The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ah man......yer but u guys been doing a lot longer ect...and would rather take your lots info..than bull shit over the net what not...
this is one of the best forums, stick on here for ur q's an that cuz no doubt ull get onto a site where people are splattering shyte ll over the place, we all speak shit but most of the guys here can sort u out on most of the plant problems ul be lookin forward to lmao


Well-Known Member
downloaded the blade trilogy blueray last night, remember watching the 1st one back when i was a child,


Well-Known Member
that was six exo and three pyscho, one week veg, eight week flower, one week dry, twenty six oz in ten wk not bad.
for me thatd be 5k worth so 2.5k a month wage, no bad matey, but am sure for u it was more like 2-3, even in bulk i think i can get away with 2 ton an oz, thats jus from my trusty guy, if i went around sellin ozs seperate could easy get about 3 ton each, or split it up ur makin 450 each daym, but i give cunts lay ons an they take the piss better jus to get the cash there an then from my main guy...


Well-Known Member
yer man.....had lot of good advice info off here.....and always someone to halm in askin ay lol.....had my few lil probs ere n there cal/mag issues....few spider mites.....yellowing leafs n def.....all been sorted tho form info off happy...girls all good..........IMG_0369.jpg...had few claw leafs.....they got mind of there own.......they come and go......but not worrid....
this is one of the best forums, stick on here for ur q's an that cuz no doubt ull get onto a site where people are splattering shyte ll over the place, we all speak shit but most of the guys here can sort u out on most of the plant problems ul be lookin forward to lmao


Well-Known Member
for me thatd be 5k worth so 2.5k a month wage, no bad matey, but am sure for u it was more like 2-3, even in bulk i think i can get away with 2 ton an oz, thats jus from my trusty guy, if i went around sellin ozs seperate could easy get about 3 ton each, or split it up ur makin 450 each daym, but i give cunts lay ons an they take the piss better jus to get the cash there an then from my main guy...
i keep the six not for me just stuff owed out think i did keep two oz for meself tho, and sold the twenty for four k, i have to write out number cause ive spilt a few vods over this three month old laptop and the number keys aint working lol


Well-Known Member
four exo n pysco, they where all in different sized pots, my sister vegged them up and was looking after them first week of flower, these where vegged for three wks tho.

twenty one oz.



Well-Known Member
that tall lol the yellowing is from the ripen and thats bout day fifty of flower.
looks about foot n half?.....c id rather do grows like that.....than veg 6 7 weeks......n have big plants....mine are bout 2 n half foot now....dont mind loozing oz here n there...if smaller....mind u ive read ways how ppl doing 12/12 from start and can make just as much or close to a 6 week veg grow.....


Well-Known Member
looks about foot n half?.....c id rather do grows like that.....than veg 6 7 weeks......n have big plants....mine are bout 2 n half foot now....dont mind loozing oz here n there...if smaller....mind u ive read ways how ppl doing 12/12 from start and can make just as much or close to a 6 week veg grow.....

that the thing imc theres many ways to grow with success u just gotta find what works best for you, learn from your mistakes etc


Well-Known Member
on a nother note tho makes sence...less veg more grows u can get prob be able to get 2 more plants in if did small too.....


Well-Known Member
on a nother note tho makes sence...less veg more grows u can get prob be able to get 2 more plants in if did small too.....
i hate vegging lol and your right less veg more grows you can get in, but with less veg you need more plants to get the yields your looking for, meaning the plant count gos up quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
yer next grow im going to give it a go.....this fin in aug....will get nother in before the year out......

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Fuck it I'm off down the grow shop fer some poly so I can get these Psycho and Dog boxed off and vegging for the next round, they've been sat chilling by the back door for a fortnight.



Well-Known Member
on a nother note tho makes sence...less veg more grows u can get prob be able to get 2 more plants in if did small too.....
or you could get a veg tent aswell and grow all different sizes like I did until you hit on the rightone...I veg plants at least till they show sex, currently I am growin them to 4 foot and pinchin out tha tops but u don't need to, ive also got a kilo off 16 in a 1200w in a 4x4 soggin vanilla kush but I like does yman hes posted some biguns have a look