I'm interested in speaking with anyone that might think their capable of performing QA in respect to the MMPR. Send me a pm for more details.
+1 in BC (lower mainland)
I'm interested in speaking with anyone that might think their capable of performing QA in respect to the MMPR. Send me a pm for more details.
Yah, a webinar, to help us be our own quality assurance person (QAP).
If I can test thc and cannabinoids what does it take to test for microbial and chemical contaminants.
Validated methods? Where is that official list?
Schedual B in the Foods and Drugs act, requires another book 1 of 8 The Canadian Formulary is one of them, where we should be able to get some of these answers. Anybody know of these books. European Pharmacopoeia etc. $300.oo on amazon.
At the moment we are just weighing our options, but we would like to know if there would be interest in this? Of course, this all depends on if we are able to get a license....
I would be interested in using your services. What Province are you in?
So Ive smoked weed for 20 years, does that mean I qualify as a QA person? Well since there are NO requirements for this position I guess the answer would be yes. Didnt HC even say there are no requirements and they dont even check what you put down for the persons qualifications?
I dont know where you read that; this is what they have to say:
"This employee must have the training, experience and technical knowledge related to the proposed licensed activities and the requirements of the MMPR. The applicant must submit a document signed and dated by the quality assurance person that includes:
The accuracy of the information contained in the report will be verified by Health Canada inspectors during the pre-licence inspection of the proposed site."
- a description of the quality assurance person's qualifications in respect of the proposed licensed activities and the requirement of the MMPR; and
- a report establishing that the buildings, equipment and proposed sanitation program to be used in conducting the proposed activities referred in the MMPR comply with the regulatory requirements.
From this it sounds like they will evaluate the qualifications of the QA person on a case by case basis. While they do not specify that there are any specific requirements, I would not interpret that as meaning that as meaning that there are no requirements or that they will not check what you put down. On the contrary, I would read this to mean that you need to justify why the QA person's background is suitable, in other words the onus is on you.
The other thing that this section implies is that the pre-licensing inspection is not only concerned with security, but also includes your drying, packaging, and other relevant facilities. The QA person must write a report regarding the sanitation methods to be implemented, and they say they will inspect the site to make sure those measures are as described.
So Ive smoked weed for 20 years, does that mean I qualify as a QA person? Well since there are NO requirements for this position I guess the answer would be yes. Didnt HC even say there are no requirements and they dont even check what you put down for the persons qualifications?
Lots of people may not be able to mention their experience without incriminating themselves. Any thoughts about this issue
So before people start getting all mad about my comment, it was more of a joke, obviously.. but in all seriousness the whole part about a QA person is a joke! I have read the regs, several times. I find it funny how they say this QA person should have the training and knowledge to assess the product and test it etc and yet they dont list any requirements this person needs to have. Honestly I believe HC is just putting up a front like you need to have scientists as QA person when in actuality someone with general growing experience and can use a THC test kit will be fine. I believe all they truly care about is your security measures. Even the part about testing for pesticides makes no sense, they say it must be below exceptable levels as laid out in the FDA, except there are no specific levels for medical marijuana as its a health product not a food product. Wow HC makes me mad
Great post(#223) kron3007, regarding microbial analysis. We also thought the European Pharmacopoeia was the one to use. All about HC’s interpretation like you said. We are beginning to write out our procedures and it is difficult to keep it simple and not get too wordy. Even still we are coming up with new things that we need procedures for. Lotsa work but seems straightforward enough. We would also be interested in your service, and wonder if the distance and or winter time shipping will effect anything.