The New 'Merica


Well-Known Member
I usually stay out of this minefield, but many in TNT know I have some strong opinions on the future of the the US and world. Let's not point party fingers, because, as I have stated in the few posts made in this section, both parties are nothing more than puppets. We need to discuss what is happening to this country, the world, and humanity. Soon, the corporations/few truly elite will be running the world and we will all be nothing but slaves. Soylent green is sheople!

The dollar keeps climbing on news of job growth, and the horrible joke that is the manipulated stock market goes up. The truth, however is that these "new jobs" are mostly minimum wage jobs, and now, a little more truth slips into the light. The corporations and big business are actually turning to temps to cut costs and avoid paying benefits. The fucking wealthy are doing away with paying for healthcare and making us pay for ourselves with the new Obamacare plan. How do people not see what is happening? This is not an anti Obama post, it is a commentary on what the few at the top are manuevering into for a few more dollars at the expense of the many slaves who think they have something because they keep buying what the tv tells them they need to be something.

[h=1]Temporary Jobs Becoming a Permanent Fixture in US[/h][h=2]Temporary jobs becoming a permanent fixture in US as more employers seek 'just-in-time' labor[/h]


Undercover Mod
No one cares anymore. We have been trained to be subservient. Anyone who does care will be shot down as a lunatic. Choke down your pills and get back to work.


Active Member
i completely agree with you here clayton, and i try to raise awareness amongst my circle all the time. however, as balzac pointed out, which is entirely true, its the american apathy that will enslave us all. no ones really cares anymore because despite what everyone says about "how bad the world is" most americans are still enjoying a pretty comfortable life and are able to buy whatever they think they need, so they dont see the real problem, they dont think the economy is as bad as everyone says, and they dont understand all the looney conspiracy theorists like us.

its a true shame.


Active Member
The average middle class american has no worry where their money goes. Majority goes over seas and to the 700 billion/365 days military budget. They will get passed 20 trillion debt easily in next few years. At this rate with syria we will have nearly half trillion dumped into that civil war for geopolitical power, same ol story. I agree, back to mindless obedient jobs, you don't want to watch the us govt spend 300,000 USD to kill 1 farmer in the desert/mountain on youtube if your making 50,000-80,000 a year, that work hard lifestyle doesn't mesh well with apache guncam footage compilations, lol.


Active Member
I would like to see how many of our internal problems went away if we devoted our "foreign aid" to "internal reconstruction". Hell we could put all of America and Mexico to work with a budget like that..... but alas i'm sure someone is Washington as a good reason, IMO we should send it to China if anyone,... hell i'm surprised we are allowed to keep sending money to other countries when we owe so much to some..... guess my parents taught me a few things differently than the parents of our politicians.


Well-Known Member
They are getting ready to kill off most people, it's pretty sad and scary, all I can do is laugh and pray
I think they are planning on bumping off like eight billion people or something, no idea when or how, hopefully it will just be by the stuff they are putting in the food and air and water and vaccines sterilizing us to lower birth rates, that would be the nice way of doing it so hopefully they go that route and it's not so bad


Well-Known Member
They are getting ready to kill off most people, it's pretty sad and scary, all I can do is laugh and pray
I think they are planning on bumping off like eight billion people or something, no idea when or how, hopefully it will just be by the stuff they are putting in the food and air and water and vaccines sterilizing us to lower birth rates, that would be the nice way of doing it so hopefully they go that route and it's not so bad
you're hilarious beardo.

no real disagreement with the OP, we are being pinched.

question though: is there any country better than ours that you'd prefer to live in more? that goes for OP and anyone else who wants to answer.

my answer: nope. for all our faults, there is no better place in the world for me.


Well-Known Member
They have 7 out of 10 'Mericans on at least one prescription drug, 50% on at least two, and 20% on five or more.

Because we are running 2 Trillion dollar anual deficits, we are no longer spending money on an already outdated infrastructure. Water scarcity is going to be a real problem soon, BRICS countries are trying to get off the USD, China is about to have their own bubble and have ruined most of their resources, blah, blah, blah


Well-Known Member
you're hilarious beardo.

no real disagreement with the OP, we are being pinched.

question though: is there any country better than ours that you'd prefer to live in more? that goes for OP and anyone else who wants to answer.

