
Fuckin ell you lads been busy on here today just readin through when I hit this indi pissed me self.. no wonder the neighbours are shit scared a stoned mad man choppin up wood swingin katana in Alabama fookin mental hahahahaha Pmsl ;)


Active Member
i wouldnt go near the lace you been watching too much youtube! any1 meet me with a gram of anything an i will cos i know it would shiton anything an thats not being mean or anything its justt the truth


Well-Known Member
have you ever been to amsterdam? have you ever smoked the super lemon from there? if not! Dont get involved cos nothing beats it! its 10/10 end of! nobody can grow better than this on here! its not actually possible! you might be able to get close but thats all!
Listen pal most people on this thread have been to dam and smoked there stuff and its no diff to the stuff we grow, if you do it rite you do it rite! they don't have some secret formula in dam that no one else's has. Our stuff ain't like the wet shit you get of ur 13 dealer down the estate... Oh wait I forgot u only do it by the k straight from dam. Bad man


Well-Known Member
Fuckin ell you lads been busy on here today just readin through when I hit this indi pissed me self.. no wonder the neighbours are shit scared a stoned mad man choppin up wood swingin katana in Alabama fookin mental hahahahaha Pmsl ;)
ha ha nuffin beats a bit o sword work, wen you get I rite the logs explode apart, wen u get it wrong its a fukker tryin to get the sword out tha log...mus look a bit strange but absolutely no one has tried to become my friend, exactly wat u want in neighbours wen u grow anti cancer meds slh notwithstanding

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
mate it comes straight from the dam! an only in k's
And that means what?

im proud to say that im smoking probably the best wed anyone has on this thread!
'Exodus Psychosis' on the left, a 25 odd year old clone only that needs no introduction.
Breeder's Boutique 'Dog' on the right, 2012 cannabis cup entry and featured in High Times 'Earth's Strongest Strains' article.


'Smelly Fingerez', clone only bred by one of the boy's and found by me.
Purple bud and pink trichomes

Smelly Fingerez, popcorn in bowl. A.jpg

The 'Two Toke Killer' that I'm chopping next week, It's genetics are 'Psycho Killer (Breeder's Boutique) x Blues\Livers (Clone only) and they're unreleased.


Sit back and take a breath lad because talk is cheap round here.......;)


Well-Known Member
Listen pal most people on this thread have been to dam and smoked there stuff and its no diff to the stuff we grow, if you do it rite you do it rite! they don't have some secret formula in dam that no one else's has. Our stuff ain't like the wet shit you get of ur 13 dealer down the estate... Oh wait I forgot u only do it by the k straight from dam. Bad man
omg u r rite spoons, I fukin laffed my rs off wen sumone showed me wat they paid 20 kwid fer, its not even bud ffs jus some pre bud wiv a cos it was all x mas tree green sugar leaf. shit still drinking mus stop tmrw


Well-Known Member
And that means what?

'Exodus Psychosis' on the left, a 25 odd year old clone only.
Breeder's Boutique 'Dog' on the right, 2012 cannabis cup entry and featured in High Times 'Earth's Strongest Strains' article.

View attachment 2721034

'Smelly Fingerez', clone only bred by one of the boy's and found by me.
Purple bud and pink trichomes

View attachment 2721053View attachment 2721054
View attachment 2721062
View attachment 2721057View attachment 2721058View attachment 2721059

The 'Two Toke Killer' that I'm chopping next week, It's genetics are 'Psycho Killer (Breeder's Boutique) x Blues\Livers (Clone only) and they're unreleased.

View attachment 2721074

Sit back and take a breath lad because talk is cheap round here.......;)
i'll second that and the fact that none of the crap grown in the dam even compares to most of our homegrown on here. im going there a week Friday and most of my bucks will go on hash and/or bubble and the like. I may try some new strains to me while im there, but wont be expecting too much of it, whatever it is and whoevers grown it.


Well-Known Member
omg u r rite spoons, I fukin laffed my rs off wen sumone showed me wat they paid 20 kwid fer, its not even bud ffs jus some pre bud wiv a cos it was all x mas tree green sugar leaf. shit still drinking mus stop tmrw
ha ha yeah I know mate its a fucking shambles.tomorrow never comes indi ;-) u kno that lol


Well-Known Member
i'll second that and the fact that none of the crap grown in the dam even compares to most of our homegrown on here. im going there a week Friday and most of my bucks will go on hash and/or bubble and the like. I may try some new strains to me while im there, but wont be expecting too much of it, whatever it is and whoevers grown it.
yeah man im goin wiv me daughter but ill prolly take some wiv me as the prices an potency r a bit off these days(me not them)