Police kill dog for no reason


Well-Known Member
fucked up. sweating at work right now... dude should have closed the windows not his fault but still the cops have to react to that kind of stuff.. if it was a tinny dog it wouldn't have happened.


Well-Known Member

Fucked up at 3:00 Dude has a broken leg and is on the ground and they keep beating him.


Well-Known Member
This video doesn't probably show the whole story, no one probably knows what it is. However, it is only reasonable to assume that the guy had given no real reason to be arrested other than just getting on the nerves of the police by filming them. So they do the normal things these days, approach and handcuff. Then kill the guys dog. This country has decided to give guns and a lot of power to largely uneducated people with very few other skills.


Well-Known Member
Watching that vid was a bit disturbing.

Though I understand the reasoning. If an 80+ pound Rottweiler attacked me, I would do the same.

I would feel pretty shitty afterwards.

Edit: like I do now. I love dogs.


Well-Known Member
I'm a big dog lover and have owned several rotties and in all fairness to the cops they waited until the dog actually went after them before shooting him. If you've ever been attacked by a dog you would understand. Dogs are weapons and control over them at all times is key. Owners fault for not rolling up his windows. Sad video.


In my town last week cops killed a dog, because they set up perimeter looking for a suspet, well they were doing a house to house search and went to go through a backyard and a pit was back there so they shot him just to search the yard. Police chief said they had good reason to think the guy was pack there, bullshit no ones jumping in a back yard with a pit and if they do, they jump right the fuck back over. Another one last konth, there doing a search warrant on a lady, well that lady sleep with a big dog, door busts open, dog runs down the hall and blam. Horrible.


Active Member
This video doesn't probably show the whole story, no one probably knows what it is. However, it is only reasonable to assume that the guy had given no real reason to be arrested other than just getting on the nerves of the police by filming them. So they do the normal things these days, approach and handcuff. Then kill the guys dog. This country has decided to give guns and a lot of power to largely uneducated people with very few other skills.

The best I can tell from watching lead-up video: The cops had a standoff going on at a house, this guy pulls up in the intersection bumping the shit out of his music with his dog hanging out the window. He watches for a second, then pulls over. He then gets out, gets his dog out, and parades him around like billy bad-ass. All the while leaving his stereo playing like it was a block party. You can't really hear what him and the officers say, but apparently they didn't like his presence.

Dude made lots of shitty decisions and ended up arrested and his dog shot. Sucks that the dog was shot, but when you go looking for confrontation with cops, you will probably get it.


Well-Known Member
I'm a big dog lover and have owned several rotties and in all fairness to the cops they waited until the dog actually went after them before shooting him. If you've ever been attacked by a dog you would understand. Dogs are weapons and control over them at all times is key. Owners fault for not rolling up his windows. Sad video.
Cops illegally handcuff guy and it's his fault? I don't think so. Cop wanted to kill the dog regardless. First thing he went for his gun. Could have gone for his taser if he thought it was going to be a problem.


Active Member
At least the cops hesitated until it made a move.
I agree but he was quick to go for his gun. Common sense would tell you to use a taser/stun gun. I guess the pussy feared for his life.



Well-Known Member
From what I saw the dog charged once or twice then actually jumped up and went for the cops arm. I agree they should have tried mace or a tazer but, until your in that situation with a 100 plus pound dog coming after you it's hard to say how one reacts. I own a pit who is very well trained but, because of her breed cops have 0 tolerance when it comes to the dogs being agressive towards them. Plus the guy's a fuckin" idiot for sticking his nose in a situation that had nothing to do with him. 100% owners fault the dog is dead!


Well-Known Member
Uncuff the owner and have HIM take care of the dog. Its not like he is going to get away or anything.


Well-Known Member
From what I saw the dog charged once or twice then actually jumped up and went for the cops arm. I agree they should have tried mace or a tazer but, until your in that situation with a 100 plus pound dog coming after you it's hard to say how one reacts. I own a pit who is very well trained but, because of her breed cops have 0 tolerance when it comes to the dogs being agressive towards them. Plus the guy's a fuckin" idiot for sticking his nose in a situation that had nothing to do with him. 100% owners fault the dog is dead!
So it's his fault for getting arrested while clearly doing nothing illegal? Plus, to say the dog "charged" is an exaggeration. The cops could have handled that a lot better.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
fucking cops!

tough guys in their bulletproof vests and weapons.

I hope the guy sues the shit out of them for unlawful detainment or something.

Agreed , the guy probably shouldn't have been there, but just like a pussy cop to arrest a guy and shoot his dog for protecting his owner.

Fuck em! makes me sick.



Well-Known Member
So it's his fault for getting arrested while clearly doing nothing illegal? Plus, to say the dog "charged" is an exaggeration. The cops could have handled that a lot better.
The dog was flipping out inside the guys car. He did jump up towards the cop. If it was your kid the dog was doing that to how would you react? No cop lover here by any means but, I've been attacked by a large aggressive breed dog before and it's no joke. They should have handled it differently but, the owner should have had his dog under control. If he had this wouldn't have happened.


Active Member
Anyone siding with the police is a scumbag. Who cares if the dog is 100+lbs?

1: If the dog was that big of an issue to their safety, they could have unrestrained the owner to let him put the dog back into the vehicle, and then taken him back into custody.
2: Police COMMONLY stand face to face with 200+ humans who have the capability of thinking and acting in a manner that can severely danger them. Does that mean you shoot someone the second they take a step toward you? No, you are suppose to wait until you have NO OTHER CHOICE. If you can use mase/ a tazer on a human, why dont you on a dog?
3: Any moron should have known as soon as that dog jumped out of the window that it was only attempting to protect its owner. That alone should have resulted in a different course of action. Waiting for the dog to continue its plan of instinctually protecting its owner was idiotic to say the least. What did they think would happen? The dog would charge, then whimper back to the car because it noticed they were police officers? LOL. what. a. fucking. joke.

This WREAKS of police abuse. They did NOTHING to prevent the situation. Lastly, shooting the dog 4 fucking times is overkill. That is complete and utter bullshit. Why not just fire your weapon near the animal and see what it does? Most dogs would run away tail between the legs at that point, 100+ lbs or not. The pussy was too afraid he would get bit on the arm, even though 3 other officers were standing right next to him.

That officer deserves to get pummeled to death in the streets. Karma is a bitch and you better believe his is coming for him.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
crappy situation but its the owners fault period if im walking the street and a dog comes after me and i have a gun there will be one less dog out there because the owner did not have control of the dog the windows should have been to where your dog cant jump out