my answer: nope. for all our faults, there is no better place in the world for me.
Nope, I would say the USA is still the best place for me to be, I can't think of any place better, USA is still #1 for whatever that's worth, I hear people in France have it pretty good for whatever that's worth but France is fucked and I wouldn't want to be there, I just find it interesting that people from there say it has a lot of benefits that sound good to me even though I was always led to believe France sucks, I still wouldn't want to be there and they are no better off than we are, it's worse there.
I have come up with Vietnam as a place I would go if given the chance when the day comes that were so fucked here that it's time to leave, if there is the opportunity to get out.
Also Paraguay and Argentina look interesting
Maybe Africa? Somalia or Ethiopia oe Liberia?
I would choose Vietnam
But yes the USA is the place I want to be but it sucks that we're fucked and getting worse and when the day comes we will take down the whole planet with us and we have no chance of stopping it, might as well enjoy today
Our country merged with the Nazis and Communists and now we are globalists it sucks we are partners with China, all the BS in the news is propaganda at the top we are merged


Well-Known Member
you're hilarious beardo.

no real disagreement with the OP, we are being pinched.

question though: is there any country better than ours that you'd prefer to live in more? that goes for OP and anyone else who wants to answer.

my answer: nope. for all our faults, there is no better place in the world for me.
How many other countries have you lived in to compare to your experiences with living in the USA ?
i doubt anything will feel better than home for most folk, even those that come from France or somewhere else disgusting

i hear those Swedish folk have a good standard of living, not sure i would want to live there though


Well-Known Member
How many other countries have you lived in to compare to your experiences with living in the USA ?
i doubt anything will feel better than home for most folk, even those that come from France or somewhere else disgusting

i hear those Swedish folk have a good standard of living, not sure i would want to live there though
as much as i am for socialism lite, england is too socialist for me. plus, it rains all summer. fuck that.

as if i would want to freeze my ass off in sweden.

canada has uber-expensive cigarettes and beer, plus they are located in canada.

mexico has nice places, but nothing that would compare to our standard of living here.

really, america is where it's at. specifically my neck of the woods. i like it here far better than any other area of the nation i've lived in or even visited.


Well-Known Member
as much as i am for socialism lite, england is too socialist for me. plus, it rains all summer. fuck that.

as if i would want to freeze my ass off in sweden.

canada has uber-expensive cigarettes and beer, plus they are located in canada.

mexico has nice places, but nothing that would compare to our standard of living here.

really, america is where it's at. specifically my neck of the woods. i like it here far better than any other area of the nation i've lived in or even visited.
What do you think of my choice of Vietnam?
Or the others I named?
What is your take on what would be the best country if Alex Jones turns out to be correct and the shit hits the fan and the depopulation plan goes full throttle?


New Member
What do you think of my choice of Vietnam?
Or the others I named?
What is your take on what would be the best country if Alex Jones turns out to be correct and the shit hits the fan and the depopulation plan goes full throttle?
I'll take any country UB is not in. LOL.

I have always been interested in Vietnam. Never been there but have many Viet friends. I also like Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

I have been to Central America and am going to Ecuador next year for vacation. I will also spend a couple days in Columbia. The year after that I will do Thailand, Phuket is cheap as hell.

I know I will end up moving out of the states. I can't stand what it's become here. I feel more free when I am outside of the states.


Well-Known Member
as much as i am for socialism lite, england is too socialist for me. plus, it rains all summer. fuck that.

as if i would want to freeze my ass off in sweden.

canada has uber-expensive cigarettes and beer, plus they are located in canada.

mexico has nice places, but nothing that would compare to our standard of living here.

really, america is where it's at. specifically my neck of the woods. i like it here far better than any other area of the nation i've lived in or even visited.
you have lots of bits missing from your globe, the world is bigger than that, you want to stay in the Americas lol
the rest of the world sighs in relief i guess

what about Japan ?
Spain is hot but it does have Spanish people , i guess you are sick of those already in your homeland

as far as i know you can't buy 100 chicken Mcnuggets in England so you would be out of luck you could buy 5x 20 boxes but the price would be high
you possibly are in the best suited place

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
you have lots of bits missing from your globe, the world is bigger than that, you want to stay in the Americas lol
the rest of the world sighs in relief i guess

what about Japan ?
I'd love to live in Japan but it's economy is turning to shit. Elderly diapers exceed sales of infants because most of the young male population has no incentive to do shit beside Jack off to pixelated hentai in there parents basement. Plus everything is super expensive. It's prime has passed. The only plus is the amount of unsatisfied woman to be had.

I'd move to New Zealand or Canada personally, or just stay stay in the good ol' US of A.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to live in Japan but it's economy is turning to shit. Elderly diapers exceed sales of infants because most of the young male population has no incentive to do shit beside Jack off to pixelated hentai in there parents basement. Plus everything is super expensive. It's prime has passed. The only plus is the amount of unsatisfied woman to be had.

I'd move to New Zealand or Canada personally, or just stay stay in the good ol' US of A.
yeah i hear New Zealand is nice, with lots of untouched scenery if you like that kind of thing best beaches
i had not thought so deeply about Japans economy or infrastructure, or teenage delinquents
it does seem like an interesting country and culture to see though very different to England