New Member
No. Gays cannot reproduce by natural means, so they have no right being "married".
No. Gays cannot reproduce by natural means, so they have no right being "married".
No. Gays cannot reproduce by natural means, so they have no right being "married".
Who determines the rights of others and how is it determined?
Nature my friend, nature.
Nature provides no way for gays (strict gays, not bisexuals) to pass on their genes...a great way to ensure their traits are not perpetuated in the gene pool...
As Demi Moore said in "GI Jane", Fine by me, Master Chief.
We said "fuck nature" the moment we started circumventing it with medicine. It's not natural to survive aggressive cancers, HIV infection, a ruptured appendix, etc. We have this thing known as "artificial insemination" that allows for gays to reproduce these days. Your arguments are invalid.
Nature doesn't want gays to reproduce.
Yes, human brains have evolved to learn how to circumvent nature, to a certain extent. Artificial inseminations, vaccines, supposed "cures", etc. But every once in a while, nature rears her ugly head and reminds us that we are simply observers, and not architects.
The more we "circumvent" nature, the more we fool ourselves into thinking we are in control...we control nothing more than the air conditioning in our cars...nothing more...
Again, nature doesn't want gays to reproduce...and the more we fight against that, the more rude awakening we set ourselves up for...
Champion rump-ranging shit-eating gays if you like, but you are wrong...and nature agrees with me...
So you actually assign intent to nature?
No. Gays cannot reproduce by natural means, so they have no right being "married".
Nature doesn't want gays to reproduce.
Yes, human brains have evolved to learn how to circumvent nature, to a certain extent. Artificial inseminations, vaccines, supposed "cures", etc. But every once in a while, nature rears her ugly head and reminds us that we are simply observers, and not architects.
The more we "circumvent" nature, the more we fool ourselves into thinking we are in control...we control nothing more than the air conditioning in our cars...nothing more...
Again, nature doesn't want gays to reproduce...and the more we fight against that, the more rude awakening we set ourselves up for...
Champion rump-ranging shit-eating gays if you like, but you are wrong...and nature agrees with me...
We said "fuck nature" the moment we started circumventing it with medicine. It's not natural to survive aggressive cancers, HIV infection, a ruptured appendix, etc. We have this thing known as "artificial insemination" that allows for gays to reproduce these days. Your arguments are invalid.
ya know who else did the exact same thing? our old friend shotgun420.
sock puppet easily detected.
neither can many straight couples, should they also be denied marriage licenses?
should people have to pass fertility tests before they are granted a marriage license?
nice sock poppet, shitgun420. not fooling anyone.
Don't confuse implementation failures (i.e. straight people who can't technically reproduce) with DESIGN failures (i.e. fucking pervert gays) who can't reproduce AT ALL in accordance with their sickness.
Don't confuse implementation failures (i.e. straight people who can't technically reproduce) with DESIGN failures (i.e. fucking pervert gays) who can't reproduce AT ALL in accordance with their sickness.
Just my opinion there, unemployed former treadmill seller Buck. Welfare supporting you and your family now? I'll send ya a few bucks (no pun intended) if you need a handout.
Always thinking of me eh? buck. I told you before I don't swing that way m8. I can also assure you and I'm sure the mods can too me and him are 2 different users. You just stand stand when users have an opposing view to your own so you pull shit out of your ass.
A persons marriage is none of the governments business, they should have zero say on the issue.
remind me who hands out the marriage licenses again?
since the state is not gonna stop handing them out anytime soon, and since that makes it a civil and legal issue, that also makes it a civil right and subject to equal protection under the law.
i had lots of fun watching rawn pawl fanboys use the argument you just did to dance their way around the fact that they are libertarians who don't believe in liberty or the 14th amendment.
Maybe bitch boy buck maybe.
It happens when adults drink and try to reply to children.
Where you been ?
Hows Mrs. hands? I see the holocaust survivors fund is keeping you alive and fed. What camp was your wife in again?