Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

yeah, because freezing ISO, and bud for 48 hours. putting the bud in a strainer, and pouring ISO through it is sooooo much tougher and more technical.

reproduce my results if its so easy :)
Ive even literally written out how, step by step!
remember i produce such clarity that you can read text through a 1" film of oil....
oh, and i dont need to use bud, i get that quality from leaf. ;)
also dont forget that i produce 50-200+ gram batches at a time :)

Gluck ;)
lol its all in the starting material. just like rize. hate to burst your bubble, me and you both know that your techniques are nothing crazy advanced or that most of us dont know about you might have one or two tweaks, but thats it. to think that youre the only one that can produce a clear ISO oil is foolish, especially when you say youve revealed your secretsv( I havnt read first post), guys making clear ISO oil at 1" thick are a dime a dozen..

not saying I could do it the first time, but if anyone here tried a few times with AAA bud frozen for 48 hours, iso or everclear frozen for 48 hours. all tools frozen, and all extractions done in the cold, and VERY fast. as well as a proper cooking off of the ISO, not getting it too hot, "burning" it and darkening the color, which also comes from over rinsing, rinsing while not frozen, material too finely chopped, or old/poor material, we could get a nice golden oil. I dunno, maybe its just me and I happen to be good at things the first time around, whereas some people royally fuck it up everytime... but its really not tough if you got the time, money/material, and knowledge.

props for keeping it old school though and keeping the ISO alive. youre the 2nd person I know that chooses ISO over butane. the other guy almost shit his pants and puked when he tried a hoot of my vac purged BHO. he always thought his oil was the top dog... once he had my hoot, he put his oil jar away... wasnt even going to offer me one. he knew it would be wasting my time LOL!!! no comparison and he knew it!
Explain this than....

and btw I have EARNED my arrogance, and I do sincerely apologize you have associated with a known pedo...

My apologies to you. I posted after not enough reading. I have been schooled and stand corrected on the ISO subject. I made it for years and was speaking from that experience but see I was doing it wrong. I was snarky without warrant. I stand by the idea that great breeding is going on all over. M. Emory is a Pedo..! That is a drag to hear. Be well.
lol its all in the starting material. just like rize. hate to burst your bubble, me and you both know that your techniques are nothing crazy advanced or that most of us dont know about you might have one or two tweaks, but thats it. to think that youre the only one that can produce a clear ISO oil is foolish, especially when you say youve revealed your secretsv( I havnt read first post), guys making clear ISO oil at 1" thick are a dime a dozen..

not saying I could do it the first time, but if anyone here tried a few times with AAA bud frozen for 48 hours, iso or everclear frozen for 48 hours. all tools frozen, and all extractions done in the cold, and VERY fast. as well as a proper cooking off of the ISO, not getting it too hot, "burning" it and darkening the color, which also comes from over rinsing, rinsing while not frozen, material too finely chopped, or old/poor material, we could get a nice golden oil. I dunno, maybe its just me and I happen to be good at things the first time around, whereas some people royally fuck it up everytime... but its really not tough if you got the time, money/material, and knowledge.

props for keeping it old school though and keeping the ISO alive. youre the 2nd person I know that chooses ISO over butane. the other guy almost shit his pants and puked when he tried a hoot of my vac purged BHO. he always thought his oil was the top dog... once he had my hoot, he put his oil jar away... wasnt even going to offer me one. he knew it would be wasting my time LOL!!! no comparison and he knew it!

identical starting materials i will choose the iso extract every time.

simply for the fact its a stronger solvent and extracts a broader range of terpenes, flavinoids, and cannabinoids than what butane is capable of extracting within the chemical spectrum.

you're comparing a non-polar to semi-polar solvent, their extraction capabilities are most defiantly Not equal.
Hello all:

I am new here but have been following some older posts, including this one for some time. I had an idea and want to run it by you guys. Please be kind, I am not an experienced "Blade". I am simply interested in improving my method and producing a better, cleaner product. This is my idea. We all know that commercial butane used for lighter refills contains things like waxes for lubrication, and additives that give it a foul odor. I am thinking of adding a second chamber to form a two column series. Activated carbon in the first column and material to be extracted in the second column. My theory is that the butane will come into contact with the activated carbon and be scrubbed of all the nasty before ever entering the column containing the material to be extracted.

My question is whether anyone here has tried this and how efficient it was at cleansing the butane? As mentioned before, I have been reading a lot but I have not seen this mentioned anywhere! Could this be an oversight? Have I missed something?
One more thing. How do you upload a photo onto your profile? I went into the "Customize your profile" but could not find a way to do it.

Thanks in advance!

i was wondering the same about the factory waxes,lubes. best way could be a closed loop dry run. first run should leave all the waxes,lubes behind giving you back your good tane.
Hello all:

I am new here but have been following some older posts, including this one for some time. I had an idea and want to run it by you guys. Please be kind, I am not an experienced "Blade". I am simply interested in improving my method and producing a better, cleaner product. This is my idea. We all know that commercial butane used for lighter refills contains things like waxes for lubrication, and additives that give it a foul odor. I am thinking of adding a second chamber to form a two column series. Activated carbon in the first column and material to be extracted in the second column. My theory is that the butane will come into contact with the activated carbon and be scrubbed of all the nasty before ever entering the column containing the material to be extracted.

