World Of Hempy

Nizza, what I've tried to show peeps is that you can pretty much use anything in any combination you want in a hempy as long as the medium holds water and air. The rockwool in the res does hold more water but doesn't suffocate roots at all, the coco wicking upwards won't allow it. I just blew-off the need for runoff cause I'm limited in my feed qyt, by mixing container size so it's inconvenient for me to mix 2.1g instead of 2g. After 2 grows with zero problems and nice white roots I've proven to myself that runoff isn't necessary. So all one would have to do is water a little more to achieve runoff. Here would be a great combo with what you have, hydroton in the res, coco mixed with rockwool cubes up top. You could even layer the 3L like a cake, hydroton-rockwool-coco.
I dont water to run off very often and dont flush with pure water during growth/feed every watering. I do taper my nutes way down at the end.
sup fellas', bout to start planting the 30 x 3l hempys. few questions on how you all think i should mix up everything

the coco i grabbed is botanicare expanding "cocogro"
Espoma perlite
1x1 rockwool starter cubes
are the things i have

anything i should get and whater some recommendations for how to mix the top of the bucket and the res?

I've heard jela about the rockwool res but he says you gotta be careful to overwater cause its a sponge-like and may suffocate roots

didnt know if i could get away with maybe like a coco/perlite mix on top of a coco/hydroton resevoir though

If I remember correct, the cocogro is just pith. I've been mixing all 3 grades of coco (coir, chunk, pith) and cutting it with 25% perlite, and running it from bottom to top, and have had no problems and the roots zone uses the rez area.

So with your list of materials (assuming med to small size perlite) I'd use 1/4 to 1/3 perlite & fill from bottom to an 1" from the top and cap the last inch with just the coco product.

I've noticed when mixing perlite with coco to the top that the perlite in the upper inch will migrate to the top, but if capped it stays in place.

Another thing that I have noticed when breaking down the mixed coco buckets, is that the roots look the best, in areas where the pith is concentrated. I've seen full angle lace roots. Not sure if its the pith alone or the space that is created with the chunks. So I'll be real interested in a root report when you break these down in a few months.
So I left watering up to my girlfriends 21 year old son...this kid sits on his ass playing video games all day...anyway apperantly he forgot to water half of them because he was watering in between online games....hobble in there just now and half of them leaves withered buds hanging....watered them real good even though it hurt like a bitch and then turned lights off for a few hours....

fucking 4 months of work and lazy ass kid cant be responsible enough to pour water into pots...

im sure most will live but being in the end of week 6 im positive this will affect yield...

im gonna go smok3 a real big join5 so I dont cause an argument over her precious lazy fucking snowflake.
Yeah he smokes and has been asking me to teach him how to grow. Ive let him use a lil 150 watt hps , nutes, air pumps, buckets ect. Given him rooted cuttings and showed him how to DWC the two plants he has grown he cut down at about week 5 of flowering even though I made it clear that yeah they will look good at 5 weeks but its much better at week 9.

So seeing how impatient he is ive been just letting him help me mix nutes and stuff on my crop. I think he is more interested in free money than actually learning how to grow.

He told me last night that he didnt think one day would matter and sorry ect. Thing about telling him he needs to be more responsible to earn smoke is that my gf will just smoke it with him when im at work anyway....I already know she pays his 100 bucks rent that I charge for him. She just doesnt get that treating a 21 year old like he is 9 isnt preparing him for life. Honestly only damn thing her and I argue about. Blahw

Well none of my girls are dead but my big afghan blueberry looks real u happy and one of my BD too. Ill give em a couple days and see how they least at week 7 they cant be a total loss.

MOE are you out there? Got a bad feeling whatever country he lives in puts folks in jail for herb...and he did have a lot of plants.
Stevie looking good...I have a few that have the puffball like formations...

I have several under the HPS right now and they are the bomb, I like the new light...

I want to get these new ones a little more finished, many of them were in different rooms and different ages, then I will try for an all one strain grow...

I also still have alot of one 3 leaved plants, even under the HPS...They smell good and look fine so I'm not worried...

What do u have for ventilation? I nned to figure out what to use and get it vented to the outside, it's smelling down there..
Ok guys I need some help,

I'm going to look at a truck tomorrow...the one I'm looking at is 2 wd, extended cab, bed liner, everything 1999 ford f150 v-8 auto, I use my truck more and like it better than a I might sell my car, and my other truck and drive this one...What do I need to look for, I have never bought a used one by myself...and we know I don't have Hubby to help anymore...I know good tires, a good sounding motor without unusual knocks...good glass, does everything like the radio work...oh yes and the A/C

BTW I know this is NOT hempy related except for the fact something has to haul all the stuff I need home :)
Stevie looking good...I have a few that have the puffball like formations...

I have several under the HPS right now and they are the bomb, I like the new light...

I want to get these new ones a little more finished, many of them were in different rooms and different ages, then I will try for an all one strain grow...

I also still have alot of one 3 leaved plants, even under the HPS...They smell good and look fine so I'm not worried...

What do u have for ventilation? I nned to figure out what to use and get it vented to the outside, it's smelling down there..

Thanks Who! I use a 430 cfm fan to vent my hood (I have it on control so it's not at full power unless I need it). I can't vent outside either so I cut o hole in the ceiling of my closet and it does the trick for me even in this massive heat wave we been having.
Ok guys I need some help,

I'm going to look at a truck tomorrow...the one I'm looking at is 2 wd, extended cab, bed liner, everything 1999 ford f150 v-8 auto, I use my truck more and like it better than a I might sell my car, and my other truck and drive this one...What do I need to look for, I have never bought a used one by myself...and we know I don't have Hubby to help anymore...I know good tires, a good sounding motor without unusual knocks...good glass, does everything like the radio work...oh yes and the A/C

BTW I know this is NOT hempy related except for the fact something has to haul all the stuff I need home :)

Who, if u know someone who is a good mechanic if ask him to tag along and take a look for you or if there is an auto shop nearby where your buying the truck ask them to give it a quick look.

Its the only advice I can give since I know nothing about trucks or cars....yes I'm a city slicker.
Test drive it and make sure the transmission doesn't slip, check the dip stick and make sure the oil looks good and that there are no metal shavings or anything else in the oil, while you are under the hood look for possible leaks that might have been cleaned up, sniff the exhaust to make sure its not burning oil, make sure the coolant system contains cleanish green water if it appears thick or milky that's a sign of gasket problems, and check the suspension components under the car to make sure nothing looks damaged that could cause it to be unsafe, you are an engineer i believe, so i don't think you should have much of a problem detecting broken parts.