The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nah kids ain't my cuppa I'm off to Tunisia to a hotel that specifically doesn't allow kids.

If shed told me would I still have the ones in flower now? Wind up merchant. :razz:
well matey all i can say is listen for those diesel engines and your gate opening at mad hours! curtian twitching FO SURE FOOL!!!hahaha


Well-Known Member
fs hes got a gardner should av expected this
yeah a rather expensive gardener in that I cant put up me polytunnel in the paddocks, it was a fukker and after I had signed the fukin I couldn't push it wiv the very switched on agent re I don't wan a gardener cos he said he was tha fukka wat creatd the very nice gardn an the landlord was luky to av no outdoor mj for I fukin no that agent is a stoner an hes thinking wat he cud gro there, gonna feed these free auto seeds to the birds


Well-Known Member
yeah a rather expensive gardener in that I cant put up me polytunnel in the paddocks, it was a fukker and after I had signed the fukin I couldn't push it wiv the very switched on agent re I don't wan a gardener cos he said he was tha fukka wat creatd the very nice gardn an the landlord was luky to av no outdoor mj for I fukin no that agent is a stoner an hes thinking wat he cud gro there, gonna feed these free auto seeds to the birds
Y don't ya jus plant em in the woods or sum thing indi, don't b gifting the birds lol


Well-Known Member
Y don't ya jus plant em in the woods or sum thing indi, don't b gifting the birds lol
I wouldn't grow autos whilst mj is still illegal. I cant get high off it, cant sell it.....can get busted an turn a 3 cat into a 1 u need the big boolocks of moggs to get away wiv it an I do like Moggs updates very informative but ive got small children an a nosey nowitall gardener, so risk reward is skewed to 3 kw inside grow


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't grow autos whilst mj is still illegal. I cant get high off it, cant sell it.....can get busted an turn a 3 cat into a 1 u need the big boolocks of moggs to get away wiv it an I do like Moggs updates very informative but ive got small children an a nosey nowitall gardener, so risk reward is skewed to 3 kw inside grow
my first plant was an auto northern lights, chopped it a week maybe 2 early, was pretty shit, i had about 4g in a jar for a couple weeks, still tasted like shit, but as i say chopped early so that mighta been the prob, got 32g off it dry, hardly any frost, was about as good as soap stone wise, put me off autos, either that or cuz it was my first

the reason i chopped it early was a because the strain thing said it should have been done by then or a couple days before then


Well-Known Member
I like the characters in yer avvy, u an animal liker?
i like dogs mate and me dad is planning to get a ferret carnt wait to see that ive always wanted one, hate cats and shot a few animals abroad, tbh indi it winds me up theres kids in this country abused,not feed,beaten etc and all these fucking animal charitys, fuck the animals sort out the humans first

i aint pissed honest lmao


Well-Known Member
i like dogs mate and me dad is planning to get a ferret carnt wait to see that ive always wanted one, hate cats and shot a few animals abroad, tbh indi it winds me up theres kids in this country abused,not feed,beaten etc and all these fucking animal charitys, fuck the animals sort out the humans first

i aint pissed honest lmao
used to feed the ferrets rabbits theyd jus demolish em an use the fur as bedding