Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Very, very late to the show but Hi, and subbed. I love waterfarms! Only reason I'm not using one is that my landlord prohibits "hydroponics" 'cause humidity... so I use soilless. :roll:

That Casey Jones harvest is fucking nuts. Congrats. But only 0.43 grams per watt!? The A51'll change that :eyesmoke:
It's been warm...they are talking of temps returning to normal...102`F...this week. June is always a rough month...and the worse [hot] it gets, the better chance we have of getting rain in July/Aug. I've been out here since '70....from the midwest originally
fuckin humid and hot now and it smells so bad now outside. You can smell the rain here. its sooo weird.. but its worse then I ever recall. Its like you can smell the rain plus all the pollution that had settled on the roads and trees mixed in. Like your breathing carbon dioxide or something nasty like that. The moisture in the air is kicking our ass cuz we haven't felt it in so long. My cowrker feels so depressed like she been crying for 2 weeks and my hair.. omg hair... a frizz ball now, and my brain is numb, swollen with extra water... We are all bloated , puffy and feeling ill from the first rains in 6 months. The desert is hard core.
Its so electric now.. tons of lighting bolts all over the place!. and guess what
When I went to pick up my New Area 51 LED light , I was walking back to my car and a HUGE lightning bolt came out of the sky and I ki felt it supercharge me and the new light!!!! ITS so ELECTric around here!!!!!!!
My new light is like a piece of art... its a site to behold. I cant wait to show ya'll...
my JH seeds are showing taps and Im piecing my farm back together .
My rash is controlled fine when I where gloves, Azone, thanks for asking. Shes getting huge and stretching a lot. I hope she stops that cuz now im worried that she might exceed the top of the phototron and I don't want to supercrop her.
Laterz stonerz, thanks for stopping by and ill start a new Area 51 LED Jack Herer Waterfarm Scrog journal soon.
Peace OWT
look forward to seeing your new fancy LED panel, looked the shiz in the last pic.

funny usually people like the smell of rain, be careful on the roads they get oily in the first rain in a while.

lightning bolts near hitting you:shock: it's a sign! desert living sounds pretty rough.

laters Doc
desert living is BRUTAL! im really not meant to be here , this place is for darker skinned people. I fear for my life evertime I go outside now. I wear massive amounts of sunblock, long sleeves, hat , anything to keep covered from the sun. I really belong back in Washington state but I hate it there too much. Im not sure where ill go when my contract is up but I gotta leave the desert before it eats me

Thanks for the rep HIGHOCAINE! your really helped me out with that one dude. I was looking for my waterfarm journal but with the new the advanced search don't work anymore and I couldn't find it. That journal was sooo killer but got hacked and lost the best part of roadtrip moving from Washington state to AZ... with all that weed!!! LMAO.. still got sweet Casey Jones pix though.
The urban environment needs a couple of good rains to wash all the months of oil and ick off the roads and settle the crap outa the air. I live in the boonies [60miles from Amber] and the fragrance/odor change is dramatic and wonderful.
I tease about going to Hawaii and gaining 5lb from the humidity swelling me.

This climate isn't for everyone...but I bet you come back, if you leave. I thought I liked the seasons and midwest weather...until I tried it after living here, twice. I know better now..
sounds effin brutal tbh. i can stand up to about 35c and be happy as but dry heat is a different ball game. my bosses family moved to dubai this year and they said the temp hit 50c this year they literally spend their time running from aircon to aircon. you couldn't pay me enough to move there. and the ladies have to wear black dresses surely that's gotta be a joke.

your a survivor though amber you'll do just fine wherever you land up.
Going to be an interesting journal for the JH in the waterfarm Doc! You were one, amonst a few others, that turned me onto the waterfarm and scrogging. Ive got a Critical Jack in my waterfarm at the moment and hoping it comes close to being what your Casey Jones was :D
The urban environment needs a couple of good rains to wash all the months of oil and ick off the roads and settle the crap outa the air. I live in the boonies [60miles from Amber] and the fragrance/odor change is dramatic and wonderful.
I tease about going to Hawaii and gaining 5lb from the humidity swelling me.