My question is whether anyone here has tried this and how efficient it was at cleansing the butane? As mentioned before, I have been reading a lot but I have not seen this mentioned anywhere! Could this be an oversight? Have I missed something?

Your brain works! Cool. I'd wonder if butane is also grabbed by the carbon? I am under the impression that a quality butane does not contain additives for smell detection. I mention quality because a lot of the cheaper (Chinese) butanes contain more waxes and impurities, regardless of what the can says), than others. It seems that the stuff from the U.K. is pretty good. BE CAREFUL! The shit is heavier than air and can find a pilot light, heater, etc. pretty easy. OUTSIDE if possible, well vented if not. Skin grafts suck. Peace.
smoking on some of this right now . . .
this how we do, notice the CBD's . . notice the activated % . . .

  • < 0.01% CBG-A
  • < 0.01% CBG
  • < 0.01% CBG-TOTAL
  • < 0.01% &#8710;[SUP]9[/SUP]-THC-A
  • 33.61% &#8710;[SUP]9[/SUP]-THC
  • < 0.01% &#8710;[SUP]8[/SUP]-THC
  • < 0.01% CBN
  • 33.61% THC-TOTAL
  • < 0.01% CBD-A
  • 49.95% CBD
  • 49.95% CBD-TOTAL
  • 2.74% CBC

    &#8710;9THC + &#8710;8THC + CBN + CBD + CBG + CBC

    Cannabinoids that have been activated through decarboxylation (curing/storage of flowers, or heating/cooking of edibles, tinctures, & concentrates)
Your brain works! Cool. I'd wonder if butane is also grabbed by the carbon? I am under the impression that a quality butane does not contain additives for smell detection. I mention quality because a lot of the cheaper (Chinese) butanes contain more waxes and impurities, regardless of what the can says), than others. It seems that the stuff from the U.K. is pretty good. BE CAREFUL! The shit is heavier than air and can find a pilot light, heater, etc. pretty easy. OUTSIDE if possible, well vented if not. Skin grafts suck. Peace.

The activated carbon will not absorb the butane due to the volume of solvent going through the system under pressure. The beauty of this is that anything suspended in the butane should become trapped in the carbon. Butane does not form chemical bonds with the other substances in solution; they are simply suspended there. This now clean/cleaner solvent will pass through the second chamber and dissolve all of the THC and CBD into solution. Therefore I believe the bad stuff would be stripped out and leave a near pure butane/propane, cannabinoid mixture which will then evaporate off leaving only pure oil in the collection dish. Vacuum purge and winterize then dry out with double boiler and pyrex, scrape and presto!


I am going to experiment with running just butane through one tube filled with activated carbon and see if it comes out any clearer on the mirror.
My thoughts.....why go through all that work. I prefer hexane over butane anyway and its pure

I also think its odd 3 different new users appeared on riu today asking about this same method.... my thoughts.... its 1 person
My thoughts.....why go through all that work. I prefer hexane over butane anyway and its pure

I also think its odd 3 different new users appeared on riu today asking about this same method.... my thoughts.... its 1 person

No real work involved. Someone else wrote on this board asking carbon filtration questions? If so, I did not see it and I am sorry. There seems to be a vein of hostility running through this thread. I assure everyone here that I am just one person and I am new here. I have a basic understanding of science and chemistry and I like to get high. That is the only reason I am on here.

I meant no hostility..if I could I would have another account. Maybe one nicer and not so analytical....but its cool to see more people into chemistry

My point being though hexane a longer hydrocarbon produces a better extract than butane without any of the contaminants so its better all around.. I kinda look down on butane
smoking on some of this right now . . .
this how we do, notice the CBD's . . notice the activated % . . .

  • < 0.01% CBG-A
  • < 0.01% CBG
  • < 0.01% CBG-TOTAL
  • < 0.01% &#8710;[SUP]9[/SUP]-THC-A
  • 33.61% &#8710;[SUP]9[/SUP]-THC
  • < 0.01% &#8710;[SUP]8[/SUP]-THC
  • < 0.01% CBN
  • 33.61% THC-TOTAL
  • < 0.01% CBD-A
  • 49.95% CBD
  • 49.95% CBD-TOTAL
  • 2.74% CBC

    &#8710;9THC + &#8710;8THC + CBN + CBD + CBG + CBC

    Cannabinoids that have been activated through decarboxylation (curing/storage of flowers, or heating/cooking of edibles, tinctures, & concentrates)

good shit! i see the 5000ppm limit for the day but how bad is 60ppm?
No worries qwizoking. I know nothing about hexane extraction or purging. I know that butane and propane for that matter are easily purged with heat and vacuum. The only drawback I see using butane is the inconsistent quality even within a given brand, hence my filtration hypothesis and the fact that it is potentially hazardous if there is any chance of coming into contact with spark or flame. I plan to test my theory tonight or tomorrow (outdoors of course). I will post my results just in case anyone might be at least remotely interested.