This climate isn't for everyone...but I bet you come back, if you leave. I thought I liked the seasons and midwest weather...until I tried it after living here, twice. I know better now..
yur prob right Azone.. I must admit even after all the bullshit this place has put me through it does get into your blood. When I went to Denver to check it out, it was such a super hip town and legal and the people really nice, but the cold weather was horrifiying. lol.. I don't know.. if im super lucky maybe I can get a gig in New mexico where the plant limit is 150 plants. LOL!!! I think I would fit in just fine right there.
sounds effin brutal tbh. i can stand up to about 35c and be happy as but dry heat is a different ball game. my bosses family moved to dubai this year and they said the temp hit 50c this year they literally spend their time running from aircon to aircon. you couldn't pay me enough to move there. and the ladies have to wear black dresses surely that's gotta be a joke.

your a survivor though amber you'll do just fine wherever you land up.
LOL! that's hysterically fucked up Don...what a bizarre place. But yeah, that's what we do here.. go from one AC to another AC. thankfully no black dresses. peeps walk round half naked here. Thanks for always being so supportive your so sweet I wish I could lick your face.hahah.(the lizard in me)
Going to be an interesting journal for the JH in the waterfarm Doc! You were one, amonst a few others, that turned me onto the waterfarm and scrogging. Ive got a Critical Jack in my waterfarm at the moment and hoping it comes close to being what your Casey Jones was :D

hey Jasper! Its wonderful to hear that I was inspirational and helpful to your growing. I gotta check out your Criticl Jack journal , sounds lovely..did you see Dongintons Critical jack photos of his finished buds! OUTSTANDING!
I hope your get a massive haul my friend. Thanks for stopping by and ill catch up with you later.. take it easy and good luck!
hahahah you part lizard haha i'm 3/4 gin. your a funnion doc :lol: new mehico sounds good but i see a lot of beheading vids and cartel shiz going down. though i could see you as nancy botwin hahaaa

critical in a waterfarm should be epic! i'm in jasp. i need help sussing PH n stuff, my DIY DWC didn't go so well.
Don Gin! You bloody mufkee! CELCIUS?! We are ignorant over here and have no clue what that means. We've decided that the metric system, Celcius, and all the other measurements the rest of the WORLD uses just aren't good enough for us. SO we invented our own shit. And it makes no sense. I prefer a perfect 68F. 78F is the highest this cunt can take.:o

Ambo..... Remeber leaving random "repbombs" for people? "The lone muskrat howls at noon".:shock:
Amber, that wonderful smell is proubly creosote.. After a rain the desert comes alive with the smell. Maybe it'll grow on you if you stay long enough, but then again, maybe not.. it's a love it or hate it thing.. Most desert rats love it.. I've lived in the desert most of my life.. Believe me, you live in the Cadillac of American deserts.. Not to hot, not to cold.. Just right. It even rains regularly in the summer.. You are blessed..
The last twenty years I've lived about 50 miles from a little place called Death Valley.. Talk about a place you can really fall in love with... Every 10 years, or so, it rains enough to fill the whole place with color...
I was downtown in my little town the other day when it was 129*f in the shade in Death Valley.. There were bus loads of European tourists on their way to see what hot really means... It's hard not to laugh, but sometimes I do.

ps Amber I have that condensed Scottyballs grow pdf that was uploaded to his thread, then lost. I tried to upload it in a post, but it's too big.. I wonder if I could put in a PM? I've emailed it to several friends, it's your's if you want it..
man i've been to the Sahara and 50+ in dry heat was no joke. i dunno if i could live anywhere near that hot on the regular. now the camel trek 'into' the sahara now that was a friggin joke. there was cig ends and empty water bottles all over, the tour guides just walk the same loop round a few big dunes so you can't see the place you cam from and back lol. full on 4 hour bus journey to get there and have picture of me on a camel sweating my balls off. haha

still i did get to see where they filmed the first star wars in the houses carved into the mountain face. which they even managed to spoil by begging for money from the tourists and having some poor kid show us his bedroom, a doorway with a bed in it and very lttle else.. they had some BS star wars comic, badly laminated tatty thing. i felt sorry for the kid then realised i was being manipulated and the next bus full of tourists turned up reaching for their wallets :roll:
north africa is a funny place. some drunk dude and a couple of his pals tried to tell me they had spent the last 3 days banging a white girl in his caravan saying you have to be big strong man to do this lmao... then the fucker grabbed/whacked me in the balls in a really bizarre moment. i nearly glassed him then realised i could quite easily go missing in the Sahara and thought better of it.

come to think of it i'm not sure why i'm going back there this year.

mytwhyt, just curios but why would the desert smell of creosote? you mean the stuff you paint fences with right?

cheers Azoned, i had no idea, lol to be fair i dunno why they haven't reclaimed California. i'd be bang on to that if i was Mexican.
learning everyday here lately. thanks man. you have heard of the fence paint creosote? It must be named after the bushes properties though i highly doubt it contains anything from the actual bush. creosote was outlawed in the uk a few years back. toxic as fuuuuuuck. then reading the link it may be from the bush just a synthetic version.